Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1129: Xiaoyi and Dayi

Help at home. subscription. subscription. Subscribing to Song Mang, when he heard this, he was looking at the tone of the old Qian's speech.

Real Man Songmang's pupils shrank, and the light in his eyes was almost like piercing the boulder.

The master of love is finally here. To recover this old account.

"You thief! Spoil the good girl. Still have a face?"

The real Songmang just shouted.

He looked awe-inspiring.

It is worthy of being the head, knowing that you must first put yourself on the commanding heights of justice.

"Cheer, you shameless villain, use the public power granted to you by the sect to isolate everyone in the sect. Put an end to the discussion of everyone in the sect, and specialize in the damaging things that bully orphans and widows.

The subjective motives are not good, and the evil is present.

Don’t you understand that today your gross number has arrived?

I will not kill you, I will punish you and be my son's servant forever!

Until the day he forgive you."

After the old Qian finished speaking, he spoke upright and solemnly, Ning Biya's group of Jindan monks and disciples. Half a sentence was silent.

"You... dreaming!"

Seeing that Old Qian said this, he couldn't be kind.

Shengen shouted: "You wicked fellow, take my sword!"

Blizzards rise on the ground, as if covering the entire land in an instant.

When there is a thick layer of frost condensed in a few miles!

The film is as big as a mat with sword light. Spin hurriedly. As if with the cold of cutting everything. It has already blasted in front of the real Songmang!

It's time to act in front of my sister-in-law and nephew.

What the turtles didn't expect was that the most active and fastest performer turned out to be this golden beard fish monster.

Perhaps, from the plane of the main **** of Guangming. Following Qian Xing, he came to the plane of the strange Lord Biyou.

Maybe. He is a monster in itself.

The combination of these two mentalities made Benn, the golden-beard fish demon, the one who most needed to show that he was finally rich.

Therefore, the reaction is so fast and so hard.

Of course, the old money forms a golden pill and becomes the emperor's tripod. The demonstrated strength is also one of the reasons.

Even if Benn loses himself, but. Under the help of the old money, Benn has enough confidence. Save your life.

Song Mang sneered: "The virtue of green pine, the wind and the snow! Why is it afraid of heavy snow?"

The pine tree is one of the three friends of the cold, and its strength lies in its resistance to thin spine and severe cold. forever Young. Verdant

In other words, cultivate the mysterious power of pine trees. For the power of the cold element, the power of gray, and the power of drought, all have extremely strong resistance.

The thousands of Blizzard swords that Blizzard Sword has turned into are exactly what "Pine Power" is good at resisting.

Following Songmang's real person, he gave a cold drink. In front of the real person of Songmang, there appeared a pine forest one after another. Above the pine forest, the verdant crown was covered like a cloud, and the crown of each pine tree emitted a thousand blue rays of light outward. It's as thin as a needle. Extremely sharp.

Pieces of pine forests radiated the Ivanhoe light, flying all over the sky, roaring like thunder, with a fierce momentum, as if the blizzard sword light that could flatten a mountain, was stabbed by the billions of blue light, and it was broken! "

Blizzard-like sword light, as if hitting countless hedgehogs!

The momentum is getting smaller and smaller. Gradually disappear!

The blizzard's whistling sound like wind and thunder finally stopped.

Shengen found out in frustration that under the guard of thousands of pine forests, his opponent was not damaged at all?

It's just that the Songtao, which is like a wave of waves, has been clipped in half.

I have penetrated another page of the Blizzard Sword Sutra, and this Blizzard Sword Light, after being refined by the Golden Net Mountain Golden Net fluctuations, its hardness and power are at least twice stronger than the original Blizzard Creation Sutra!

Unexpectedly, under the full attack, he returned without success.

Money is too silly!

When the real person Songmang just arrived, he felt extremely scared and worried.

He was worried about his father. Will suffer the same fate as my own mother.

However, the old Qian's rhetoric. A trace of excitement flashed through the depths of the money's eyes!

Let Song Mang be his servant, this is the best and most explanatory way of revenge Qian Guo can think of!

"He is so cruel!"

In the heart of money, it is not only for the cheap father, the old money. With such a touch of goodwill.

Regardless of success or failure, he wants to give me this breath.

When the holy grace, the servant of the old money, makes profit. Qian thought that this entourage. Loyalty is loyalty. However, it must be dead!

The head of Songmang, the real Jindan, in the eyes of the handymen who have always accompanied Qian Guo, that is the supreme god!

However, after a round of fighting, although Blizzard Jianguang did not break through Songmang's Wanqing Songtao, it fell in the wind.

However, Benn did not take a step back!

This is, this is...a random thing of the old man!

Money is too cash. Unconsciously. I actually said the word "daddy" in my heart.

"Bah, baah, baah! What a dad he is!"

