Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1212: Willow

One thousand two hundred and twelve chapters

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"kill him!"

Old Qian said coldly.

Murderous intent passed by in his eyes.

This green Jiao is his key experiment subject, no one can come.


Tao Jinzhang was shocked immediately!

Although he was dissatisfied with the behavior of the Liu family, but at any rate, he was tied for the four big families, the Liu family and the Tao family, and there was no big hatred. Killing the foreign deacon of the Liu family, this Liang Ke became big.

"Liu Hui, right, what do you want?"

Lao Qian didn't care about Tao Jinzhang, but with a solemn expression, he said coldly to Liu Hui.

Liu Hui was taken aback for a while, why is the coach of the Tao family like a green head?

You're so welcome, not even telling your name.

Somehow he was also the foreign deacon of the Liu family, and if he talked about his status, he was not much worse than the coach who attacked a plane.

However, now that I was asking for something, seeing that the other party was so rude, I had to frown and endure it.

"This Qingjiao Jingwu mud is a good friend of a good friend of mine. He also has some friendship with me. Can you let him go?"

Hearing this, Tao Jinzhang was expecting it, but Tao Jinzhang's eyes flickered.

However, the old money did not say a word.

Liu Hui had another meal.

This goes on.

"In addition, since you are here, we can discuss the production of the purple soil on the Mengdu Mountain plane, and it is not impossible to distribute some to your potters.

However, what price your Taoists need to pay is not sloppy--"

This is not over yet.

I saw the old money smile weirdly.

"Who manages this Mondu Mountain plane?"

"Of course it is the God of Giant Rock."

As soon as Liu Hui said what he said, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Don't be impulsive! Although this place is under the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Earth God, not only is there someone in my Liu family, but also"

Liu Hui's original intention was to say that there are also many of the subordinates of the other wood master gods here.

Where there are such good things, it is inevitable for business to come and go.

However, the old money did not wait for him to finish, he just shouted!

"Shut up! Don't you know that we are already enemies with the Giant Rock Earth God?

As a member of the four great families, you don't crusade against the enemy, but instead intercede with the enemy. Do you want to be a rebel? "

Old Qian's words were stern!

"You-where do you start? Some friendships are also very common.

If you understand the rules, it has nothing to do with rebellion! "

Liu Hui's face has become iron blue.

Among the four great families, did the exchanges of that family spread all over the world?

For this little thing, sell some noodles.

In Liu Hui's view, this is the rule of the four great families, and it is nothing at all.

"Do you want to swallow the purple soil?"

Liu Hui immediately guessed the ultimate intention of the old money being so tough.

"What a joke, to get this information, enter this valley

What a huge price my Liu family paid, you want to be so monopolized, that is absolutely impossible! "

Liu Hui was finally anxious.

He came to collect purple soil in this Omiuer valley.

Naturally, in such a place, the Mengdu Mountain plane would never allow him to bring too much guarding power.

If the old money goes straight in, the Tao family will have a big advantage this time.

"Shut up! This is the plane of Mount Mondu, the enemy property!

It is the bounden duty of every soldier to plunder the enemy's property!

Have you forgotten the vocation of a soldier? "

Old Qian sneered.

It doesn't matter if your Liu family is on the plane of Mount Mondu or in the valley of Omiaoer.

How much money and manpower was spent in order to obtain purple soil.

However, everything on this plane of Mount Mondu is now enemy property!

What's more important is that the old money has already led the brawny peach trees to march straight in!

This is not the private action of the Tao family.

It was a combat command issued by Biyou Temple!

Positive military action!

In this way, as long as the place occupied by Lao Qian, everything belongs to the army led by Lao Qian.

In other words, Lao Qian didn't sell the Liu family's noodles at all, and the Liu family also called for nothing.

Moreover, in this matter, the Liu family would never retaliate against the Tao family publicly.

"This---Master Tao."

Lao Qian did not give his name.

For a while, Liu Hui didn't know what to call, so he had to call Lao Qian "Master Tao"

"We, the Liu family, and your Tao family, don’t have any deep hatred. It’s too much for you to do this."

The words behind Taizi have not yet been exported.

Old money slapped back!

A beautiful landscape, once again!

Like countless red lotuses emerging above the green water, swaying in a green onion cage.

It's ever-changing and beautiful.

However, the seemingly beautiful green water safflower, instantly, "Teng!" burned.

It also seems to be transformed into a red lotus, and every red lotus is like a flame that burns everything.

It's like a river of flames rushing from the horizon.

The light and elegant sword intent instantly turned into a pure incomparable, destroying all crimson light, and in a flash, it had already hit Liu Hui's chest.

The trick that Lao Qian realized, "The Red Lotus of Destroying the World", was not as powerful as the oily light of the combination of the innate rules of the soil and the rules of the wood.

However, the power is also very impressive.

If he used the oily yellow light, Old Qian would slap Liu Hui to death for fear of a palm.

Who would kill Liu Hui, it was just a sword.

However, it is equivalent to a festival between the Liu family and the Tao family.

The extremely pure red light is just a flash!

But ~www.readwn.com~ Liu Hui's look is extremely solemn!

Although he is the foreign deacon of the Liu family, he is permanently stationed in the valley of Omiao, and the safety is the responsibility of the monks on the plane of Mengdu Mountain.

Naturally, there is usually no fighting.

Compared with the two cultivators who had just faced off against Lao Qian, his cultivation base and combat effectiveness were only slightly better.

Liu Hui had no confidence in blocking the red light that burned above the water and wood forces that blocked the old money.

But even if he couldn't stop it, he had to stop it!

He can get out of the way, believing that on the face of the Liu family, the other party will not take him seriously.

However, as soon as he escaped, he completely lost the qualification to talk to the old money.

Even among the four great families, the level of cultivation is the only criterion to determine the attitude of each other's dialogue.

If you don't even dare to accept a blow from the opponent, give way.

Needless to say, Liu Hui can only hide his face and go away!

"Yangliu'an, Xiaofeng and Wanyue!

Xiaofeng strikes! "

Liu Hui groaned calmly on the surface.

The demeanor is calm and unhurried.

However, in the voice, there is quite a bit of negative meaning to resist!

Put your palms together and push forward flatly!

A breeze, extremely cool, extremely comfortable, as if blowing from the sky!

This is Xiaofeng on the bank of Yangliu!

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