Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1145: Red Maple Valley

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Old Qian raised his head in surprise.

This gust of wind was caused by the cast of the wind magic tactics.

of course. This degree of wind system tactics. But even the profound mystery of power has not been comprehended.

In the eyes of the old money. This method. It's not worth mentioning at all.

but. What surprised Lao Qian was that these cultivators used the wind technique to **** the rice from the mortal rice shop.

You know, there are two monk systems on the planet Earth.

This monk system is a sect in the mountains.

This system is the kingship everywhere.

Regarding the number and quality of monks, the royal powers in various places are far inferior to each practice.


But who is standing behind the kings everywhere?

Behind the kings everywhere, either directly or indirectly, stood the servants of the Biyou Temple, or the agents of the gods.

This is also a means of checks and balances.

Therefore, in reality, it is never allowed to easily slaughter the people by monks.

Even if it was a fight between monks, they had to avoid crowded places, otherwise, monks who belonged to the royal court would come out to stop them.

The people are all dead, what do low-level monks rely on to survive?

There are no low-level monks. Where did the high-ranking monks come from?

Therefore, under this broad daylight. The monks rob mortals in densely populated cities. It's really rare to see.

The violent wind tactics rolled up the sky of smoke and dust. Mortals can't see what's inside.

but. The slightest movement of a few people inside. They are clearly reflected in the old Qian's mind.

Three shop fast, one person holds a black curved ruler. One holds a sword, the other holds a sword" and the four monks, the rays of light intertwined,

Boom in the squally wind.

Obviously, these three catchers are also in the door of cultivation.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Amidst several loud noises.

Black light, red light, cyan light, white light, and explosion waves generally spread. Dozens of people near the rice store, originally carrying bags to buy rice, were about to be robbed and died.

A blue breeze, like a vernal equinox, blew gently.

The spreading red light, as soon as it touched the blue breeze, it disappeared without a trace.

Then, dozens of people were simultaneously stirred up by the blue breeze. Flew out a hundred meters in an instant. It fell to the ground peacefully.


The catch using the iron ruler is like a ball. With a bang, the tavern was joined to the wall. Half of it collapsed.

This catcher got up with a swollen nose and a swollen nose, but revealed a young face.

"Wow..." with a sound, spit out a mouthful of blood. The young man caught quickly, but with a grim look on his face, he barely stood up.

Screaming frantically in the violent wind that has already reached out!

"The **** of Red Armament Valley! If you have a seed, kill me! I am a disciple of Meishan Six Immortals" Xiao

Hearing the previous sentence, the old Qian also expressed admiration in his heart. This young man caught quickly, really


but. Hear the next sentence,

It turns out that the backbone in the front is also leaning against a tiger in the back.

The old money laughed.

Those who come out now are getting smarter and smarter.

The four monks, although they repelled the three catchers.

However, a green breeze around immediately made them understand that the master is here!

A storage bag appeared in the hands of the four.

Take a shot at the Midian that opens toward the front! "

The white trend is rising, that is white rice!

The golden trend is rising, that is Xiaosu!

However, in the blink of an eye, all the grain in the rice was collected by these four people. No grain of rice is left.

Then, in a gust of wind, the four of them had already left without a trace, but only the people who cried and yelled and yelled.

The rice has been robbed, so what do you let the people in the town buy?

Three catch fast. Finally saved their lives, the three of them all sent out the talisman and flew towards the county city with a flash of fire.

These monks with sects dared to rob the people under the rule of the kingdom openly. This kind of crime. It has seriously violated the agreement reached between the secular kingdom and those spiritual schools.

"There is a good show."

The old Qian never dreamed that the monks who were aloof would pull down and go to the rice shop opened by mortals to rob food.

"These **** monks, our Huo Mai country will not let go of Red Maple Valley."

After the three catchers released the talisman, looking at the strange gazes around, they couldn't bear the humiliation.

Jump up and swear!

The name of this country is Huo Mai Country. The reason for this name.

It is because their country is famous for producing a kind of "fire wheat", long-term consumption is good for practicing fire system exercises.

It is the favorite of disciples who practice fire-attribute exercises in various practice gates.

Not long, a scarlet sword mang took the lead. After dozens of escape lights, the momentum was fierce and flew in from the direction where the messenger talisman escaped.

Far away, that huge killing intent, rushed madly!

The stern sword whistling was filled with indescribable anger, resentment and fierceness.

Hearing this stern sword whistling sound, I just felt very uncomfortable all over my body when I heard it in ordinary ears, and I couldn't wait to commit suicide immediately!

However, the old money's eye skills, daylight flourishes.

While Jin Dan was urging, he saw a blood-red demon in the pink sword light.

Hundreds of faces flowed angrily in the whole body of this demon.

