Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 106: Justice island (below)

The navy looked at Cheng Tiantian aggressively and took a deep breath: If you swore to resist in exchange for fearless sacrifice, you might as well give up.

next moment.

Everyone dropped the firearm on the ground.

Just as all the navy was about to leave, Cheng Tiantian said, "Ahem. Did you leave like this?"

A navy stared at Cheng Tiantian: "What do you want?"

"Let's do something together. Destroy the Judiciary Island! Come together quickly! My two thousand brothers, uh, no, it's obviously 1,999 brothers. Not enough. You need to come together!"

As soon as Cheng Tiantian's words fell, the surrounding navy opened his eyes wide and looked at Cheng Tiantian.

Missing shotguns!

What else do you want!

I actually want to destroy the judicial island!

This courage is not so big!

This is a great sin!

The navy headquarters must be angry!

Resolutely not!

Lost the gun is already very helpless, if destroyed together.

Then this pot is big!

Everyone keeps shaking their heads to express their unwillingness.

Cheng Tiantian looked at them, and said in a serious way: "I said to you, I am more cruel and hard-hearted. Never be kind and soft-hearted. If you don't follow me, I don't mind letting you lose another gun. Welcome."

I said after the journey, Tiantian's perspective moved down.

抽 The corners of the mouths of the people around were drawn fiercely.

Some people fled madly, while others chose to destroy Judicial Island together.

Cheng Cheng knows that Judicial Island is a peculiar place and there is no night, so to end the live broadcast, you must wait until a certain time to leave here before ending the live broadcast.

So he also exchanged an excavator and began to destroy the island of justice, humming in his mouth:

"I'm like the wind."

"Exiled to the end."

"Unable to catch dreams."

"Leave it scattered."

"Arrogant self."

"It's your hidden style."

Uh ...

Judicial Island was completely annihilated. By the time the slaughter order was started, all the war routes were already in an uproar. The entire Judicial Island can be said to have been razed. Since then, the events that shocked the great sea route have been recorded in history.

The high-level navy is furious!

The whole navy focuses on arresting objects!

Perak gate!

The amount of arrest directly exceeds the maximum amount of the East China Sea!

Directly soared to 200 million Bailey!

This is the only thing in the history of the East China Sea!

No one knows the Perak gate on this great route!

Uh ...


Mission: Destroy Justice Island! (carry out)!


Get [One Piece Great Route Piece] * 1

Note: Successfully clear the designated mission of One Piece, a certain amount of debris will start the battle of the Lord God! (Extremely rare)


New rewards will open in the next world!


It is detected that the host client version needs to be upgraded, please upgrade after reading the announcement!

"... There are still upgrades." But Cheng shook his head every day, looking forward to a new journey.

After the live broadcast ended, Cheng returned to the room every day.

Begin reading the announcement before the client upgrade.

Uh ...


The next world where the host will broadcast live will be long-distance. It is different from the first live broadcast after each individual task is completed before returning to reality. The second live broadcast needs to complete the entire story mission before leaving.

At the same time, the client will be upgraded to open new functions according to the current host level and permissions.

"What does long-distance live broadcasting mean? Can I understand that I can directly travel to that world and not leave until the end of the whole story."

"Not the same as One Piece's live broadcast?" Cheng asked the system every day.



Cheng Tiantian stunned instantly. If this is the case, it may not return to reality in the short term. In this case, the things around you must be handled well.

I thought about it for two things. One is to pay more for one-time rent, and the other is that some outdoor activities cannot be performed on long-distance live broadcasts, so you must talk to the funny fish company.

Cheng Cheng looks for customer service calls in the background every day, and customer service transfers.

"Yes, I am going to broadcast a new outdoor program. I may not be able to participate in the activities prepared by the company for a while, please tell me about the company." Cheng Tiantian said with a mobile phone.

Customer service is a girl and hesitated for a while and said, "Hello. According to the S-level potential contract you signed, we do not have the authority to do this for you. But I can tell you the authority.

不过 "But you need to wait. It will take several hours." The customer service answered timidly.

Cheng Cheng responded every day: "Okay."

Hang up the phone, Cheng closed his eyes every day, ready for the new journey.

Uh ...

Funny fish company meeting room.

总监 The two directors are sitting at the forefront of the conference room, surrounded by many employees in uniform and formal clothes.

A director said: "I believe you all know the latest news. Cheng Tiantian, who is signing for our S-Class potential, is preparing for a large outdoor broadcast, but he does not need our company to participate."

"You can look at this chart." The director stood up and pointed at the projection screen.

"In just one month, the popularity has skyrocketed from a few thousand to tens of thousands, and now the 600,000 mark! This speed can be described in the broadcast industry by nothing else!"

Everyone looks at this statistical chart, it is almost a straight-line skyrocketing type, it is simply scary.

"The reason why he gathered here for a meeting is that his new show is probably not One Piece."

The voice fell.

The employees around are bustling.

"Is he crazy! One Piece is so fast that he wants to change live?"

"Yeah ~ www.readwn.com ~ Every time you change the live broadcast, except for its special anchor, it will have a huge drop in popularity. It is like a netizen who has been watching League of Legends and suddenly finds that he is not broadcasting the League of Legends, but instead Live CF, then the popularity is certainly far less than before. Except those who are willing to watch him live. "

"I agree with him."

A girl blinked, pushed her heavy frame, and said, "I don't think so. According to the previous example, let's say he broadcasts League of Legends, so if he broadcasts live next time, it is more popular now. Jedi ’s survival, eating chicken. Then the popularity may go even further. At this time, Cheng Tiantian is likely to further increase his popularity. Make a more exciting live broadcast. "

People around him stunned.

"You like him that way?"

"I don't think this kind of thing will happen to a new anchor."

Director Yun listened to the discussion below and did not speak. Listen carefully and weigh the relationship between them.

The young director looked at the old director who had many years of experience beside him and asked, "Director Chen, what do you think about this?"

Director Chen asked deeply, "What do you think of his potential?"

"The potential is amazing," replied the young director.

"That's not it. We should believe this young man, maybe he can do us a new miracle."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience took a breath.

The old director was so optimistic about Cheng Tiantian!

The six hundred thousand mark is called the leader of S-level potential signing, and the new miracle is the million mark?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes are a little calm .......

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