Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1202: The legendary 1 sword

There are thirty more Jindan monks, which is simply an absolute advantage.

However, this absolute advantage was shattered so quickly.

It just made Lin Hao's short man cramp all over.

A tiger face. It was angrily distorted.

Lin Hao was cruel by nature, and wanted him to retreat. Obviously, the casualties were far from enough.

More than a dozen monks immediately rushed towards the shadows of the six golden fruits.

These dozen monks. Everyone is actually a golden core monk, Lin Hao's diehard.

"So you are. Short is the head."

The six Jin Guo Ying smiled at each other.

Fighting for so long. Finally saw the enemy coach.

Almost at the same time, between the six Golden Fruit Shadows communicating with their spirits, they already understood the next move that should be made.

"Spring goes and spring returns. Flowers bloom and fall!

Runner birth and death! "

The birth and death of the runner is taken from the artistic conception of the world of life and death. Simplified.

Life and death, imprint the world, the world lives and die for it.

And the birth and death of the wheel is just the blooming and falling of thousands of flowers.

Although the mood is similar.

but. In terms of actual power, the difference is obviously not a match.

I saw six sword lights emitting at the same time, colliding together, turning into a blossoming sky!

Thousands of blooming flowers have experienced countless blooming and extinction in an instant!

A dozen real Jindan real people who rushed forward. I just felt that I was instantly caught in a sea of ​​flowers.

Thousands of red. The splendid scenery is really lost.

"What is the birth and death of the wheel? It sounds scary, but it is actually just an illusion formed by mana."

More than a dozen Jindan real people suddenly felt relaxed.

Various colors of sword light. Like mountains, it erupted like a boundless sea.

However, they immediately discovered a terrifying fact.

The sword light he wielded. Whether it is mountains or mountains. No matter the boundless sea.

As long as there is an endless sea of ​​flowers that is born and died at the same time. contact.

Suddenly disappeared in this sea of ​​countless flowers.

Not only did the sword light that he wielded melted, but also his flying sword and magic weapon.

Then, his own body also melted!

The scenery looks beautiful, but it is extremely powerful! "

More than a dozen real Jindan people screamed. Dissolved quickly in this boundless sea of ​​flowers.

They melted the body. It seems to be the nourishment for this boundless sea of ​​flowers, let this boundless sea of ​​flowers grow more and more prosperous.

The boundless sea of ​​flowers quickly expanded toward the surroundings!

Dozens of monks of the giant rock earth god, and even a few peach tree spirits who were too late to evacuate, also melted in this boundless sea of ​​flowers.

"Do not"

Lin Hao with a tiger face. There was no fierceness on his face, and it turned into a look of surprise and surprise. With a trace of fear.

This is a trick called the birth and death of the wheel.

For ordinary Jindan cultivators, the power is really greater.

Lin Hao's tiger-like throat was rolling.


He uttered the word with difficulty.

Amber golden light.

He has nodded his forehead.

A distance of tens of feet away.

The pressure like a mountain has already made Lin Hao's tiger face completely breathless.

"The sword breaks the mountains and rivers!"

A long knife that was much taller than Lin Hao's height suddenly appeared in his hand


Lin Hao holding a knife in both hands is a move to smash Huashan.

With this hack!

Circles of white ripples are rippling around.

Where the circles of white ripples pass.

The space is cracked.

In an instant, hundreds of acres of space were all shattered.

All objects within these hundreds of acres of space, as long as they are not hard enough, can only be crushed into pieces.

The power of this knife is worthy of the name.

Cut it down. Breaking mountains and rivers is not a problem!


Tearing the space. White ripples almost like tearing paper. When countless flowers bloom and die, they disappear like a cloud of white smoke in an instant!


This is the last scream of Lin Hao, known as the "dwarf tiger".

Because, right after.

His body is like a candle melted by flames.

It looks extremely slow, but it melts completely quickly. Became the support of countless flowers


Countless blooms of birth and death spread rapidly.

The more life disappears in these flowers, the more fragrant these flowers appear.

"The flowers of the battlefield are very fragrant, so you can enjoy it!"

Six golden fruits. Almost at the same time, he uttered the words that seemed like poetry but not poetry. Immediately afterwards, they looked at each other and laughed, laughing.

Countless flowers are born and die countless times in an instant, just like being blown by the wind, seemingly slow, but spreading extremely quickly.

Finally, wherever this sea of ​​flowers went, all the monks ran away.

There are already hundreds of monks buried in this sea of ​​flowers.

Whether it is the Golden Core monk. God-level master, or ordinary monk.

Before this sea of ​​flowers. There is only one way.

That is death!