The immense divine thoughts smashed this catty in an instant. The demon swept through.

The result of the divine mind scan immediately appeared in Lao Qian's divine palace.

It turns out that these hundreds of faces are actually the souls of Taoist practitioners, who have been condensed in this pink sword light with secret methods to achieve this demon!

Although the master of this sword light was just building a foundation to deceive the peak's cultivation base, but with this bitter sullen aura, he was alone and it was no problem to single out three Ma Huang.

The stern sound of sword howl stopped in front of the tavern.

A ferocious, arrogant monk appeared.

Moreover, the eyes of this monk. It is more venomous than a viper, and crueler than a tiger and wolf.

Countless stars shone on his body in black.

Obviously, the black clothes were covered with the power of stars.

"Master McKila, the two people who grab the rice are from Red Maple Valley, and two from Life and Death Mountain."

The young man holding the iron ruler catches quickly and immediately reports.

"Um... Life and Death Mountain... that monster."

With such a ferocious look on Imakira, he suddenly hesitated.

The monster of Life and Death Mountain is not something he can afford.

On the contrary, a small mountain like Red Maple Valley, dare to be so presumptuous, it is simply unbearable!

Makira's ferocious eyes rolled. There was a conclusion in my heart!

He shouted, and the sound shook the whole town!

"The king has ordered, the food looters died!

Red Maple Valley arrogant little faction!

Even defying the king's order, today is their day to destroy the faction! "

After that, he raised his hand. A red light, like thunder and lightning, speeding towards the road

Then, he sullenly yelled at the monk behind him: "Brothers, follow me! Open the Red Armament Valley today, bloodbath for three days, and seize 70% for himself, and the third trader!"

As soon as he said this, dozens of monks behind him suddenly rushed.

Then, under his leadership, dozens of escape lights rose into the air.

He hurriedly pursued in the direction where the four monks fled just now!

It wasn't until the monk turned into a demon-like light red sword light that he rose into the air, he looked at the old money who was drinking and eating with extreme fear.

Behind the extreme fear, there is a deep gratitude.

The spirit of the old man Xingcai scanned his magic sword light.

This Makira felt his whole body. In an instant, it seemed to be seen through!

just. This person scheming. Surprisingly deep.

After landing, I tried my best to stay calm and didn't look in the direction where Old Qian was sitting.

After threatening to eliminate the Red Armament Valley. Even less, the old money did not object, and it was concluded that the old money and the two target schools. It has nothing to do with it.

However, it is better to stay away from such masters.

This person kills a lot, and he is extremely wary of strangers and just wants to stay away from the old money. Don't give old money any excuses.

In the wild Tuling of Huomai Country, a long valley and mountain range are covered with red-leaf trees.

This maple tree has red leaves that never fall throughout the year.

In the sunshine of early summer. The scenery is very enchanting.

But at the moment. In the picturesque scenery, there are dozens of monks in the sky.

The huge evil spirit and killing intent hit the maple trees all over the mountain.

And the maple trees in the mountains were shocked by this killing intent. Many maple trees turned upwards and a fan-shaped red light came out.

The red light from trillions of red weapon trees. Formed a thick red light apple, it will be a catty. The Red Maple Valley is firmly guarded.

"Marchi, even if your disciples rob the people's food, ignore the order of the king of the Huomai kingdom. You should die for sin!

Give the heads of the two perpetrators quickly. Return the looted grain ten times ~www.readwn.com~ and let you go to Red Maple Valley once! "

McKila sternly scolded, full of killing intent. It spread throughout the Red Armory Valley in an instant.

March, is the name of the head of the Red Armament Valley.

"Makira, I respect you as the patrol chief of Rook City, you speak. Is it just so bloody?

You said that my two disciples from Red Armament Valley participated in the robbery of the grain store. What evidence do you have?

Inside the red mask. The head of the Red Tool Valley. He was facing dozens of people in the sky with dissatisfaction. Talk freely!

He didn't expect, but because of the looting of a grain store in the town, this Maijira would be so aggressive.

Another dissatisfaction is. Those two disciples. Choose this time to do things.

It's really going to be robbed, can't it be done at night?

Have to make heaven and emperor.

What made Marche feel at ease was that. This Makira's cultivation is on par with himself.

But in his door, there are two Jindan elders sitting here!

The little sect, there can be two golden core elders sitting in town, and the Dinghai Shenzhen needle is already gone!

This Makira, could it be that water got into his head?

"Markey, Markey, do you think. Two real Jin Dan can protect you Hongbangu I?

What a frog at the bottom of the well!

Let me give you one last chance. You Red Maple Valley, all your factions surrender to our Huomai Country and obey our King’s orders. This is your last chance!

Still not awake? "

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