Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1199: Surprise Monsanto

In such a narrow space.

Too subtle moves. It's useless at all!

The number of Jianguang was just a touch, and the winner was determined almost immediately.

The loser immediately burst into blood, and his body fell apart in an instant!

The sudden burst of energy is like an aerial bomb exploding in a narrow space, instantly sweeping away all buildings.

Due to its fragile and complex structure, any damage to the plane transfer array will cause problems with the transfer array. Out of service.

However, a circle of rich oily yellow light immediately surrounded the teleportation array!

This circle of oily yellow light. It's like a bumper harvest.

It's like a mature field.

One by one shock waves that burst suddenly, hit this. Above the oily light. It's like a small rock thrown into the sea.

Even a small wave. Never appeared!

moment. In the palace where the teleportation array was located, all the people in it were outside the attackers, and the rest were all dead!

At this moment, it is too late to distinguish.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge shock wave was blocked inside, so it rushed upward!

The magnificent palace exploded in an instant, dozens of miles away. Can be seen clearly. The entire palace was suddenly turned into a column of smoke and dust hundreds of meters high by the explosion inside.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Within dozens of miles. It seemed that everyone was quiet for ten seconds.

However, this plane of Mengdu Mountain does not have a direct transmission to the dominant plane of Biyou Lord God.


Even the monks from the Biyou Lord God plane hit this plane. It also needs to reach other planes first.

That way, the monks on the plane of Mengdu Mountain had been alerted long ago, and they were caught off guard as they are now.

Plane teleportation array. It can be said to be one of the most rigorous places of plane protection.

After a short surprise.

Most of the smoke and dust dispersed.

Many people have detected it with divine consciousness.

Teleportation was actually protected by a powerful force intact.

Moreover, there are cultivators constantly coming out of this teleportation formation!

"Go! Take back the teleportation array! Destroy it!"

On the spot, a monk immediately understood the enemy's intentions, and there was a steady stream of monks. From this. Get out of the teleportation array!

Immediately, shouts of shouts rang out in various intact buildings within dozens of miles.

A person who can become a leader has the same judgment at this moment.

That is to recapture the teleportation array first, or else destroy the teleportation array.

The enemy's army must not be allowed to continuously emerge from the teleportation array.

moment. Ten miles away, a blue-golden light rose.

In an instant, this green-golden light turned into a green-golden black arrow that was hundreds of meters long.

From a distance, it doesn't look like an energy body, but like an entity composed of hundreds of rocks!

The cyan-gold long arrow, hundreds of meters long, first moved upward and jumped into the air above the nine heavens.

Immediately afterwards, he turned from a high altitude that was invisible to the naked eye and swooped down suddenly.

Its speed is fast. Compared to the upward shooting speed, it has increased ten times!

The speed of a rock long arrow of hundreds of meters increased tenfold.

This increased kinetic energy has increased by a hundredfold!

In an instant, these hundreds of meters of blue-gold rock long arrows bombarded the oily yellow and rich mask!

"Boom...one by one"

A loud noise!

The cyan-gold long arrow of hundreds of meters exploded into a ball of cyan-gold light and cyan-gold stone powder!

Compared to the impact of a meteorite hitting the ground, it was more than ten times larger.

but. Such a terrifying explosive power, in the direction of spreading toward the ground, as if it was hindered by something, all soared into the sky!

People around a hundred miles away clearly see.

Following the hundreds of meters of smoke and dust just now, a cyan-gold light sandwiched countless cyan-gold smoke and dust. Instantly rushed to a height of more than one thousand meters.

A huge cloud of green-golden mushrooms formed.

In the blue-gold mushroom cloud, a blue light leaped up like a blue dragon going out to sea.

Between shaking heads and tails, but momentary effort. Already flew ten miles away!

After the shadow of the golden fruit of the water system merges with the body, the power is greatly increased. He was able to make this "blue dragon going to sea" blow!

Like a dragon, the blue light fell towards the place where the blue-gold long arrow soared.

Within a few miles. Suddenly, all was shrouded by the blue sword light, the blue sword light wave after wave, in a flash, within a few miles, it turned into a blue sea.

An angry roar. It came out from the blue sea.

Less than ten blinks of an eye.

An unwilling roar. From inside the Bi-colored Jian Guanghai.

The Bi-color Jian Guanghai within a few miles was collected!

It turned into a blue dragon and soared up!

Flew towards the direction of the teleportation array.

And where the fight was just now. Has become a piece of flat ground.

The strength of the opponent. It calmed everyone within a hundred miles at the same time.

A squad of dozens of people, the closest to the teleportation array, has already rushed to the side of the teleportation array.

Seeing this cruel battle happen, there is a hesitation under the feet.

