Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1219: Brown chalcedony

Help at home, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe. However, in the feeling of the old money, this soft purple soil is indeed different from the surrounding purple soil. It contains a kind of vitality, but this vitality appears slightly Violent and


This place of vitality and chaos. It may be that the plants planted in the purple soil have the root of evolution.

The old money, who has a better understanding of the Tao of Heaven and Earth, quickly guessed the purple soil, which can give plants the root of evolution.

It's no wonder that all the forces who came to this Omiuer Valley were not extraordinary masters.

Use the violent and chaotic aura contained in the purple soil to continuously cultivate plants or spiritual roots in exchange for opportunities for evolution.

However, once there is no evolution for a long time, the normal growth of this plant and spiritual root will be changed by this violent and chaotic spiritual root.

Neither the texture nor the length can compare to normal plants and spiritual roots.

therefore. Real wood masters are reluctant to use this kind of purple soil.

Unless they do reach a bottleneck period, they really cannot break through.

Just use this soil to try your luck.

but. The three-color spiritual roots in his own divine mansion seemed to have reached a bottleneck after the fusion of the two elements of the earth and wood elements.

These days, no matter how old Qian cultivates, the three-color spiritual roots have not changed at all.

This three-color spiritual root, maybe that's it. Perhaps, there will be another explosion.

However, as the backbone of his divine palace, Old Qian clearly realized it.

The three-color spiritual root has actually reached a state of bottleneck.

For a long time. No matter how you mobilize your spiritual power, the sun that the angel's heart turns into will radiate light.

These three-color spiritual roots only grow bigger, taller and hairy.

If you want a substantial change, maybe a few more years, maybe a few hundred years! Tears Book Bar, Dumping Groove Factory Reports Less Update, More

This purple soil may be the root of the tricolor spirit. An opportunity for evolution.

During the scanning of the divine mind, the soft purple soil was only two meters in radius, but it continued to extend downward.

In the penetration of divine mind, the old Qian felt. The texture of this purple soil is much heavier than ordinary soil.

Stretching straight for tens of meters, the end of this purple soil is a piece of brown jade-like stone.

It's just that this brown jade has a bone marrow-like shape, extending downwards, I don't know it is hundreds or thousands of meters.

Invisible fluctuations in stocks, like aura. But it is invisible and innocent, rising up from the brown jade.

These invisible fluctuations continue to rise, but the speed of the rise is very slow.

In the process of slowly rising upwards, it is changing the texture of these purple soils to an almost undetectable degree.


It turned out to be something similar to Jin Wang, fluctuation.

Old Qian said softly.

Immediately transmit his own information to the turtles.

They were all on Jinwang Mountain, Izumo Town, and had absorbed Jinwang fluctuations.

After hearing this, the turtle stepped out, already standing on the purple soil.

Reached out and grabbed the purple soil.

"It's so heavy, this soil is much heavier than ordinary purple soil."

In fact, the whole body of the turtle has entered a most relaxed state.

Feeling any energy fluctuations coming up from the purple dirt car.

"Sure enough, this is indeed purple soil, so much, definitely more than two thousand catties.

It seems that the Mengdu Mountain plane hides a lot of production on weekdays. "

Tao Jinzhang stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of purple soil in his hand.

He immediately went awkward.

It was exactly the same as one of the samples he had seen before, it really was one of two kinds of purple soil!

"Soft-shelled turtle, have you detected this kind of fluctuation, for the human body. Is there anything


Old Qian let the fluctuation of the brown chalcedony through his body.

But I can't detect it. This kind of fluctuation has any useful changes to the human body.

It stands to reason that I am now a body of spiritual roots, and this kind of fluctuation, whether it is effective for animals or plants, I can easily feel it.

"I can feel it too. It seems that this kind of fluctuation only affects the soil. To put it in a jargon, this kind of fluctuation. Only this kind of inorganic matter."

The soft-shelled turtle played with a handful of purple soil in his hands for ten times. In fact, he was also experiencing the fluctuation of the color chalcedony. Finally, come to this conclusion.

The world is so big, it really has everything.

"It seems that this musky chalcedony is the source of purple soil."

Old Qian's eyes turned for a while.

What if I move this brown chalcedony into my palace?

The old money suddenly came up with an idea.

This is also the value of the purple soil is too high, the old money for a while, even tried to get a big roll.

As a result, the old Qian's spiritual thoughts immediately spread out along the brown chalcedony. To read the most cut chapter, choose the book of tears

Ten li, the chalcedony of this color is still expanding outward.

Baili, the brown chalcedony is still expanding outward.

Five hundred miles!

This is already the old money's divine mind, which is the limit of expanding outward along the color chalcedony. Tears Book Bar slaps the concave factory to report less, more cuts, more

There are still objects that can be used to place spiritual thoughts, otherwise, the spiritual thoughts can be extended in the void, and the cultivation base of the old money can only extend to about three hundred miles at most.

"This jade chalcedony is like the root of the same big tree, thousands of miles away!"

The old money was shocked.

The whole body felt abnormally tired, as if traveling thousands of miles.

The thought of wrapping this treasure in his mind suddenly disappeared completely.

"It's a treasure of natural talents. Virtuous people live there."

This brown chalcedony. As the spirit of heaven and earth, in the eyes of Old Qian, this squeezed chalcedony is probably the essence of the entire Mendu Mountain plane ~ www.readwn.com~ This Mengdu Mountain plane. But there are countless lives, not like the plane where the old money formed the golden core.

If the old money really did this behavior, the loss of this merit would be great.

No wonder, Lao Qian just used his spiritual sense to investigate.

Shennian was only five hundred miles away from the nose, and he felt abnormally tired.

This is detrimental to morality. A warning of personal will.

Old Qian felt something in his heart.

The purple soil left here is about 20,000 catties.

The old money rolled his sleeves. It has already rolled up five thousand catties.

Five thousand catties of purple soil. Just like a purple gust of wind, in the big sleeves of the old money, entered the old money’s divine mansion, one after another, piled up in the old money’s three-color spiritual root week


"The rest, take out 10,000 catties of purple soil to reward those who have done meritorious services, and you will divide the remaining 5,000 catties of purple soil."

The old money ordered the distribution range of the remaining purple soil.

"You take it. I want it to be useless."

A shoulder.

Speaking generously.

Stone smiled: "I am like a turtle, it's useless to take these."

Stone is so sophisticated. I have long understood what the turtle is thinking.

"If you don't take it, I'll take some."

The big head glared. What's wrong with these two people, this purple soil, in the market, is worth the boss's price!

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