Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1196: Red Lotus in Fire

Tao Jinzhang shouted.

"Brothers. Sing!"

The remaining hundreds of peach liners,

"Heaven and earth have righteousness. Miscellaneous gives manifolds. The lower part is Heyue. The upper part is the sun star. Yuren said Haoran, Peihu said Cangming.

Huanglu is a Qingyi. Han and Tuming Court. See you in poor seasons, one by one will be green. In Qi Tai Shi Jian. In Jin Donghu pen.

In Qin Zhang Liangzhui. In the Hansu Wu Festival. It is the head of General Yan and the blood of Ji Shi. It is Zhang Suiyang teeth and Yan Changshan tongue.

Or Liaodong hat, Qing Cao Li Bingxue. Or to be a teacher, the ghosts cry heroic. The concubine swallowed Hulu generously to cross the river.

Or in order to hit the thief, the head is broken. It is stricken by the anger, and will survive forever. When it runs through the sun and the moon, life and death are safe. "

The peach tree, which blooms in spring and bears fruit in summer, is a natural thing.

This song came out.

The peach tree spirits all raised their beards, blue, red, and heroic, and went straight into the sky

Hundreds of peach tree spirits. The power of the formed small Zhoutian array has been increased by several percent.

Under the leadership of Tao Jinzhang, he fought in blood.

After taking Fenster's blow, despite the injury, the injury will immediately recover.

"Isn't this a righteous song?"

The shadow of the golden fruit of the water system that was activating the remote space teleportation array was stunned.

This song. It's simply too familiar and famous.

Involuntarily, the shadow of the golden fruit of the water system passed towards Tao Jinzhang.

"Haha, sir, you don't know, this song of righteousness is not unique to their literary family, but created by a senior.

It’s just that their literary family brought this righteousness song to the Song Dynasty...oh..."

Suddenly. Tao Jinzhang was silent.

It seems that this literary and righteous song is not something Tao Jinzhang can talk about.


Tao Jinzhang continued to shout and changed the subject. "

Although the flame tyrant wants Bell’s cultivation base, it is much higher than the ice-type Golden Fruit Shadow clone.


However, he was also entangled in the shadow of the ice-type golden fruit in a white suit, and he couldn't get out for a while.

Because, like a falcon-like shadow of the white golden fruit, there is a crystal clear iceberg the size of a palm!

Although this iceberg is only as big as a palm

However, it gave out infinite coldness!

This is infinitely cold. It's not like ordinary ice" but like a bright moon shining on the world, it feels grandiose!

But among the emperor, there are endless changes.

Let the ice-cold sword light from the shadow of the ice-type golden fruit increase its power several times!

This cold air hits the flame body, the surface of the flame body, which is thirty meters high. Will freeze a large piece!

This made the flame tyrant Ribel surprised and angry.

It stands to reason. The opponent's cultivation base is so low.

Even if you were cultivating the Ice Element Mystery, which had the strength of the Fire Element, this ice element mystery would not cause much damage to yourself.

This little iceberg must be an extraordinary treasure!

From above this small iceberg, the sharp flame tyrant Riber felt a powerful power

Destroy this iceberg!

The flame tyrant Ribel roared!


The flame on his body exploded suddenly!

The thirty-meter-high huge body turned into a huge red streamer like a thin and flexible elf, which has already pounced on the ice like a small bird-like golden fruit shadow. Body.

However, the figure of the ice-type golden fruit also disappeared instantly.

in a blink. Appeared hundreds of meters away, on the ground on a sheet of ice one meter square.

This is when the ice-type golden fruit shadow and the flame tyrant Libel fought, wherever they passed, a thick layer of ice formed in front of the ground.

Despite the flames emitted by the flame tyrant Ribel, the temperature is astonishingly high.

However, these thick layers of ice did not completely melt in the face of this astonishingly high temperature.

And there are small ice layers everywhere.

This is where the power of the high-level ice system mystery lies.

The ice condensed from the high-level ice system mysticism is in harmony with some kind of heaven and earth.

It is not that the flame temperature is high. It can be melted away.

The flame tyrant Ribel felt that he had miscalculated.

These two soulless war puppets are so powerful.

Then, the existence of such a powerful war puppet summon is definitely more powerful.

It looks like. My own brothers should also be on the stage.

Of them. Come on! "

With a burst of shout from the flame tyrant Ribel!

Numerous protrusions suddenly appeared on the ground.

Immediately after. Like a skyrocket, countless human figures sprang out from the ground.

It is different from Riebel's huge body that is thirty meters high.

The figures that sprang up are only about three meters tall at most. They tend to be thin, thin and long.

And horse face. The donkey's face is similar.

Thin body. But it was covered with shiny scales!

These shiny scales are thin and dense!

