So do I belong to the embodiment department, or the trait department?

Vega was a little confused.

Can it still become like this?

How powerful is this experience point! It’s just that it is accompanied by the auxiliary use of mental qi, and it actually corrodes the cup.

Moreover, there was a miserable scream in my ears just now, could it be that this experience point was really the energy transformed by the soul?

Vega patted his forehead: “Forget it, the system is too mysterious, don’t think too much about it.” ”

Then he recalled the two qualities that appeared successively on the Mizumi style he had just seen.

With his memory of watching full-time hunters.

In the plot of the anime, there is only one person who has two changes during the Mizumi style, that is, Kurapika with fiery red eyes.

In the beginning, when Kurapika normally used Mizumi Shiki, it showed the embodied system.

But when he opens the fiery red eye and performs the Mizumi style again, it will become a trait system.

And Kurapika’s trait system is very strong, five series all-round, can play 100% of the abilities of all departments, but also has special abilities, coupled with the combination of constraints and vows, Kurapika is completely the existence of the Phantom Brigade treasure.

Vega looked down and thought, “If you only use the Mind Qi, then it is a manifestation system, but if it is accompanied by the use of experience points, then it will become a trait system, and its power is still very amazing, and it has the ability to corrode.”

If you have enough thought, coupled with the additional power of experience points, I am afraid that ordinary minds may not be able to resist this killing move at all. ”

In this way, this method of use can be used as its own hole card.

Thinking of this, Vega looked coldly at an independent building not far away.

That building was where he had been hiding, but Vega didn’t immediately look for other places to hide after killing the Shelby family gunners.

Instead, he cautiously hid in a tall building at the end of the street and silently watched the building.

Vega is not willing to hide as a bereaved dog, because he wants to hunt the Shelby family from now on as a hunter.

So after he eliminated those gunmen of Shelby, he immediately thought of a note, a trap specially designed for the Shelby family.

He, pretending to be an informant who calls for a bounty, broke the news that he saw Pengelle here. News that Vega had been haunted in this building.

Sure enough, as Vega expected, when the Shelby family heard the news, they immediately became excited, did not hesitate to praise, and let him continue to monitor, as long as they confirmed the correctness of the information, then the Shelby family will give a good reward.

Of course, if there is an unexpected situation, then it must also be reported as soon as possible.

And just after Vega squatted on the tall building for more than half an hour, more than a dozen cars rushed in.

Dozens of gunmen from the Shelby family got out of the car one after another, surrounded the entire building with murderous faces, and pointed their guns at the building.

A moment later, a high-end car came from the street, stopped steadily outside the encirclement, stayed at a safe distance, and then a man in his forties, with a scar on his face and a face full of anger, walked down.

I saw a strong man in a suit running quickly, and from three meters away, he respectfully whispered: “Lord Griffin.” ”

Griffin waved his hand casually and asked sharply, “How is the situation?” ”

“Sir, we have already fenced off this place, and not a fly will want to run away.” The captain immediately replied, “Just wait for your order, and we will rush in and beat that little cub of Pengelle into a hornet’s nest.” ”

Griffin glared at him and shouted, “Then what are you waiting for, don’t hurry up and rush in and let the Pengellet family reunite in hell.” ”

When the squad leader heard the order, he immediately shouted loudly to the gunmen: “First squad, let me rush in and kill all the people inside.” ”


“It’s the captain.”

With the captain’s order, more than ten gunmen immediately rushed into the building with murderous faces.

“The hands and feet are not sharp.” Griffin glanced at it, pulled a cigarette from his pocket and held it to his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the captain immediately took out a lighter, respectfully lit a cigarette for Griffin, and then pointed to the building and said proudly: “Lord Griffin, you haven’t finished smoking this cigarette, you can see the scene of the body of the little cub of Navega being dragged out.” ”

As soon as the words fell, a loud noise was heard from inside the building, and countless rubble continued to splash out in all directions, breaking the head of the surrounding gunman and bleeding.

The building creaked and began to shake violently.

I saw that as countless cracks continued to spread above the building, with a bang, the entire building collapsed.

Countless dusts rose up in the air, submerging the entire place in dust.

I also saw several grenades falling from the sky and falling into this dust.



The explosions continued to sound, and countless screams resounded throughout the streets.

At this moment, Griffin, who had already been cut through his cheek by rubble, roared with blood on his face at this time: “There is an ambush, this is a trap, leave quickly.” ”

“Retreat, retreat quickly, don’t stay in the smoke, this place will only be used as a live target.”

Although Griffin roared for everyone to retreat, he climbed back onto his car as soon as possible, climbed into the driving position, and put the car gear into the reverse position, ready to escape the trap.

He quietly waited for his men to rush out of the smoke and use them as targets to attract fire.

Fragmentary gunshots were heard constantly, as well as screams coming from a distance.

Griffin felt that the time had come, and immediately kicked the accelerator and quickly retreated towards the street junction in his memory.

Just turned out of the smoke, immediately turned the car and was about to accelerate to escape, when he saw a grenade thrown not far ahead.

Hearing a boom, the car was overturned by the gas wave.

Covered in blood, Griffin struggled to open his seat belt and tried to climb out of the car, but the car owner with broken thighs and legs could not move.

I only heard a sound of footsteps, slowly coming from far and near.

Griffin lifted his bloodied head and looked out, only to see a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy strolling through the darkness with a pistol, adding a shot to every body he passed.

“Griffin of the Shelby family, the number three person in the family.” An indifferent voice came softly from the young man’s mouth.

Looking at Griffin, who was crawling there like a dog trying to escape, Vega didn’t say much, but indifferently pointed the muzzle of the gun at his head.


Then a corpse fell to the ground, blood flowing out, painting the ground a bright red color.

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