Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1098: Innate rules remain

Help at home, subscribe, subscribe. Subscribe Now the old money finally knows that Leifeng is the first catty. Entering the aura of the congenital earth spirit is nothing more than raising the level of the golden core by one level.

The huge and heavy pressure brought by the innate earth spirit aura was really beyond the physical strength of ordinary monks.

Leifeng is to upgrade the Golden Core, and it does not take much time.

If Leifeng had condensed the golden core in the aura of the innate earth spirit, Old Qian had no doubt that he would be crushed to death by the aura of the original earth spirit.

No wonder that even if the golden core is successfully condensed, it is divided into nine grades.

The strength of the body, the amount of heaven and earth vitality that the exercises practiced can withstand, and the quality is not high.

This is essentially the same as refining the outer pill.

The added medicinal materials and materials are of different quality. The firepower of the pill furnace is not strong, and it is pure and impure, which ultimately determines the success or failure and quality of the refined pill.

The truth between heaven and earth is similar in essence.

However, there are a few people who can be like Lao Qian. When condensing the golden core, the strength of his body has reached nine times that of the peak period of the silver armor corpse?

Nine times the strength of the body of the silver armor corpse, of course, it can withstand the passage of more and stronger heaven and earth vitality.

Old Qian couldn't help but look forward to his own golden core of condensed soil.

Isn't there something to say?

If it comes, it will be safe.

At a point of the size of the rice grain, the rotation speed becomes faster and faster.

This process of alchemy is irreversible. Once the black hole that has absorbed the spiritual energy vitality, it will begin to consume all the spiritual vitality energy to replenish itself until the pill formation is successful. Or the pill formation fails and it bursts completely.

The glaze-like innate earth spirit aura flooded in crazily.

Like a train, crushing the meridians of the old money.

The black hole the size of a rice grain has become a sphere the size of a soybean, and this sphere the size of a soybean. The earthy yellow color is less, and the transparent glazed brilliance is more.

It's like an amber with ocher spots.

Absorbing a large amount of the aura of the innate earth spirit, the texture of this soybean-sized substance is much stronger than the golden core that has been upgraded to the pinnacle of the seventh rank!

Duan Duan's scenes and information, with the influx of the innate earth spirit aura, are constantly being captured by the soul of the gods.

The primordial spirit of the old money seems to have come into the void again. In the void, there are traces of transparent glass-like yellow light floating. Under the effect of this transparent glass-like yellow light, countless imperceptible substances around gradually Gather. It turns into a variety of gases and dust.

Gas and dust are guided by various mysterious rules. Gradually gathered and turned into a ball of spheres.

These spheres contain many, many precious substances.

The entire void is full of various fluctuations.

Under various fluctuations. Various spheres began to collide and converge.

The big sphere swallows the small special body.

With the violent impact, one small island. It began to form in the void, and even on some large islands, gravity even appeared.

These gravity attract the smaller islands around here. Hit the big island, and as the smaller island disappears, the big island becomes bigger.

The powerful swallows the weak, and the heaven is ruthless.

Does the formation of the plane follow this rule?

Old Qian's Yuanshen Master Yuanshen carefully observed the amber-like soybeans that were spinning fast in the dantian.

And all the shadows of the golden fruit are fully activated. Comprehending the rules of these innate earth spirits.

The shadows of these golden fruits and their perception of the rules will all be passed on to the entire divine palace.

Under their full comprehension.

The shape of the land of the gods gradually began to change.

Whether it’s the islands in the white-blue cold lake in the sacred mansion or the Jinwang Mountain, some of the soil and rocks on their edges are gradually distorted, like some kind of symbol, and like some kind of abstract painting, full of Incomprehensible mystery.

These mysterious symbols and images formed by rocks and mud gradually changed the land in the divine palace.

Become full of the power of the earth system.

The three-color spirit root, the master soul of the old money, immediately understood that in the future, he will be more powerful when he uses the mystery of the earth element.

Because these patterns and symbols in themselves represent a more powerful earth force mystery.

The aura of the innate earth spirit is really powerful!

No wonder, there are so many monks who want to get it at any cost!

Only then did the old money know the preciousness of innate aura.

No matter how polite you usually are, once you encounter the treasure of the innate earth spirit air that carries the residual information of innate rules, no matter what you are. He also showed a greedy face and a dark heart immediately.

All kinds of calculations, ingenious and arrogant, do everything!

Even Audrey, a high-ranking and powerful figure, heard that Peacock Castle was captured by a foreign monk. I can't help but commit the danger and go out in person.

The three fishermen stared dumbfounded.

Because Lao Qian didn't release his earth system spiritual power to relieve the impact of the innate earth spirit aura outside his body.

