For Vega, knowing the location of the Hunter exam was not a difficult task.

After all, he was one of the ten old men, and as long as he revealed the idea of taking the hunter exam, countless people immediately went to inquire about the correct location of this hunter exam.

Therefore, Vega came directly to the 285th examination room and did not pass the so-called navigator, guessing riddles and other tests.

After all, the number of people who register for the hunter exam every year has reached seven figures.

The Hunter Association does not have so much effort to analyze who of these people is suitable to be a professional hunter, so they use a simple method, that is, set up a checkpoint, hide the real test location, so that the vast majority of people cannot be found, and first exclude 99% of ordinary people.

Then, these candidates who find the real test room are then tested for the next round.

And the questions of each hunter exam are also varied, and all kinds of strange situations may occur, because all the questions are set by the examiner himself.

And the criteria for passing each round of assessment are also very idealistic, and whether or not to pass is decided by the examiner himself, so each exam is full of uncertainty.

It is very likely that your strength is average among all the candidates, but it just fits the questions given by all the examiners, so you can pass easily.

On the contrary, those strong candidates could not pass for various reasons.

Therefore, the hunter exam has always been Schrödinger’s cat, full of uncertainty.

For example, the protagonist Xiaojie’s session, if not for Nitro to come forward, I am afraid that no one can pass the level set up by the food hunter.

However, the only thing that the Hunter Association can guarantee is that the candidates who pass, each of them is a real elite, and they are far beyond ordinary people.

Because no matter how the hunter exam changes, only a few test topics will not change.

Physique, strength, willpower, and observation are all the focus of attention in these tests.


The real location of this exam was in a botanical exhibition hall.

Inside the exhibition hall, there is a large space that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

With the information obtained by many of his subordinates, Vega easily obtained the location of the final exam.

So, Vega took Korok and the Ten Commandments towards the Botanical Museum.

After Ke Luoke answered the goalkeeper’s question correctly in the secret language he received, everyone received an identity card representing themselves.

At a glance, No. 357, it seems that there are quite a few personnel this time.

Vega casually put the cards in his pocket and led his men into the botanical museum.

As soon as I stepped through the gate, I immediately saw that the empty hall of the Botanical Museum was full of people, and countless guys dressed in different costumes and wearing weapons were dividing their own piece of land to rest in twos and threes, preparing to wait for the next exam.

Of course, many people are constantly looking at their opponents, calculating in their hearts that the strength of those candidates may be very strong and need to avoid the edge. Those people seem to them to have average strength, and they can constantly analyze in their minds without fear.

And when Vega came in with eleven people, it immediately aroused the vigilance of all the examinees present, after all, Vega’s group, the large number of people, coupled with the unconsciously revealed momentum, immediately made all the examinees show vigilant eyes.

All candidates have taken Vega. and others, listed as a team that cannot be provoked.

And just walked into the plant exhibition hall, Vega glanced at the entire examination room, looked at the strength of the candidates in the hall, and found that they were all ordinary people, at most, their physical fitness far exceeded ordinary people.

However, he did not find the existence of those who could read the ability, and suddenly Vega lost interest in these candidates.

A group of ordinary people is too weak for Vega to be worth his energy to pay attention to.

So he took Ke Luoke and Shijie to a place to rest, quietly waiting for the assessment to begin.

And right now.

Vega suddenly heard a voice coming from not far away.

“Hello, looking at your appearance, it seems that you are taking the hunter exam for the first time!”

“I have participated more than thirty times, and each time it is a pity that I did not pass…”

Hearing a voice not far away, it immediately caught Vega’s attention, because if he remembered correctly, there was only one person who would greet him like this in the hunter exam.

That is, he participated in a total of 35 times, but he could not pass, and finally became the new terminator Dongba Daishen who hated young potential newcomers and destroyed their dreams.

Sure enough, as Vega looked, he immediately saw an honest and honest Dongba, who spoke simply, and looked honest and reliable, talking to a teenager with a young man who looked immature.

Constantly telling him the key points that need to be paid attention to in the hunter exam, as well as the places that need attention, he is completely a good old man.

But Vega knows that at this moment, Dongba is just performing with his humble appearance and superb acting skills.

All you do is to gain the trust of the newcomer and wait for the moment to strike. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Under Dongba’s honest and honest face, the little boy quickly trusted Dongba, took a bottle of drink unsuspectingly, and drank it.

Unexpectedly, after a few minutes, I saw the teenager running towards the toilet with a red face covering his butt.

It was clear that the bottle of drink had a strong laxative in it, and the teenager was taught a lesson by Dongba that he knew not to trust anyone easily, especially in the hunter exam.

This teenager, this year’s hunter exam for him, has not yet begun and is over.

After this episode.

The time for the hunter exam had arrived, and the door that had originally entered the plant exhibition hall was immediately closed, but the teenager who rushed to the toilet did not appear again.

With the closure of the exhibition hall hall, it means that this hunter exam has officially begun.

I saw a woman wearing a feather accessory with a proud look on her face suddenly pushed open the door that had been closed and walked into the venue, she stood on the high platform in the center of the venue, and looked coldly at the examinees who were issued.

Vega looked at the woman who suddenly appeared, a smile appeared on her face, and said softly: “You-Crook.” ”

I didn’t expect that the first level was the responsibility of the twelve earth branches, so it is very likely that all of the twelve earth branches will be responsible for this hunter exam.

Crook looked at everyone with a proud expression on his face, and then said: “I am your examiner for the first round, and now that the examination has officially begun, the exam question I gave you is to enter the Banna primeval forest and find the meeting place for the second level before twelve o’clock tomorrow noon.”

Hearing this, all the exams were immediately discussed, because Banna Forest Park is more than 100,000 square kilometers, and finding a specific location within twenty-four hours is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

A near-impossible task.

Kruk continued, “Let me know you, in this botanical gallery, there were fifty maps in the beginning, and you can use the map to find the meeting place.”

Suddenly, many people’s eyes suddenly lit up, and some people did not directly touch their pockets, it was obvious that someone had already picked up these maps.

And the people with the team laughed even more, that is, they did not find the map, then they can also copy or draw a map for a certain price, so that they can also reach the second level smoothly.

Suddenly most people laughed, because they did not expect that the first level would be so easy.

However, soon Crook said other conditions.

Crook continued, “Each exam that passes must have the original map and must find and possess three tokens.

At the beginning of the exam, I will distribute a portion of the map fragments to each of you, and if you collect three different map fragments, you will also get a complete map.

But there are only a hundred copies of such maps.

There are only two tokens on a map, and the rest have been placed in places that are easy to find in the primeval forest. ”

Therefore, the article (which is not) that passes the first level is to hold the map and three tokens, otherwise even if you reach the second level, you will not pass. ”

As all the requirements were said, the smiles of everyone present disappeared immediately, because it was obvious that the first level would pass at most one hundred and fifty people, and this was the most idealized result.

Obviously, from now on, all candidates have entered into opposition.

And even those who cooperate should be careful of the backstabbing of their teammates from now on, because if you encounter a lack of tokens, then there is a high risk of betrayal.

Then Crook took all the candidates to an open area, and saw that ten airships had already stopped here.

Crook had fifty people on one airship and let them come to each airship separately.

Soon ten airships took the candidates towards the Banna primeval forest, and after about two hours, all the airships had entered the primeval forest, and then the ten airships separated and went in a specific direction.

At the same time, Crook’s voice shouted from the radio: Now that the hunter exam has officially begun, take your parachute and leave the airship, you can already go.

As the hatch opened, I saw one hunter exam after another who couldn’t wait to jump out of the airship battle.

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