Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1214: West Wind Cuifeng Body

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

The old money is weird.

Once the monk's power reaches a certain level, he cherishes life very much.

For them, who can fly into the sky in an instant, escape is much easier than ordinary people.

Therefore, there are fewer and fewer people who still adhere to the beliefs of ordinary people like samurai.

"I can have today's cultivation base with the faith and honor of the samurai. Since this is the case, what can I say?"

"Good! Faith and honor are also a power of practice. According to the rules of the samurai, I will give you another chance to challenge me.

If you don't challenge, you will be my captive! "

Old Qian also said solemnly.

Give this purple-eyed monk another chance to challenge, if the purple-eyed monk can defeat the old money, he will be free.

Of course, if you don’t win, you die!

The purple-eyed monk pondered a little, this Taoist general was very demeanor.

However, that trick of clear water and red lotus is not the opponent's strongest trick.

The opponent's oily yellow light was not used at all when dealing with the two of them.


The purple-eyed cultivator was silent, and challenged ten more times, the same ending.

"Do it."

The purple-eyed monk's face was extremely calm, as if he was let others kill, not himself.

"Bring him!"

The old Qian turned his head towards the brawny peach trees surrounding the purple-eyed monk.

It seems that this purple-eyed monk is a stone, and he is not so easy to deal with.

Take him up as a prisoner first, and care about it later.

"Rush in!"

The old money yelled!

And Liu Yong, although his body collapsed, was already supported by two strong men, one on the left and the right.

Once he knew the idol-level poet in front of him, Old Qian would not let him lie down on the roadside like an ordinary wounded soldier.

In this way, if you come to a slightly higher level cultivator, Liu Yong will be dead, maybe, this account is still on the old money.

"There are many factions in the valley---"

Liu Yong reminded Old Qian.

From the commander under Tao Yuanming, he seemed to see the shadow of himself back then.


Brothers, shout to me, disarm and not kill! "

Lao Qian accepted Liu Yong's kindness.

What he and these brawny peach trees want is purple soil!

The distance from Taniguchi to the center of the valley is hundreds of miles.

More information, purple soil, was produced in a patio in the center of the valley.

A distance of tens of miles, in a blink of an eye.

The team that blocked the second wave finally ushered in.

The command of the team guarding the Omiuer Valley is extremely strict, and those who retreat are dead!

The first wave of guards did not dare to retreat, and died instantly.

Seeing that the first wave of guards did not return.

The main guard of the second wave of guards, seeing the enemy close in front of them, had no choice but to instigate the monks and attack them!

A strong and fierce air rushed toward his face.

A five-meter-high giant roared, the giant's muscles like rocks.

A pair of giant wings on the back is like a big eagle.

The wings vibrated, and thunderbolt shot out on the left, and thousands of sparks shot out on the right.

Certainly, this is the master of the second level.

Thousands of sparks, where each spark falls, seems to burn a big hole in the void.

Every bolt of lightning pierced through the void where Wanjun Thunder passed.

In the roar, it seemed that the power of the world within a thousand miles was taken away by it!

Tens of thousands of peach tree brawny, although they are far away from this Wanjun Thunder, they feel that countless thunders seem to smash directly on themselves.

Thousands of sparks, as if to burn their soul!


Old Qian shook his head.

No matter how powerful it is, although its momentum is great, it still stays in the stage of grabbing the power of the world and has not reached the level of harmony with the world.

The power of the world is mysterious and unpredictable.

Is it possible that Yuan Ying's previous manpower can control it?

Those who reach the Nascent Soul can control part of the power of heaven and earth.

After not reaching Yuan Ying, wanting to control the power of this world is like a child playing with a sword.

There are flaws all over.

Of course, this kind of flaw is not a master in harmony with the world, and it is absolutely invisible.

The more thunder and lightning this person absorbed, the more sky-fires, in the eyes of the old money, the more flaws in his body.

However, his thunder method can be used to improve his two thunder methods.

Today, Lao Qian feels that the high-level techniques of Liangyi Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei require a lot of time to practice.

And the magic arts with a slightly lower number of layers, compared with the oily yellow light of the two elements of earth and wood, the power of the mysterious combination, the power difference is a bit larger.

There is no time for the main **** to add a place to practice.

After all, it still showed inconvenience.


The two brawny peach trees rushing in front were instantly shattered and turned into torches in the sky, splashing down towards the surroundings!

As the commander-in-chief of an army, how can you take the lead in every charge?

Naturally, damage is inevitable.

"You spread out, I'll come!"

After getting along with each other for a long time, the old Qian also developed some feelings for these brawny peach trees.

With a pinch of both hands, the clear water and red lotus, as if coming from the sky, straddling the sky.

I saw two extremely pure red rays, one flashing from left to right!

Thousands of sparks that burned the void into black holes, as if they could burn all attacks, contact the incomparable red light, and all were swallowed by the incomparable red light!

Another incomparable red light flashed!

Thousands of thunder and lightning struck this red light~www.readwn.com~ as if it had smashed into an endless black hole!

In an instant, the two red lights had already cut everything apart and slashed straight!


The rock giant with wings on his back was shocked!

The pleasure of killing two enemies with ease just now has not disappeared. I did not expect the enemy's collar to be so powerful!

Suddenly, accompanied by these two extremely pure red lights.

An instinct of destruction instantly spread from the bottom of my heart to the whole body!

Before the two red lights reached the body, there was a feeling of stiffness all over.

I still felt this way when I was a juvenile body.

I haven't felt this way for many years since I cultivated to Dacheng!

The two Taoisms that I am proud of are both broken by pure and dazzling red light!

Between the electric light and flint, this rock giant with wings on its back, first a pair of wings together!

Then, immediately,

Just stretch out an arm as thick as a pillar!

My own West Wind Cuifeng body, although not to be said to be indestructible, but at least on this Mengdu Mountain plane, it can be said to be one of the best.

Otherwise, he would not have been sent to serve as such an important guard, and there was only hope that this West Wind Cuifeng body could stand a block.


First, there was a bang, and the pair of wings that joined in front of you were shattered by the bombardment.

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