Instead, let these innate earth spirits aura. It is divided into dozens of small snakes and poured directly into the acupuncture points of Old Qian's body! Use... Ting buffer to absorb the innate earth spirit air! Moreover, it is not absorbed by one or two or a few acupuncture points.

It absorbs dozens of acupuncture points at the same time!

This has subverted the understanding of the three intervening people.

"Could this brother Qian not be a human? Is it a stone man or a metal man?"

Biao Biao asked the two brothers in disbelief.

In the process of upgrading the earth element gold core, he personally experienced the innate earth spirit air entering the body. The heavy pressure brought to one's own meridian body caused great pain.

Don't look at plugging the peak to repair your soil system and release it. Used to buffer the huge pressure brought by the innate earth spirit air.

However, the whole body's meridians, muscles, and blood vessels were still bursting under the tremendous pressure brought by the innate earth spirit air, and it was so painful.

If it hadn't been for he had formed a golden core. It has a healing effect beyond imagination for internal injuries. In addition, the elixir of Dandingmen is very effective.

Lao Feng suspected that he had been killed by the aura of the innate earth spirit, bursting his whole body meridians, bursting alive.

"Impossible, stone man, metal man. There is no flesh and blood in the body, and the acupuncture points are far inferior to humans.

Although after condensing the golden core, its power greatly exceeds that of human monks of the same rank.

However, just turning into a human form and possessing the strength is close to a human monk of the Ninth-Rank Golden Core.

When we met Brother Qian. He is a stronger ordinary human.

This kind of disguise cannot be disguised. "

Leiyue shook her head, this inference is simply cranky.

"It seems that this little brother really broke out of fame, a fish turned into a dragon. At least it can be said to have turned into a dragon.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about this set of flags. Compared with some of our top formation hair items, it is not inferior.

If the three of us refine this array of flags. I'm afraid it won't be refined in hundreds of years. "

Lao sighed.

Forty-nine array flags have been arranged.

The flag is as transparent as a jewel, like a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple carved from seven gems. The glazed sea above the flag is eager to move. On the flag are forty-nine red-winged phoenix birds. From his mouth, there was a steady stream of Liuliyun breath.

The usage and efficacy of the Jiukuizhu Star Array can be understood by three people after reading it.

The three intruders themselves have certain accomplishments in the formation, which can be seen at a glance.

This Jiukui Zhuxing Array, although its power is very good.

However, the refining of this array of flags. It's too complicated.

I am afraid to gather the power of a small school. After a long period of refining, this effect can be achieved.

The three fishermen are about to delve into the mystery of the Jiukui Zhu star formation.

Seeing the horizon, a group of mighty sword lights flew like electric flashes, dragging out large swathes of brilliant trajectory in the sky.

"It's a monk on the gallon plane!"

Lao Feng was the first to identify a person's identity. After Jin Dan was upgraded to the seventh-rank number of peaks, no matter what aspect of his ability was.

The collapse has greatly increased. While the two seniors are still identifying, he has already clearly identified the identity of the future person.

"Just circumventing them, but this time they came more.

We also have too few manpower to kill them all. "

Laohai said coldly.

The blue gust of wind, like a sea tide. The surface of Chahai's body was surging up and down.

Laohai seemed to have become a breeze. A sea of ​​storms.

In the glass-like yellow light cluster. It was as if the old money had been penetrated by dozens of yellow glaze rays, looking up at the mighty sword light flying fast. The expression in his eyes is indeed very plain.

This is my own catastrophe coming ~www.readwn.com~ Condensing pill with innate aura is more powerful and effective than ordinary pill, and the calamity suffered is greater.

Old Qian knows very well that this is just the beginning, and he doesn't know what kind of back-hands he has arranged behind these monks.

Old Qian can say with certainty that according to the rules of the Tao of Heaven and Earth, the golden core he condensed is much stronger than the golden core of Laofeng.

Then, the calamity that I have suffered is several times stronger than the calamity that Liefeng has suffered.

"As many as you come, kill as many!

Either you die, or I die! "

The three-color spirit roots in the old Qian's palace groaned softly: "Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now it's a step forward!"

Come on, disaster!

I will smash you one by one!

It's just a pity, the innate rules left in these innate earth spirit air.

Old Qian thought about it, unless the Jiukui Zhuxing Array couldn't support it. Then put the eight fighting golden fruit shadows out for battle.

If the eight golden fruit shadows are released right now, these golden fruit shadows will stop their perception of the innate rules remaining in the aura of the innate earth spirit.

The formation flag of the Jiukuizhu Star Array can be repaired if it is broken.

However, the remaining innate rules in the aura of these innate earth spirits disappeared in a flash. Can never be retrieved again.

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