After arranging things.

Vega walked out of the restaurant and into the garden outside.

There are only a few male servants in the garden, which covers an area of several acres, where flowers and plants are sorted out, and branches and leaves are pruned.

Farther away, there were a large number of people belonging to the Pengellet family wearing black suits and headsets, patrolling the gate, vigilantly watching every stranger approaching.

Vega glanced at it, then walked slowly on the grass, the breeze blowing through the ends of his hair, making him look like a melancholy prince.

He walked on the grass while silently thinking about things.

About Nian and the Ten Old Men.

Yesterday, although he directly opened the essence hole and obtained the mind because of the system, he used this as an opportunity to strengthen two artifacts.

Although with these two embodied objects, with bloody means, he was extremely powerful in the entire city of Nacro overnight, ruling this city of nearly one million people.

However, he also offended the overlord of the underground world, the Ten Old Men.

At the same time, although Jack and other city councilors showed their submission to the Pengellet family, they were probably secretly united with the Ten Old Men.

In the cognition of those who know, the Vega and Pengellet families have reached a dangerous time, and will be destroyed in the wrath of the ten old men in the near future.

But in Vega’s eyes, the threat of the ten old men is actually not great, and he has enough strength to deal with it.

After all, he has a reinforcement system, as long as he has enough experience points and strengthens a powerful weapon to gain enough strength, these problems will be solved.

And now Vega is thinking about those yin beasts.

Whether he wanted to snatch the position of the ten old men or solve the threat of the ten old men, these needed to face the Yin Beast.

Only if you have the strength to level the Yin Beast, then you can protect yourself, and only by easily killing the strength of the Yin Beast can you realize the ideas in your heart.

But the only person he has dealt with now is the guy named Michelle, who seems to be a subordinate of the ten old men.

However, this guy’s strength seems to Vega to be very average, and it can even be said to be a little weak.

With the siege of dozens of black shadow warriors, this mindful person was solved.

Therefore, Vega did not dare to use this guy as a standard to compare the Yin Beast, lest he accidentally look at the strength of the Yin Beast too low, and as a result, he made a calculation error and pitted himself.

In fact, in his heart, according to the full-time hunters he had seen before, there was a division of strength for these people.

If S.A.B.C.D.E is used as the standard for ranking.

Then the E level is undoubtedly those guys who have just learned to read, but they don’t know much about reading, such as the crippled trio on the 200th floor, who have had the idea through various accidents, but they are very ignorant of reading.

Then the D level is those who know a little, but their mastery is not profound, entanglement, absolute, refining, and method, may all understand, but it belongs to half a bucket of water dangling. Those bodyguards in the Nosra family, Shakimono Dorchino, Fei Jie, and Skuvara belong to this kind, and their strength is neither high nor low.

As for the C level, in Vega’s eyes, it is basically a very good ability to read, and the ability to develop the mind is very good, ordinary people are difficult to fight even if they hold weapons, and the Yin Beast, and the killer invited by the ten old men behind are likely to belong to this level.

As for the B level, it belongs to the masters among the ability to read, and all the Phantom Brigades have reached this standard.

The better A rank belongs to the first-class powerhouse in his imagination, and Xiso, the regiment leader, and many of the twelve earth branches are among them. As for the S level, I am afraid that it is the existence of the five abilities such as the president and Jin.

If this standard of Vega is calculated, then the Yin Beast undoubtedly belongs to those who belong to at least C-level mental ability, and ordinary people are useless to the Yin Beast.

Only if he uses evil spirits to haunt him, can he fight the Yin Beast.

If the Ten Old Man sends several Yin Beasts at that time, or even asks them to bring a few Mindful Abilities over, I’m afraid that with his current strength, it will be a little difficult to deal with!

Thinking of this, Vega couldn’t help but worry.

“In this way, I need to continue to strengthen the evil spirit.”


In the conference hall last night, Vega had already demanded the right to accompany and deal with criminals at will.

And where he is going now is precisely to eliminate harm to the people, after all, the Kingdom of Armenia does not have the death penalty, and no matter how serious a crime is, it is only hundreds of thousands of years in prison.

And now that Vega needed experience points, he immediately got his idea here.

After all, Vega doesn’t want to kill people at will, so these long-deserved prisoners might as well play their last residual heat at this time.


So for the past two days.

At this moment, above the sky of Nacro City, an airship is preparing to land slowly.

At the moment, this airship is very huge, but the real guests are only three people, and the others are just servants who serve them.

“Boss Red Snake, who are we going to solve this time!” A green-haired, face-scaled, very ugly guy sitting on the sofa with two beautiful women in his arms asked casually

“It’s this guy!” The red-haired red snake indifferently threw out a photo. “The lizard can see clearly, don’t get the wrong person when you perform the task later.”

And the portrait in the photo is none other than Vega. The look of Pengele.

“Oh! What a handsome guy! The green lizard turned out to look at the portrait of the person and showed a hideous smile: “I will take good care of him.” ”

“Don’t be careless, this guy is a thoughtist, Michelle’s waste may be planted on his hands.” Red Snake reminded.

The green lizard laughed, groped up and down the two beauties next to him and said without care: “The three of us shot together, is this little guy still running?” ”

“And this little guy is only a teenager, how much thought qi can he have, I’m afraid that even the foundation of thinking may not be completely mastered.”

The red snake shook his head and cautiously persuaded: “Don’t forget me and you, where you came from, there are also some very strong masters in Meteor Street who are so big people.” ”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but sound those guys who came out of Meteor Street and broke into a huge reputation.

“Hahaha, the guys in this greenhouse are also worthy of comparison with the people in Meteor Street.” The green lizard had a disdainful expression on his face.

“Let me see who the target is.” A man with some sharp teeth and a scar on his face shouted.

The lizard threw the photo at the hound.

The hound took the picture and glanced at it, and then remembered Vega’s face.

“Okay, let’s go down!”

“Anyway, the goal this time is also to have people who have thoughts, so everyone should pay attention.” The red snake ordered, and walked down with the two.

At this moment, several cars are already here, waiting for a long time.

Then there was the sound of cars starting, and soon the convoy was heading towards the city of Nacro.


Thank you ** big guy for the tip.

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