Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1134: Condensed ground

"Halo...your old uncle of Ning Biya is really strong, he is cultivating that power mystery system, what kind of golden core is he?

It's not the Yuan Ying period. "

Old money is very depressed.

That middle-aged scribe, with a single word "roll", manipulated the spiritual power in dozens of people to operate according to his own will.

It turned out that he was cultivating mysterious powers, whether his cultivation was in the Golden Core Stage or the Nascent Soul Stage.

"This is our secret to Ning Bi Ya."

Dian Yu'er was originally worried that the only cultivation base she had left was the Heaven-Splitting Sword Art that greatly reduced her cultivation base, and the old Qian's cultivation base could have defeated four eighth-rank golden core elders at the same time.

Will he look down upon himself?

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged scribe who I saw on the mountain when I was a child turned out to be an old uncle.

Moreover, the cultivation base is so strong!

Suddenly a lot of brilliance appeared on Indigo's face.


Return us to Ningbi Ya?

Why are you so loyal to the school?

Seeing that the old Qian was speechless, Indigo hurriedly said carefully: "People are joking with you. I heard that this old uncle combined the power and mystery of the wood and fire elements.

Moreover, there are two single-items fusion in the wood power mystery and the fire power mystery.

However, the one who made Yuanying, we Ning Biya. There is only one ancestor. "

"Oh, the two elements of the same element are merged. And the two elements of fire and earth are merged?"

The turtle was taken aback by hearing it.

"The fusion of two single profound mysteries in one element system increases its power tenfold, and the fusion of two single profound mysteries in two element systems increases its power twenty times.

The fusion of the two mysticisms of Firewood increases its power by dozens or even hundreds of times!

God, compared to ordinary monks, your ancestor's sentiment has increased by at least hundreds of times! Maybe on


Is the power of Jin Dan not comparable to the power of a combination of multiple powers and mysteries? "

Turtle's last sentence of emotion was to ask the old money.

"It's not all right, if the two elements of wood and fire are fused, he will be a little better than Haili. At least, I can feel his two elements of wood and fire.

However, I did not feel his power at all just now. It's like facing a farm house. Only the vivid and natural rustic flavor remains.

It's definitely not that simple, it's definitely not that simple. "

Old Qian shook his head, as if he had caught something, but he hadn't caught anything.

The old money is now going all out, which is equivalent to a pound. Hundreds of times the power of the monks in the base period.

However, in front of that old uncle, it felt completely useless, let alone confrontation.

There must be no mystery!

"When you met that old uncle when you were young, what was he doing?"

Old Qian asked casually.

"He is growing watermelons."

"Oh plant a watermelon."

A few people screamed, senior masters have all kinds of strange hobbies, which is nothing.

Suddenly, the old Qian had an idea.

A middle-aged person who grows watermelon, and the large watermelon field are combined, ordinary!

Who can detect him?


This old uncle, who combined the pastoral spirit with himself, would any expert think that the pastoral spirit was a threat?

The soil in the countryside where people grow plants.

It combines people's plain heart, wood and earth. Three breaths.

I didn't expect that all things are the law!

In the ordinary pastoral atmosphere, such a profound truth is actually condensed.

Just like "Anping Zhengde" in the tripod of the emperor.

After more than 3,000 miles away from Ningbi Cliff, the old Qian and the others under the guidance of Indi Yuer continuously searched for several spiritual veins, finally chose the one with the greatest spiritual energy, and decided to build a resident here.

The spiritual veins in the wild are different from the spiritual veins in the sect. The spiritual veins in the wild are mostly hidden in the depths of the mountains and the earth and travel thousands of miles. Staggered, ups and downs.

The part hidden underground and deep in the mountains is called scattered veins.

The scattered pulse is thick and the spirit is scattered, so it cannot be used as a place for practice.

The part exposed to the ground, or hidden in a cave, is called Ming Cave.

Only by practicing on the Ming acupoint can the greatest effect be achieved.

Disperse the pulse thousands of miles. Full of aura. There are only a few bright points for practice.

But the spiritual vein in Ningbiya is different, a spiritual vein that has been warmed by the formation for tens of thousands of years, within a hundred miles. There are many open points on the ground. There are dozens of them.

It can be practiced by dozens of disciples.

Therefore, Lao Qian has to establish a resident, at least control the distance of this spiritual vein within three hundred miles. Only then can it be ensured that there will be enough open points in the resident area for monks to practice.

Turtle and they are responsible for arranging the ban within three hundred miles.

The old money is due to innate soil rules. Responsible for transforming spirit veins.

The old money travels among the earth veins rocks. A series of earthy yellow runes, simple in shape

Profoundly, he hit the rocky soil around the spirit veins.

When these earthy runes touch the rocky soil, all the rocky soil becomes a yellow sponge-like thing.

