Wo Jin gasped, although his fighting spirit was high, but there was a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

After all, almost all of his thoughts were blasted out at once just now, and even if his physique was far beyond ordinary people, he felt a little weak.

And March immediately took back Wo Jin’s broken arm, and the reading line was directly connected with the wave of March.

However, in just a dozen seconds, the entire broken arm was already connected.

“Wojin, try your arm and see if there is anything uncomfortable in your arm.” March looked at the connected arm and quickly asked Wojin.

After all, many mental tools carry all kinds of strange abilities, and March is also afraid that Vega’s spear has special abilities that can cause permanent injuries.

Wo Jin waved his arm and said with a smile on his face: “March, your technique is still so good, I feel that there is no problem with my arm at all.” ”

After seeing that Wokin was fine, Machi looked solemnly at the place where Vega was blasted out.

Thoughts flooded her eyes, and March stared at the ruins.

Although she knew that the strength of the punch that Wokin had just made was very terrifying, the armor on Vega’s body was also extremely strong, and if she added Nian’s protection, she might not be able to kill him with one blow.

And as March looked over, she immediately found Vega lying on the ground, but the thoughts in her body were still flowing there.

The face also saw it, and immediately raised his hands and fired a crazy bullet at Vega inside the ruins.

At this moment, Vega felt a little dizzy, just now Wo Jin’s super destruction fist directly hit his helmet, although the evil ghost haunted most of the power, but the remaining strength plus the impact force, instantly made Vega eyes Venus and feel a burst of dizziness.

I lay on the ground for a while before I felt relieved.

Vega shook his head and immediately heard a rattling sound fall from his head.

I saw pieces of armor fall down. Vega’s handsome face was revealed.

Vega sat up from the ground and slowly walked out of the ruins with a red-backed shrike.

Looking at the solemn expressions of the three people outside, Vega’s face showed a smile and praised

“It’s not a loss to the Phantom Brigade! It can actually break the defense infested with demons. ”

“You must know that for so long, I have fought with so many psychic beings, and it is extremely difficult for them to even leave a trace on the devil-infested one, only you broke the defense.”


Madge, Wo Jin, and Face Face were not happy to hear this praise, but instead showed a jealous look on their faces.

You must know that just now, the three of them cooperated, and then Wo Jin used all his mental power, and the super destruction fist that broke out, the result was just that he broke the helmet, and looking at Vega’s appearance, you can know that he may not have suffered any injuries at all.

And now among the three of them, the main force with the strongest combat power, Wo Jin, is almost all exhausted, and he is unable to entangle, and although March’s thought line is extremely sharp, it is fundamentally cut when it touches the armor, and it can’t be trapped.

As for the puppeteer of the face, although there are many tricks and many dolls, the attack power is not good, and it is impossible to even leave traces on the armor that the evil spirit is haunted.

Even if the mask is broken, Vega’s face is left without the protection of the armor, revealing a flaw.

But the three of them had a retreat in their hearts, after all, the three of them did not have the confidence in the ability to forcibly kill Vega, so they looked at each other.

Tacit understanding to see the meaning in the eyes of others.

The first time the face was separated, it was separated from the puppets in the body, and the next moment, the four puppets immediately rushed towards Vega.

Vega waved his hand casually, and the four puppets were immediately killed.

And Wo Jin seized the opportunity and immediately slammed a punch on the ground, and in an instant a huge piece of dust was shrouded, making it impossible to see the situation inside the dust.

Vega immediately waved the red-backed shrike in his hand and blew away a large cloud of dust and smoke.

I saw that Madge, Wo Jin, and Face had taken advantage of this time to flee far away.

Only the back is left.

Vega immediately prepared to catch up, although the Phantom Brigade was very popular in the previous life and belonged to the charismatic villain, but now that he has become an enemy, it is natural to kill him.

Otherwise, wait for the next fully embodied Phantom Brigade to come to the door together?

Vega just chased a little distance ahead, and immediately found that the road ahead was full of prayer lines, dense like spider webs, blocking the way forward tightly, making it difficult for Vega to continue to catch up.

Even if he had a sharp red-backed shrike on his hand, he could easily break the line of thought, but this bit of time was enough for March, Wokin and the face to escape.

Looking at the figure that is getting farther and farther away.

There was a killing intent in Vega’s eyes.

Immediately place the Redback Shrike diagonally on the palm of your hand, holding your thumb and middle finger in the middle of the Redback Shrike.

Then against the three, the redback shrike was thrown hard.

The moment the red-backed shrike left his hand, he quickly flew away like lightning, and he heard a sonic boom.

It was the sound of the Redback Shrike breaking through the speed of sound.

The next moment, I saw one of the three people shocked, and the whole person stopped, because it had been pierced through the chest by the red-backed shrike, and the whole person was nailed to the ground.

The other two looked back at Vega deeply, then quickened their pace of escape, and disappeared completely.

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