Vega was silent, do you really want to treat Ke Luoke as a henchman?

Let him know some of his little secrets?

Do you want to use ghost blood to turn Krok into a ghost?

In a moment, countless thoughts appeared in Vega’s mind.

At this time, the whole room was silent, and at this moment everyone’s eyes were fixed on Vega’s body, waiting for the decision he was about to make.

Letnothra looked at Vega with an anxious look of expectation, expecting Vega to include the Nosra family under his direct subordinates.

Korok was waiting, because the prophetic poem he had just seen described something very special that let him know that he had come to the crossroads of fate.

And the only one who is carefree and does not care about everything is Nion, who at the moment only sits quietly, constantly looking at the faces of the three, full of doubtful expressions.

After half a ring, Vega seemed to understand, and a smile appeared on his face.

His eyes flashed with a light of awakening, and he said with a straight face: “Okay, Light, you take your daughter to the next room and wait for a while, and I’ll give you a 297 reply later.” “

Although Letnosra was anxious, when she heard Vega’s order, she could only obediently lead her daughter Nion out to wait for news. ”

Waiting for his men to take Letnosla out, the whole room was only after him and Krook.

Vega whispered, “Can I trust you, Korok?” ”

Hearing these questioning words, Ke Luoke immediately knelt on one knee and prepared to answer.

But Vega stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on his shoulder, interrupting Kolok’s words, and continued:

“Actually, I can’t completely trust anyone in my heart!”

“The Pengellet family was telling me before that sincerity and trust. That’s just not enough chips for temptation. ”

When Ke Luoke heard this, he immediately opened his mouth.

But Vega pressed slightly Korok’s body, stopping what he was about to say, and then said with a chuckle:

“But Kolok, I can give you a chance to show your loyalty.”

Then several drops of crystal clear blood suddenly appeared on Vega’s hand, and he said with a smile on his face: “Ke Luoke, when you drink this blood, you will gain my trust, and you will know all the secrets.” ”

And Ke Luoke, who knelt on one knee, swallowed a few drops of blood without hesitation, and in an instant he felt pain all over his body, the heat was unbearable, and the blood all over his body began to boil, but at the same time, a powerful and incomparable force emerged from his body.

As the blood gradually calmed down, Ke Luoke recovered. Feeling the incomparably powerful power in the body, a resentment instantly erupted from the body.

A powerful grudge swept through the building in an instant, and the people inside the entire villa immediately felt an icy chill enveloping it.

The next second, I heard a “Calm down.” ”

It sounded in Kolok’s mind.

The resentment that had erupted immediately disappeared, and Ke Luoke felt that the moment he heard this, all the power in his body completely disappeared, and he couldn’t even feel his heart beating.

“Master, this.” Korok looked at Vega in disbelief.

“You seem to be wondering what kind of power this is, right?” Vega chuckled and said, “This is the power of ghosts, you now have the lifespan of immortality, and the resilience of an almost immortal body.” ”

When Ke Luoke heard this, he looked at Vega with a surprised face on his face, and his heart suddenly trembled, because if he remembered correctly, the seething ghouls that were rumored in the Hunter Association not long ago had such an ability.

Don’t…… Ke Luoke looked at CGCI with amazement, could it be that those ghouls were created by the master. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But why did the master leak the ghoul?

With this ability, a little use can easily control several countries, and has supreme rights, after all, no one can resist the immortal lifespan.

At this moment, Ke Luoke’s life and soul were controlled by Vega, and Vega naturally sensed the questions in his mind.

Vega said softly: “I feel your confusion, I don’t know why I want to leak out a terrifying creature like a ghoul, obviously I can control the whole world with this power?” ”

Vega said with a low smile: “Because I want to see if I can destroy the established future.” ”

“I want to make the whole world more interesting.”

Then Vega injected some of the main story lines about the hunter world directly into Korok’s mind using special methods, allowing him to know the future of Xiaojie, Kurapika, Killu, Leoli and others.

Suddenly, Ke Luoke looked shocked, he couldn’t imagine that there was still a child of destiny in this world, and the future actually came to mind clearly.

For a moment, Ke Luoke came back to his senses and asked with a solemn face: “Is this the future?” Such power is unbelievable. “

“Master, what exactly do you want to do?”

Vega. Penggi leaned on the sofa with a glass of red wine and said to Ke Luoke: “Don’t you think the future is too monotonous? The whole world revolves around a few little guys, making them grow step by step and changing the world step by step. ”

“So.” Vega gently shook the red wine glass and said softly: “I want to know if there is a real child of destiny in this world.” ”

“I wonder if the whole world will change after changing countless originally scheduled plots?”

“So I destroyed the Island of Greed, sat in the position of the ten old men, and broke the twelve earth branches to pieces.”

With an excited look in Vega’s eyes, he said, “Because if the world keeps going according to a predetermined trajectory, isn’t it too boring?” ”

“So I want to play a game with the so-called protagonists.”


Well, I’m ready to completely change the plot, and after thinking about it for a day today, I feel that it is too boring to follow the plot of the hunter world.

The main thing is to see that too many authors are playing with the protagonist team, so I thought about it for a while.

My protagonist is so powerful, why follow the plot, why watch where Biyang De makes chimeric ants to kill the guild leader, why does the entire hunter world become a game for Xiaojie to find his father.

Lao Tzu’s protagonist has to be strong, so the next plot will enter a complete collapse.

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