These sponge-like things. Chan Youshu's alveoli quivered. Until the entire three-hundred-li long spiritual veins were all surrounded by these alveolar things.

The mighty three hundred miles of yellow alveoli, if not underground, would definitely make people sigh


Considered a strange building on the planet Earth.

Rao is the old money angel's heart opened three layers. It took three days for the golden core to form six ranks, and to use the talisman culture to form the alveoli of the rocky soil around the three hundred miles of spiritual veins.

Then, after another day's rest, it was relieved.

This is because he has the support of two power furnaces. It's like a huge ship with two engines.

If they let the turtles do it, it wouldn't be ten days and eight months.

Impurities in the flowing spirit channel are excluded from the spirit channel by these alveoli.

However, the thin aura from the outside world was slowly inhaled by these alveoli!

For Reiki, it only goes in but not out, and it only goes out for impurities.

Such a wonderful function is derived from the attraction of the heaven and the earth from the tripod of the emperor.

At the pre-determined location, ten alveoli-like passages lead to the ground, opening out a Ming acupoint.

In fact, now

This spiritual vein can be provided to Liu Jin at most at the same time. Ling acupoint has enough aura.

If you want the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins to be able to supply ten people to practice at the same time, you have to wait at least a few years later.

Of course, Indi Yuer and Qian Guo are the main points of care.

Whoever lacks, cannot lack them both.

The turtles are presiding over the refining of a magic circle type magic weapon for regional protection.

In the **** case of Worm Valley opened by the gods, the old Qian and the few people seized many magic weapons of various materials.

However, it is a magic weapon used for regional protection. But there is no.

Those who don't run solo gangs go outside to perform tasks and take the magic weapon of the regional magic circle type used for gang protection.

If there is no ready-made one, refine one yourself.

The true explanation of the refining tools of the people of Shenxuan Town, there is a refining method of this type of regional defense magic circle magic weapon.

However, not much, and the defensive mana that can be issued is not high.

The turtles just wanted to learn how to refine tools.

Lest you have a lot of precious materials, but you can't use them yourself, you have to ask others to refine them.

"Chi Jing, clouds and thunder shaking all directions"

That's it. The name of the regional defense magic weapon.

This magic weapon contains two kinds of attack methods: metallic and fire attribute.

It is suitable for everyone to refine.

Lao Qian took a day off and joined the refining process of this artifact.

The flame used for refining the magic weapon is provided by the husband, and the combination of the "dry fire" of the turtle and the light red flame of the big head, the temperature soars!

In the raging fire, one material after another. It was thrown into the flame and melted into a pool of liquid.

The turtle and the big head cooperated, carefully controlling the temperature of the flame at each stage.

This makes the old money feel that in all stages of the refining device. Different flame temperatures are required.

At this point, refining tools and alchemy have similarities.

However, the flame temperature control of alchemy is much more elaborate and complicated than that of refining equipment.

After refining the tools for a day, the old money was already more proficient in refining this "chijing cloud and thunder tremor" than a few turtles.

Really fine work. It is the pattern of the engraving of the magic circle in the magic weapon that is gradually taking shape.

The lines are as thin as hair, when the layers of material have just melted into shape. Engrave it exactly.

Then, in these hair-like lines, inlaid silk threads of various textures.

After these two steps are completed, spiritual power can be poured into the finished part.

It is not completed until the whole piece is illuminated like a light bulb ~www.readwn.com~.

It's not enough to complete these small parts. The size of all these parts must be exactly the same as the drawings. After the entire magic weapon is installed, it can be used correctly.

Several big men got together, like embroidery, taking turns to take turns.

The waste materials were lost on the ground.

It was not until more than fifty days later that this magic weapon was finally completed.

Nine small golden **** all over the air, spinning in the air, radiating golden, dazzling light.

The larger one in the middle is the cue ball, and the eight smaller ones are the sub-balls.

If the main spiritual ball is placed in the center of the station. In the center of the resident, with a radius of five hundred li, a protective net can be formed. The protective net is ten li wide and as high as three li.

Eight split spirit balls. Each control area, as long as the enemy invades, two super large-area attack methods can be released to intercept the invading enemy.

The first type is the Taibai Flowing Arrow Rain, which activates the prohibition method. For every fifty squares, six Taibai gold arrows can be dropped.

Taibai Golden Arrow is transformed by Fengrui Jinqi. Each Taibaijin arrow is nine meters long, which is equivalent to a full blow of a monk in the middle of the foundation period.

If the Platinum Arrow does not work, it will automatically be converted into Fire Thunder.

A fire and thunderball is equivalent to twice the amount of thunder and thunderballs sent by Lao Qian in the past. Specifically, it is equivalent to the power of two thugs Wumm howitzers.

Hundreds of thunderballs blasted past, equivalent to a group of cannons fired.

If the repair base is not enough, it will be turned into ashes on the spot.

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