Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1164: Survive in chaos

Everyone help, subscribe, plan to read "Mao, now a ceremony is held, even if it’s a swollen face, it’s a hospitable fat guy.

Moreover. The bishop and vice-bishop, didn't they escape back?

We are all soldiers who died. "

A handsome monk glared at the back of the three.

The sound is loud.

Calais and Russ. Words of hatred are always full of hatred, but it suddenly seems like they have not heard.

These little pawns below are dead if they die.

In the eyes of the superior, it is just a few numbers.

Old money just walks in with the flow of people.

The purple-red ground fire in the body has not been completely eliminated.

The other party can at any time be able to respond to the purple-red ground fire. Determine your location.

Only go further inside. The more vigilant is.

These three guys, even if they catch up, don't necessarily dare to do anything.

The more you go in, the fewer ordinary monks. The number of monks who were preparing to participate in the Yingtian Blessing Conference increased.

Old Qian walked, and two people came inside. The two walked side by side with a smile. At first glance, they knew they were two acquaintances who were often together.

However, although one of these two people looks good. It is fierce.

The other has a treacherous smile on his face, and you can see the treacherous calculations of others.


Old Qian thought the two of them were familiar.

However, after I returned to the planet Earth, apart from doing some good deeds for the common people, it was nothing more than a sin with these monks.

The two felt familiar with each other, and it was definitely not a reason.

Old Qian suddenly turned his face away.

The two passed him by, and after staggering about 20 meters, both of them were already submerged in the crowd and could not be seen.

"Lao Jiang, did you see that guy just now."

The monk with the traitorous face suddenly turned his head to transmit the sound to the guy with the square face but the fierce look.

"Well, I didn't pay attention. What's the matter?"

It seems that this square-faced guy, although his eyes are fierce.

However, the nerves are a bit big, not as careful as the guy with the traitorous look.

"It seems to be making a big fuss at Ning Biya. Turning Yan Yue into a wood-type ashamed guy."


Listen to this. The monk with a square face shook, the fierce light in his eyes was gone, and replaced by a deep look of fear.

"This guy is crazy, dare to come here."

The monk with the traitorous face just smiled: "I came while doing meritorious service in front of Master Wright. Why, are you scared?"

"Lao Zhang, don't let the benefit make your mind stunned. Such masters. Can we actually provoke?

Against him, a hundred of us are not enough to die! "

This catty. Call old

The monk in Xinjiang immediately complained about the old Zhang, simply not knowing the importance.

Suffered a meal in front of Pope Wright. Now that the Pope is busy praying for blessings, it may be too late to take care of it.

Why bother to go and find trouble by yourself?

"Oh, we just follow him far away. See where he settles.

Lord Wright is not free now, we can report to other adults.

Following from a distance, there are so many temple monks here, and I am sure that he is here today and definitely not here to make trouble. "

The old Zhang with this traitorous face is really thoughtful.

Even guessed the truth of the matter seven or eight eight.

Although the old money is strong, it is still far behind the old uncle who appeared that day.

It is far from being so powerful that there are so many masters gathered to play wild.

Therefore, the two of them tracked the old money, even if it is discovered, it is safe.

Although Lao Qian was seriously injured, how could his spirit be compared to these two cultivators who reached the rank of god?

Although on this road, every monk who walks is constantly releasing divine thoughts.

If you close your eyes, you can only feel as if there are hundreds of thousands of powerful divine minds on this way up the mountain, constantly moving and radiating waves.

Walked a mile up.

When I came to Lao Qian, I felt the fluctuation of the two groups of spiritual thoughts. As if following me closely.

Mind condensed on the two waves of fluctuations.

The appearance and posture of the two monks. It immediately appeared in the old Qian's mind clearly.

The memories in my mind turned quickly.

Finally, the old money remembered.

These two people were one of the leaders of the group of monks in the Biyou Temple when they were making a fuss on Bi Ya.

Unexpectedly, I ran into it here.

The two followed themselves. I must have recognized myself.

However, so many monks from Biyou Temple came and went.

Even if I wanted to kill the two of them, I couldn't do it in front of so many people.

The old Qian's heart turned steadily, but he just walked to places with few people.

However, the biggest blessing meeting in heaven in 10,000 years.

The fringe of Baba Shanzhuzheng is completely crowded.

It's like a vegetable market, where there are many people.

The only thing that is not much is that a platform on the side of the mountain is being approved. On this platform, the elites of the Biyou Temple in Rangxing are preparing to start large-scale prayers.

The old money only hesitated for a while. The two guys from the Biyou Temple at the back stopped.


However, the familiar breath of the three groups. Hurrying up from the foot of the mountain.

