Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1143: Metaplasia

Help at home, subscribe, subscribe. The Ninth-Rank Golden Core monk who subscribed to this thin face and pointed chin never dreamed that the elder of the fifth-Rank Golden Core in his move out of the door to scare the old money, the purpose. Just to ensure your own safety.

There is an ancestor of the fifth grade golden core in his door, and the other party wants to do something to himself, so he naturally has to think about it.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the hand of the old uncle Lu in Ning Bi Ya, Lao Qian would take a look at the hidden masters of the cultivating school and the pillars behind them. There is already a deep guard.

It doesn't sound good, it has become a fright.

This guy doesn't need to lift out the fifth-grade gold core master of their martial art. Old Qian only treats him as a fly, and teaches him to get out.

Since reunited with his wife and son. Don't worry about it, the old money is no longer killing people like before.

However, this guy brought out the fifth-rank Jindan elder in the faction to threaten the old money.

The fifth-grade golden core is at least several times stronger than the sixth-grade golden core of the old money!

Even with the extremely sharp diamond fluctuations and the angelic heart, the old money may not be sure to beat it.

If the ancestor of the fifth-grade golden core is blocking the way next time, the old Qian figured it out for himself, but don't want to stop like this.

Immediately. Kill the heart!

Dao Senran's blue sword light, with a fierce sword intent, with destruction and chaos. Turn everything into a deformed power. To the eyebrows of the big-eyed monk with a thin face and sharp chin, just once.

Can not help but live. Lao Qian will comprehend the fragments of the three innate rules of chaos, destruction, and deformity today. It was also used on the sword power urged by the Qingning Sword Art.

This sharp chin, the big-eyed Ninth-Rank Golden Core monk, the sword light appeared in front of him, he only felt as if he had fallen into endless chaos, everything in front of him had become deformed, and he seemed to be completely destroyed.


"Where is the Dharmakaya!"

Although I have been prepared, but. This guy from the Ninth-Rank Golden Core, after the attack of the old money. Only then, I didn't know where to resist!

The dark purple sword light instantly formed a dark purple curtain wall, firmly shielding his eyebrows.

However, the sharp cyan sword light was just a shock!

The monk with a thin face and pointed chin only felt that the line of spiritual power running in his body was a chaos when he came into contact with this awe-inspiring blue sword intent. The purple sword light has been stunned by this awe-inspiring blue light. open.

Seeing years of hard work, you will be inexplicably dead.

This catty. The monk with a thin face and a pointed chin shouted, "Dharma Body Zhaohuan!"


His head has burst into a ball of red and white blood.

However, the body has not fallen down yet. Lao Qian frowned, looking at the side, the sharp blue sword light just turned around!

This monk with a thin face and a pointed chin appeared out of thin air just thirty meters in the air.

It's just that his face is bloody.

Obviously, although using the legal body doll to escape from the old money sword, the old money's sword power is too weird, his head. Also suffered serious injuries.

"Boom!" After the ground burst.

After a phantom distortion of the body whose head was decapitated, it turned into a green snake without a head. The thickness of the wrist is twisting there.

This is the body used for death.

"There is still a little way."

With the sneer of the old money.

The awe-inspiring blue sword light, and here, descended on the body of the Ninth-Rank Golden Core that appeared on the net. At this time, the thin-faced, pointed-chin cultivator of the Ninth-Rank Golden Core, his body shape became vacant again, and he was obviously about to escape immediately.

The purple sword light is like a soaring snake. A block on his chest!

This is his full blow.

As long as this moment is blocked, and the secret escape technique moves, he can escape to life.

However, the sharp blue sword light was a clever shock, and the feeling of chaos, destruction, and deformity spread throughout the body of the Ninth-Rank Golden Core monk again.

The purple sword light soaring like a strange snake, under this subtle and strange shock, immediately flicked to the side, revealing a gap.

Green light flashed!

This time, the monk with a thin face and a pointed chin. Was cut in half from the head to the left chest!

However, something stunned the old money.

Old Qian's sword already contained the soul mystery he had cultivated.

It stands to reason that under this slash, this person’s soul or soul should be sucked into the sword.


However, in this slash, the sword light absorbed a soul, but this soul is very weak, and it is not comparable to the strength of the golden core master.

"Escape the golden cicada!"

The person screamed and was chopped in half. Only one piece of skin was left in an instant.

The thin and long figure flew away from this human skin-like thing!

This slender and long figure looks like a person but not a person, like a snake but not a snake.

And on this skin, a lot of scales have gradually emerged, just like snake skin!

"It turned out to be a snake monster? You escaped twice. I don't believe you can escape the third time!"