Qian Guo wants to slap himself!

"Bah, you're so big, silly boy, you don't know the blessing in the blessing.

Guang's strange voice sounded from Qian Guo's head. Qian Guo looked up and saw that there was a flaming red chicken on the tiles that had become Huang Yu!

This flaming red chicken had an unusually big head, and a pair of big golden eyes, which took up almost a half of Qi's head.

It looks so funny.

What's even stranger is that behind this chicken stood a few vicious and vicious insects.

Each of these weird bugs is the size of an adult's head.

However, one by one, their heads lowered, standing respectfully behind this strange chicken. Like the little brother of this flaming red chicken.

A warm wind came out of this flaming red strange chicken, bringing two Huang Yu houses. All included.

Qian Guo realized that this blizzard would condense a thick layer of frost within a few miles. However, the two huts where he stood did not even have a single ice scum.

"You know what a small ass, you are an ugly chicken!"

The money is too high!

Perhaps one of Dad's entourage is so mighty. Let the money pass the confidence soaring.

Maybe it is a beast who dares to teach himself.

The money was pushed back after opening the mouth.

A Chou's big golden eyes flipped sharply, and for a while, it was neither a beating nor a curse. He didn't know what to do.

"Papa Papa!"

Several applause sounded.

Everyone saw that it was not Qian Xing who clapped his hands. Who is that again?

Turtle and they suddenly curled their lips together!

The old money is more and more pretending to be forced.

The old Qian blurted out: "The loose shot remains the same. Thousands of years are green, and those with lofty ideals are even stronger.

What a unique pine tree power mystery.

However, you only get the spirit and momentum of the pine tree, but you don't get the charm and charm of the pine tree. No wonder, your golden core is just staying at the eighth grade elementary level.

The charm and charm of the power of the pine lies in the integrity of the pine tree and the righteousness represented by the pine tree!

Your mind is not right, and how you are cultivating the power of the pine tree will stop here, you can't go any further. "

Old Qian said this.

Madam Songmang was angry and angry, and this remark hit Madam Songmang's death!

How many cultivation resources are on Ningbi Cliff?

His golden core, at the eighth rank elementary level, he can no longer move forward!

In the final analysis, it is always impossible to perfectly integrate this spirit and rhyme into one's own power. No matter how hard you try, you always feel a little bit close.

What is even more frightening is that as soon as this person speaks, he points out the shortcomings in his cultivation and sees his golden core grade.

However, I can't see through the other party at all.

What kind of golden core is the opponent's cultivation base?

Songmang, who had the upper hand, already had beads of sweat on his forehead.

"I said, if you want to fight, just keep a small fight, don't damage this spiritual vein, this spiritual vein, now it belongs to our temple!"

That's OK. The monk with a look of treacherous eyes spoke.

If this Songmang head hangs, or is seriously injured. The spirit vein he just promised. Don't you just stop cooking?

No matter how thick the Biyou Temple is. Before the new head is elected, it is not easy to talk about it.

"This spiritual vein belongs to our "Xuan", when will it become your Biyou Temple. Did Master Xuanteng agree?"

Indi Yuer was anxious.

She grew up in the line of "Xuan" in Ning Biya, and there are many small partners who grew up with her, Xiu Xian hopeless, all relying on the line of "Xuan" to support.

Indi Yuer and Qian passed the mother and child, relying on this spiritual vein. Only maintained so far.

If this spiritual vein is given to Biyou Temple ~www.readwn.com~Xuan" the position of the character vein in Ningbiya will be greatly affected.

At this moment, Indi Yuer has returned to the decisive nature of killing and cutting back then.

"Dizzy, my son scolded me as an old man. He didn't see you in such a hurry."

Lao Qianxian, this kind of person who grew up in the sect, respects the interests of the sect more than his own.

"To devote good things to the Lord God. It is the great righteousness of every people!

Anyone who is stingy with their belongings. Who is the injustice!

Song Mang is a big-headed person. Are you innocent people? "

This guy's wandering vision is certain!

He shouted sharply at the old money. Every sentence is tied to the righteous name of dedication to the main god.

"Every dedication to the main **** is handed in every year in the form of immortal stones. I have never heard of anyone who wants to rob the spiritual veins of other sects, looting the spiritual veins of other sects, how do they cultivate, and your behaviors Is it righteous?"

Who had taken Ning Biya's spiritual veins? Don't care about old money.

But when the wife spoke, she naturally wanted to help her.

"You don't even talk about this kind of small righteousness. Instead, let us ordinary monks talk about the great righteousness. Isn't that a joke?

If you want us to be the common people, you need to talk about minor justice first, and you don't even talk about minor justice. Asking without limit, why should we be righteous? "

The old money sounds like Hong Zhong, and every word is reasonable.

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