Each shiny scale is only as big as a grain of rice

It's like a shiny chain armor!

This piece of chain armor can't be shinny, because they are made of a diamond-like substance.

These shining substances look like diamonds, but in fact they are more

The whole body was covered with such thin and hard scales, which was extremely hard. Without affecting self-activity


These humanoid monsters have a pair of sharp claws, one foot in length.

A pair of eyes radiated yellow, green, and red light unique to undead creatures.

It looks like. The hard and flexible body contains the soul of the undead.

To some extent. This is a constructed creature.

Between the vertical and horizontal directions, the entire humanoid monster turned into a bright light.

Countless humanoid monsters turned into countless shining rays of light.

The power of close hand-to-hand combat. It can be said to be unparalleled.

It looks like. This flame tyrant Riber was also smart.

The peach tree spirits only need to be caught in the body by this sharp claw.

Immediately, the surrounding area quickly petrified, and. Spread to the whole body.

Fortunately, the peach tree spirit of the wood family. Naturally able to restrain the power of the earth system.

Then there was no one hit by these humanoid creatures like ordinary flesh and blood creatures.

The whole person immediately turned into a stone statue.

Although the shadow of the golden fruit of the ice system desperately blocked it.

But between the two. Whether it is the difference in form or strength. They are too big.

The flame giant is getting closer and closer to the shadow of the golden fruit of the water system and the teleportation array that has become so bright.

Wherever it went!

A huge leg hit the ground!

A powerful impulse. Immediately rushed straight from the ground!

The peach tree spirit within a radius of tens of meters, whether standing on the ground. Still suspended in the air.

Being driven by this strong force, immediately, in an instant, it seemed to lose the ability to move.

They all soared into the air involuntarily!

No way, the gap between this cultivation base and the physical strength is really too big!

A mouth as wide as a door!

Between the red flames rolling. A bunch of peach tree spirits fluttering in the air have not yet recovered their freedom of action.

Immediately, he was swept into a mouth full of flames. Become the new blood eater for Lord Ribel, the flame tyrant.

Fanster, who was being entangled by the Taomura spirits, seized the opportunity and did not love fighting.

The figure is only a few turns, and it has rushed between the long-range space teleportation arrays.


The shadow of the golden fruit of the water system roared!

The whole person changed!

The clear water that turned into a wine sky rushed away wildly.

Living in the sky and clear water. Countless blue waves are like flowers and trees, circle after circle.

Blast towards Fanster infinitely!

Every green wave like a flower like a tree explodes with infinite power!

Fanster blocked between the left and the right. For a while, I couldn't find the body of the water system Golden Fruit Shadow, but was firmly trapped.

"I hate water! Dry your tears!"

Accompanied by a muffled thunderous sound.

A pillar burning with blue flames stepped heavily in the clear water.

This is a leg of the flame tyrant Ribel!

The cyan flame, like a cloud explosive bomb, spread to the surroundings!

The sky blue waves. One-fifth was evaporated instantly.


A scream!

The shadow of the golden fruit of the water system showed its original shape.

It's just that his face is crimson. The figure is already a bit shorter.

Riber, the flame tyrant. The attainments in flame mystery are far higher than those in the shadow of the water system golden fruit, and the attainments in the power of the water system.

Therefore, under this foot, the shadow of the golden fruit of the water system has suffered a lot.

"Haha, die! You war puppet!"

The flame tyrant Riber laughed wildly.

A big wave!

A burst of bright red light is a sudden burst!

The speed is almost fast.

Water system golden fruit shadow. I only saw a bright red light up in front of my eyes.

The whole person is already surrounded by extremely hot waves.

"It's over. It's a heavy loss this time!"

The shadow of the golden fruit, unless it is completely burned to ashes~www.readwn.com~, otherwise it will not die. It just loses more and less energy.

"Who dares to hurt my clone!"

Remote space teleportation array. Suddenly bright!

In the bright light, a majestic and solemn voice came from this extremely bright light. Passed it over.

Suddenly, the shadow of the golden fruit will be burned into a fiery and bright flame of torch. It has become countless red flowers!

Yes, red flowers!

Flame composed of flowers.

The flames that could melt rocks instantly turned into flowers of flames


The flowers fell one by one on the body of the golden fruit of the water system, drifting on the blue waves surrounding the shadow of the golden fruit of the water system.

"what happened?"

Flame tyrant Riber didn't know how many years he had cultivated the power of the fire element.

It’s just the first time I saw the damage of the flames as gentle as a flower.


"Red lotus in the fire illuminates the world!"

In the strong light, a figure appeared faintly.

I saw, he pointed towards the flame tyrant Riber!


Accompanied by this sound.

The flame tyrant Ribel found himself in horror. There are countless bright reds in full bloom. Bright red, pink flowers came out.

These are all flowers of flame.

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