Senran Jianguang suddenly changed. It became like a flood covering a big lake, completely natural.

The flood came violently and instantly covered the entire lake. Everywhere, covering every corner of the space, the other party has nowhere to escape.

Unless the opponent has this power, the lake will be

Obviously. The opponent does not have this power!

In an instant, the long and thin figure that flew out was overwhelmed by a living flood-like sword. After a scream, nothing more. Escape from the long and thin figure.

The awe-inspiring blue sword light instantly turned into a thousand ways. Wandao, like countless trees in a large forest.

With the differentiation of thousands of cyan swords. The monk, who had escaped twice from the dead, finally had nowhere to hide. Hundreds of pieces of meat appeared in the air, and a powerful soul was finally lightened.

All these are born among the electric light and flint!

The three followers turned and fled, having escaped hundreds of meters.

However, the old money stretched out his hand!

The three blue lights are like lines, just like crossing space!

Has appeared behind the three.

If you turn around and resist, you might be able to survive two moves.

However, he turned and fled, showing his back.

The three lines of blue light are just a circle!

The heads of the three have soared into the sky!

Among the heads rising into the sky, there are no eyes at all.

When the azure light cut off their heads, a powerful and irresistible force of attraction had already sucked their souls in an instant.

The earth contains all the innate attraction. Make every guy who died under the sword of old money. The soul will be sucked into the sword light mercilessly.

No matter which element system the old money urged the sword light to come out.

However, just as Lao Qian was distracted to deal with the three escaping disciples, a faint fluctuation from above the tens of pieces of meat was a flash.

Old Qian felt that this faint fluctuation had instantly reached a place thousands of miles away.

"No, this guy actually has a metamorphosis mentality technique arranged by a master!

Record the scene of me and his sacred hand. Report to that line. Master.

No wonder this guy is so arrogant. It turned out to have some background. "

This instant reached a fluctuation that seemed to be thousands of miles away, reminding the old Qian of a kind of magic, that is, a master condensed his divine consciousness into a seed, attached to a closely related monk.

Once the monk dies, this seed of divine consciousness will record the enemy's face, the scene of the fight, and fly back to the master.

The farther the mind flies back, it means. The higher the cultivation base is for the monk who leaves the seed of divine consciousness.

Lao Qian chopped his opponent into hundreds of pieces of minced meat. The soul is also collected.

Unexpectedly, the opponent still has this hand on his body.

He actually started to let this ray of spiritual thought flee back.

Since then, he has had another enemy.

Old Qian already had a purple golden pill the size of a crane egg in his hand, and he tossed it twice as if playing.

The brows frowned and stretched out again.

No worries about debts.

What's wrong with an enemy?

If you can't beat, you'll hit, if you can't beat, you'll run.

Things for the three disciples. The old money didn't dislike the low stalls, and also scratched it again.

The cultivation base of old money has greatly increased, and only this has never changed.

The enemy's stuff is good!

Absolutely do not dislike the low grade.

Since I was born in a poor man, I must save, save...

Old Qian Xun left here.

All the ground meat was burned to ashes.

Days later. A figure came here with an irresistible majestic power.

However, there were a few traces on the ground. But there was no ghost shadow left.

However, from the remaining breath, this person clearly rushed to kill and despair, and died.

"Nephew, nephew! The root of my house"

His nephew, although he has been floating since childhood, but. He is the only male in his family.

He practiced the secret method and was barren for life~www.readwn.com~ In order to inherit the family, he has exhausted his mind and energy, using countless treasures of heaven and earth. Just let this nephew form the Ninth-Rank Golden Pill.

Originally thought, it condensed into a nine-grade golden pill. On this planet Earth, he is much safer.

Unexpectedly, his nephew is volatile.

As soon as his strength increases, he even makes trouble everywhere.

Not only did it cost his life this time, even the soul did not escape!

How can this not make him mad!

The circles of purple light radiated from him. In an instant, this purple light became colorless and transparent, but in a flash. Spread to a hundred miles.

Within a hundred miles. The vitality of all creatures. All under his control.

This is his unique secret technique.

No matter how strong the murderer is to kill his nephew, within a hundred miles, whether it is in the air, on the ground, or underground, there must be a trace.

However, he was surprised.

The original secret technique of Bailing Bailing actually failed for the first time.

The murderer who killed his nephew seemed to melt into the world in an instant. Incorporated into the rugged jungle, among the vegetation.

Can't even feel a little breath.

Combined with the image sent back from his own divine mind.

The image is full of green light. Obviously the extremely powerful Otsuki sword light.

"This guy is a master at cultivating wood power!"

Calm conclusions are drawn immediately.

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