Old Qian cursed fiercely in his heart.

Suddenly, an extremely bold attention suddenly appeared in Old Qian's heart.

This Manqi, he is a spy sent by the plane of the giant rock earth god, he still doesn't know so much.


I will let you see. The Biyou Temple is amazing.

The old money is transported from Jin Cai Lingyun Jue.

Suddenly, the whole skin and muscles became like golden nets.

In a flash. Almost prevented the leakage of all breath.

In the feeling of the five stalkers, the breath of the old money suddenly disappeared.

Only Calais and Russ. Looking at each other, the secret method immediately moved, and the position of the purple ground fire appeared immediately.

"This kid is stupid. It doesn't work to block the breath."

Calais sneered.

On the way to chase. The opponent has used this trick many times, but none of them worked


I thought there were many people here. Can't find your position if you block your breath?

I saw that there was a small commotion from where Old Qian was standing.

"Want to escape in the chaos?"

Lars even sneered.

What's the use of this little trick of disrupting the scene for the power of advanced techniques?

The three of them moved forward. You're welcome. Separate the crowd.

Relying on his higher cultivation base, regardless of the anger of the separated monks. Squeeze forward quickly.

Just stare firmly at the thief so that he has no time to heal.

This Yingtian blessing ceremony. After all, there is a time limit.

As soon as Yingtian's blessing ceremony is over, let's see where the thief is going to return the business line.

Could it be that he could hide on this Hulu Mountain for a lifetime?

Wasn't winning these three-color Zhima for yourself to enjoy?

However, just when the three of them were proud of themselves, the sudden change occurred.

A figure in apricot and yellow robe jumped out of the crowd separated by people.

Spread the five fingers of both hands. Like a tiger claw. It was just a pounce, and Manche's shoulders were already clasped.

Manche's shoulders. In a blink of an eye, layers of waves lit up like mountains, but these hands were like tiger claws. How sharp it is.

Like a tiger going down a mountain, a hungry tiger cannibalize,

Between a fierce catch. Manche is inevitable.


The body protection waves, like cascading mountains, shattered in pieces!

The palms of both hands, like tiger claws, have firmly clasped Manqi's shoulders.

At the same time, a shout came out from the mouth of the man in apricot and yellow robe: "Come and catch the spy of the **** of the giant rock!"

This person is a spy from the **** plane of the giant rock! "

The sound was like thunder, shaking for dozens of miles!

Although this monk in apricot and yellow robe looked strange.

But this sound. Calais. The three of Russ and Manche are very familiar, it is the voice of the treasure thief they have been tracking for several days!

This kid is so vicious that he did this trick!

Take a avatar out. Publicly expose Manqi's spies on the giant rock land **** plane.

Manche was furious.

Loud roar: "Get away!"

Fists the size of a double washbasin have already hit the chest of this avatar in an apricot and yellow robe

This guy in an apricot robe. It is the shadow of the golden fruit of the old money.

The little commotion just now was the old money in full view. He released his own shadow of the earth element golden fruit, and changed his face.

Provoked the monks around. With strange eyes, a volley of shots came over.

It's just a clone. It's not a great way. It turned out to be in front of everyone.

"Sao Bao."


The monks around muttered.

But Calais. Las. The trio of Manqi followed eagerly, and did not notice what the words uttered from the turbulent monk's mouth represented. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Just chasing up in such a hurry.

Just fell into the trap of old money.


The sound was muffled like thunder.

Jin Guo Zhiying's left chest was on both sides, and he was beaten out.

Thick yellow spiritual power. Splashing like thick honey.

Although condensing the Congenital Earth System Golden Core, the strength of the Earth System Golden Fruit Shadow has increased a lot.

However, the shadow of the golden fruit is after all the shadow of the golden fruit.

No matter how much the intensity increases. It can't resist Manqi, a monster like a monster like a monster.

Immediately, the chests on both sides were smashed and flew out, the shoulders and the neck, leaving only a glass-like amber pillar connected.

However, the shadow of the golden fruit is not like it, suffering such a serious injury. There was no painful expression, and his hands did not relax at all. Still shouting loudly: "Come and catch the spy from the **** plane of the giant rock! This person is a spy from the **** plane of the giant rock!"

Manche realized that he had made a mistake in the panic.

Smashing the chest, if it is an ordinary person, it will be over immediately.

But this is a clone!

The head of this man should be blown up!

Manqi's pair of washbasin-sized fists were about to be lifted again and smashed down at the head of this clone.

However, Manqi's eyes felt a piercing chill!

Too late to think. The line of the double fists changed, and when they turned, they stood in front of their face!

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