The death of bones!

Even wanting to fall into the sky like dumplings has become an impossible luxury!

Fighting with both mouths, looking at the pattern of flowers, the only thing left is fear!

This is the power of the shadows of the six golden fruits, all working together to strike!

Until now, the main leader was killed in battle, the golden core advantage for the peach tree spirits. Also transformed into


I don’t know who shouted first!

Turn around and flee.

Immediately, the giant rock earth **** monk's army was like an avalanche. Start scrambling to escape

Show more of his back to the peach tree spirit grinning.

Peach Tree Spirit is not polite.

Speed ​​of escape. Compared to Jian Guang, it was still a lot worse.

Several rounds of sword light passed. The monks of the giant rock earth **** who turned and flew. Like dumplings, two rounds fell from the air!

After this battle is over. The number of monks of the Giant Rock Earth God who left the battlefield alive is no more than 900!

And the number of peach tree spirits is only more than 400 left!

"Wan Sheng!"

A peach tree spirit raised his arms and roared!

"Wan Sheng!"

All the peach tree spirits. Raise your arms!

They are not cheering for others, but cheering for themselves!

The old money body who was focusing on transforming the teleportation array revealed a smile.

These four hundred people. After heavy fighting, it can be said to be a real elite!

The strange sword whistle sounded from the horizon again, this time, the sky in the distance was dark again

It is estimated that there are at least thousands of visitors!

The peach tree spirits, who had not finished cheering, showed nervousness one by one.

However, their faces are more of a kind of perseverance.

After so many battles, they have been bearish on life and death!

Although, there are so many advantages in the number of enemies.

They may suffer heavy losses.

However, no one showed fear of the kiln again.

Near. It's getting closer.

Already you can see the nervous and hideous faces of the enemy!

However, these enemies saw that the land between the teleportation arrays suddenly disappeared in large areas, forming a huge vortex.

In the center of the huge whirlpool, an oily yellow light faintly appeared!

As soon as the huge whirlpool came out, it gave people a tremendous pressure!

This must be some big trick!

Thousands of people thought in their hearts almost at the same time.


In the middle of the team like a huge wild goose.

A monk roared desperately!

The sword whistling resounding through the clouds sounded almost at the same time!

An oily yellow light. Rising into the sky.

At this moment, it seems that the world is changing colors!

"This light is so smooth!"

This is the idea of ​​most monks in the huge wild goose-wing formation. It is also their last thought.

Recorded in the face of the Mengdu Mountain.

In the second wave of battle to intercept the master Biyou monk, the commander of the Biyou Temple monk had only one sword.

A sword that makes heaven and earth change color.

In an instant, the sword light rushed out for twenty miles and directly penetrated the most powerful middle of the Goose Wing Array.

With one sword, more than five hundred people turned into ashes!

As soon as this sword came out, the remaining five hundred people, without any fighting spirit, turned and ran.

The peach tree spirits who were chased down killed about half.

At this point, the monks on the plane of Mount Mondu are fearful.

Until a day later. Only organized the third wave of offensive.

However, one day later, the number of enemies has soared to more than 10,000!

From then on, the nightmare of Mount Mengdu began!

The third wave of the offensive launched by the monks of Mount Mondu has reached five thousand!

This is already a small part of Mount Mondu, a unit that can be pieced together.

After all, the elite troops of each main **** came from countless planes. Carefully selected.

This time. Far away, the offensive troops saw the land within a hundred miles, all being sucked in by a huge whirlpool!

Wherever this whirlpool goes ~www.readwn.com~ everything turns into nothingness, only the wind. The wind that destroys everything!

Facing this scene. The offensive commander's face changed completely!

"Go forward, go fast!"

He can only yell so loudly!

Because they are nearly thirty miles away from this whirlpool!

This distance, in the team. Only a few monks' magic weapons can reach.

obviously. The commander is quite wise.

For such power. The magic weapons of a few monks flew past, and they could only end up with those countless dusts. That is turning to ashes!

However, they traveled less than a few miles in the air. For the speed of the monk's flight, this is a very short time!

Oily yellow light. Light up again!

this moment. In the world. It seems that everything no longer exists, only endless grains and rich soil are left!


It's like in a cartoon, the powerful main gun is fired!

The five-thousand-man formation was once again penetrated by an oily yellow light!

Anything that was rubbed by this oily yellow light immediately turned to ashes!

After this light flashed, more than 600 people were killed in action!

However, the scale of five thousand people is different. Suffering such a heavy blow in an instant, the team is just confused in the air, and immediately dispersed under the command of the new commander. Two pink clouds towards the sky. Go ahead!

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