Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1296: Greetings from all parties

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"To lift the purple soil requires the temple talisman on the plane of Mengdu Mountain, which can be opened after closing the jade talisman in the hands of the three guards.

Now, one of the three guards is running away, one is captured, and the other is unknown. Where do you want us to find someone to open the Zi Zhan Well? "

Said a monk with a silver crown and broad sleeves.

His whole dress is extremely gorgeous, above the clothes

As if there are countless stars circulating.

Although it was discussed by everyone, there was a natural arrogance in his words.

"What else can I do, Liu Hui and this Tao family are both families under the command of the Lord Biyou.

We just recommended Liu Hui to negotiate. What was the result?

Look at Liu Hui's appearance, it seems that he is seriously injured. "

The other monk spoke unceremoniously.

This monk was enveloped in a layer of golden gas.

The golden gas instantly turned into countless golden flowers, branches and leaves, golden tulips!

If the old money was here, he would exclaim.

This is an extremely rare flower with harsh growth conditions.

This person actually uses golden tulips as his natal flower.

Compared with ordinary wood monks, this monk is like a knight who makes full-body armor with gems compared to an ordinary soldier in leather armor.

"Then what do we do now? You two have such different cultivation bases. On weekdays, we are the two of you the most powerful.

To be the eldest brother of those of us.

This time, how about you just come forward and negotiate with the Tao family again?

If the negotiation is successful, the share of purple soil we bought this year will be saved, which is enough for us to negotiate with the door. I, Fan Wanli, will be the first to call you two brothers!

How is it, dare to go? "

A monk dressed in white clothes like snow, looking at them two, suddenly sneered and sneered.

These people are representatives of the major forces in Omiao Valley.

Every plane, every main **** has it.

Being able to detect the strictly confidential place of the Omiuer Valley, and to extend their forces in, the factions behind them paid an unimaginable price.

Naturally, compared to looking for a needle in a haystack to search for purple soil in the markets of all major planes.

At least, in the Omiaoer Valley, you can get free supplies.

The monks in silver crowns and costumes, as well as the monks covered in a layer of golden mist, were speechless.

This group of people usually have too many contests while drinking and having fun.

Liu Sanchang's Xiaofeng Wanyue, although it can't be said to be proud of the group, but among this group of people, it is at least among the top four.

None of the monks in the room dared to boast that Liu San could be seriously injured like that.

Liu San can't change, isn't this group of them going up to die?

"Anyway, it's just this year's output, so let the kid take it away."

The face of the Chinese monk was embarrassed and could not speak.

However, the monk, who was covered in golden mist, could not see his expression.

Just being silent like this, no one else can do anything to him.

Therefore, the monk in silver crown and costume said

He found himself a step.

"It's just this year's output? Riding the wind to disperse people, you will be blinded by these words.

It's been so long since I've been here, who doesn't know that the annual output of this Zi Zhan Well is more than two thousand catties.

This extra production, but all exists in the Zi Zhan Well, after so many years of warming and cultivation in Zi Zhan Well, I am afraid that the effect will be better.

Once the Zizhanjing was opened by the Taoist's army, the purple soil that had survived over the years would all belong to the Taoist! "

It turned out that this monk in Chinese clothes had a very elegant name, called Chengfeng Sanren.

Fan Wanli, dressed in white, unceremoniously accused Fan Wanli of acting stupid!

Fan Wanli's white face immediately flushed.

"Just let us put pressure on the Tao family in the name of all parties.

I don't believe it, but we come from the plane ruled by the major gods, and we have a certain influence on the Tao family.

I don't believe it, this kid dare to provoke so many powerful enemies to the Tao family at once! "

The monk in a golden mist finally spoke.

When the group heard this, they nodded silently.

Indeed, joint pressure is the most feasible method.

The place where they talked is on the outskirts of the building complex in the center of the Omiuer Valley, where the purple soil originated.

The periphery of Zi Cham Well.

At this time, the Tao family's large forces had already rushed into this building.

There was a loud bang.

The gate of the palace has been opened.

Several guarding monks are about to step forward, dozens of sword lights are already like a wave, bombarding them!

Several sword lights just stepped forward, and dozens of sword lights immediately turned into a sea of ​​flowers and leaves.

The sea of ​​beautiful flowers and leaves spread out suddenly, like a hundred flowers blooming in full bloom, and the mountains and wilds are all green.

In the middle of this beautiful scenery, a blood burst into it!

Several monks have been stirred into dozens of blood clots!

The sea of ​​flowers and leaves just expanded like a tide, and the group of people sitting in the middle of the hall was swept in.

The monk in the silver crown robe just stretched his finger!

A golden tulip blooms elegantly in the sky.

The pale golden glory was released.

This tulip was spinning around in the air.

Wherever he went, the ocean of flowers and leaves revealed by dozens of sword lights was broken by this pale golden tulip!

"Tell the head coach of the Tao family! Deacon Jin Anchang, a believer of the Lanxi Lord God!"

With the words of the monk in the silver crown and robe ~www.readwn.com~ the golden tulips blooming in the light, turned into a greeting card.

On the greeting card, a golden tulip forms a big text.

If the old money is here, you can recognize it.

This big one is similar to the word "gold" in Xiaozhuan.

A monk covered in golden mist smiled in the golden mist.

Flick your finger.

A black flower bloomed instantly in the sky.

Between the black brilliance, it turned out to be a huge black peony!

The black peony fluttered and rotated in the air, and it turned out to be indescribably gorgeous.

"Please tell the coach of the Tao family, the deacon of the Su family under Lord Furong, Su Shengxiong, pay a courtesy."

The black peony was spinning in the air.

At the same time, it turned into a black greeting card. On top of the greeting card, a black peony flower was vivid.

A strong man with a rare bone in the lead, seeing the sword of his dozens of brothers, was broken at the same time.

I was surprised.

Seeing the two monks offer their greetings, the monks in the silver crown and costumes were full of arrogance.

But the monk dressed in golden mist had a much calmer tone.

This brawny man with unusual bones pointed his head, took a step forward, stretched out his hands, but first held the black greeting note.

"You are rude!"


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