At this moment, the two hundred peach tree spirits who left the teleportation formation first had already been arranged into one. Semi-circular formation!


The bitter and fierce murderous intent caused the world to shake instantly!

They are all commandos who have experienced the battle of the abandoned land.

Eight hundred commandos, in the fierce battle, only six hundred and twenty people remained.

Among them, at least one-third of the deaths occurred in the battle with the flame tyrant Libel!

Heavy casualties. Let the remaining six hundred and twenty peach tree spirits become murderous one by one!

Moreover, their fighting skills. There has also been a considerable improvement!

Seeing these dozens of monks from the Giant Rock Earth God rushed.

On the semicircular fan, hundreds of sword lights shot out simultaneously.

For a time. These dozens of monks of the giant rock earth **** found hundreds of sword lights in front and back, up and down, left and right. Almost all-pervasive!


The little boss among dozens of people shouted!

Dozens of people show their swords!

Defensive swordsmanship. Do your best!

Among the evil light of the attack, among the ten sword lights, six stopped.

With their numbers, this is their strongest defense!

However, the remaining 40% of the sword light suddenly rolled like a violent wind swept through fallen leaves!


Various sword lights, magic weapon protection lights shine!

Like a neon light under the night.

However, the countless neon lights that lit up broke in an instant!

There was too much sword light coming.


It's like a slaughterhouse.

A burst of sharp blade cutting the flesh sound intensively.

In an instant, a large swath of blood burst into the sky, and the stumps splashed everywhere!

In the blood all over the sky. Only count to the sword light, faltering, fleeing from the air shaking left and right

go with.

However, the few survivors have not yet run far, counting to the red light like a rainbow from behind.

Go around!

It's like a colorful red rainbow in circles.

Suddenly the heads of people flew up like a gourd!

Within a hundred miles around, it was still for another moment.

However, it is only limited to this moment.

But immediately.

Various flying swords. Lightning through various palaces within a hundred miles.

Obviously, the enemy got involved and the defensive monks needed to reconsider countermeasures.

"Gather, gather!"

Within a hundred miles, the beings who had just issued the attack order issued the order again!

Within a hundred miles.

From the various palaces, monks poured out in groups. Mao walked towards a specific place.

Obviously, the beings have made up their minds. We must gather all our troops and fight to the death!

"Hurry up! Those who come out immediately line up!"

Tao Jinzhang also roared.

Take this opportunity.

The commandos in the abandoned land also burst out from the teleportation formation in waves.

Under the roar of their respective superiors, they began to line up, preparing to fight.

Wait until all the commandos who went to the deserted place have teleported.

This teleportation array will be transformed by Lao Qian itself.

It will directly lead to the plane of the planet Earth, and the army of the planet Earth will also be swarming along this new plane channel!

Finally, the array of both sides is over.

A few tens of miles away, smoke and dust billowed, suffocating into the sky.

A centaur. The rising monk, half of the sky has been covered.

The strange sound of swords and flying sounds rolled across the sky like waves of thunder.

"A group of chickens and dogs!"

The dozens of golden core peach tree spirits standing in the forefront, but at the same time sneered.

Their cultivation base has reached the golden core, and their spirit is naturally strong.

Between one scan. It was discovered that there were two thousand monks on the opposite side.

However, there are only more than 800 people whose cultivation base has reached the foundation stage.

The number of Jindan monks ~www.readwn.com~ is not much more than that of my own, and it is only at the level of ninety.

Plus previously on duty in the Teleportation Hall. The Jindan cultivators who were eliminated were only one hundred and ten in total.

The sentence is real. Brother Jindan is not Chinese cabbage after all.

in those days. The iron-clad Taoist that Lao Qian met now seems to be a ninth-grade golden pill

It looks now. Not even a fart. Back then, it was so awesome.

Like the inside of Peach Blossom Valley. The peach tree spirit who has reached the Jindan cultivation base. There are as many as three thousand people.

This was Tao Yuanming's tens of thousands of years of training, and only from his descendants, he cultivated such three thousand golden core monks.

This Monsanto plane can send 110 Jindan cultivators to defend the plane teleportation formation and live near the plane teleportation formation.

It's already because of the tight wind recently.

There is a lord here. There are many clones of the lord here.

Dozens of golden peach tree spirits believe.

The more than 30 Golden Core cultivators that the opponent has had, are nothing at all!

There was a strange howling sound.

Thousands of sword lights of different colors rose from both ends of the air at the same time.

For an instant. These thousands of sword lights dazzled the mountains and rivers. The sun and the moon are dull!

"Rumble rumbling..."

A thunderous voice sounded!

Like countless thunders. Rumble in the sky!

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