The door just closed was directly opened!

"It's your turn!" Said a burly beard robber, followed by a robber who was still wearing a belt.

I look proud of the spring breeze.

"Which girl did you spoil again!" The old man was a little angry.

A robber said: "You old man, why do you care so much? Go to your house to pay the money and quickly hand it over. You are an old man, and I am too lazy to do it. Do n’t take it slow, believe it or not ! "

The old man's expression was stunned, and the corner of his mouth was bitter.

I don't spare anyone for years.

A robber said, "Yo? Your family is still here? Isn't it cheap?

When he saw the monkey, several robbers jumped in his heart: "Monster?"

The monk Tang Tang shook his head: "This is Sun Wukong, an apprentice of the poor monk. If you are acquainted with the acquaintance, leave quickly, or send you to the heaven!"

"It wasn't a monster. 呦. I'm so scared." A robber patted his chest and teased.

The old man Bai said, "They're just a fate, they don't have a penny."

The robber said, "Is there anything wrong with you? Don't worry about it! Even if you don't have money, this cricket and a tin can be worth some money."

Tang monk forced anger: "Don't force the poor monk ...... the poor monk ... will blow the sky!"

"What's the matter with you? Hurry up and hand over 袈裟 and the tin rod, what valuable things can you hand over!"

Tang monk waved his finger, a light passed by!


I saw the man flew out like a kite upside down.

A robber frowned, Han Guang chilled: "It's still a bit okay!"

"Go!" The robber drank, and several people shot at the same time.

悟 Sun Wukong said lightly: "When your grandpa is in the sky, you still wear open crotch pants!"




The dazzling attacks quickly emerged from Sun Wukong's hands, and they did not even have a chance to respond. Everyone looked at Sun Wukong with a swollen face and a swollen face, and looked at him with deep fear.

"Rao life. Rao life!" They kept hoeing for mercy.

Sun Wukong took the gold hoop in his hand and stepped on a robber: "Do you dare to call, your grandpa is a monster?"

The robber shook his head again and again: "Dare not dare."

Each robber has a blue nose and a swollen face.

The old man looked at Sun Wukong stupidly: "Little Master. Your apprentice is really serious."

The monk Tang Tang nodded, somewhat helpless: "You have been in the limelight again. The poor monk also wants to pretend."

Huh? ? ?

The old man Bai Bai looked at Tang Monk in doubt, but did not speak.

Maybe it ’s Buddhist language, right?

Sun Wukong picked up the rope and tied the six together: "Go old Sun and deal with these six."

Monk Tang said: "Seeing is invisible, the poor monk took these people to a remote place to deal with it."

The old man also saw the meaning of Sun Wukong and Tang Seng, and wondered, "Is n’t the monk ... not killing?"

The monk of Tang Dynasty said solemnly: "The poor monk is a Purdue being."

【噗. Anchor, you slipped again. 】

[Is Purdue killing? Hahaha. 】

[But also, these humans do not do evil, and they should be dealt with. The old man didn't say that he would come once a month. He was like an aunt. It's a tumor, and it's best to get rid of it. 】

Sang Tang: I didn't kill anyone, I was Purdue. 】

[Yes, I like the practice of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong, and the least I like are those virgin watches. 】

Tong Tang monk glanced at the barrage with an angry look: "Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows up again."

The old man said, "Wait."

"?" Tang Seng wondered.

I saw the old man take out half a bale of rice: "I only have half a bale of rice. If the little master doesn't dislike it, take it away."

The monk Tang shook his head: "No need. The poor monk will solve it by himself. Don't bother your kindness."

The monk Tang Tang saw that the old man wanted to express his gratitude, but he also saw that the old man's family was not rich, and the whole house depended on him and his granddaughter. The lovely little granddaughter left a little impression on Tang Seng.

After declining the kindness of the old man, Sun Wukong drew six people and passed away. Tang Seng hurriedly mounted a white horse to chase.

The old man smiled kindly, walked into the house, and said to Mi Gang: "Yinger, you can come out."

"Grandpa, whimper. Yinger is afraid."

The old man looked at the face of the lovely granddaughter, breathed a sigh of relief, and touched her granddaughter's hair. Cixiang said, "Don't be afraid anymore ... they are here."

Uh ...

"You guys, you have your hands and your feet. The whole two hundred and five are the same. Whatever is bad, you have to be a robber."

The monk Tang shook his head: "Get ready to go."

Five of the six robbers had pale faces, and the other had cold eyes. When he glanced at Sun Wukong, his face was hazy and he shook his head: "Planted ..."

When Sun Wukong looked cold, holding the golden hoop in his hand when he was ready to start.

I saw a light in the air.

As the sun rose to the ground, a huge Buddha appeared in the air out of thin air.

"As come ?!"

This huge Buddha naturally stretches his hands down, his fingers hanging down and his palms facing outwards, indicating that the Buddha and Bodhisattva can fulfill the wishes of all beings. This is the seal of wish and hope. Place the other hand on your right knee and touch your finger to the ground to show the surging demons.

"There is no Amitabha Buddha in the south, demon monkey, you have been pressed for 600 years ~ ~ how do you not know repentance?" Rulai said.

Sun Wukong looked cold and said, "What am I to repent !!"

Wu Rulai looked at the six robbers who were tied up, and then looked at Tang Seng: "A monk takes compassion as his concern. Don't kill anyone."

"The sea of ​​bitterness knows no bounds.

The monk Tang Tang knew that he was not a monk, but did not directly answer Rulai's words.

Sun Wukong looked at these six people: "These six are wrongdoers, do prestige and blessing? Isn't it evil?"

He Rulai slowly said, "What is good? What is evil? What judgment do you have as a demon monkey!"

Sun Wukong clenched his fists: "Lao Sun doesn't understand Buddhism! But this so-called great mercy and compassion is just a soft-hearted approach!"

Yun Rulai continued: "The Buddha is empty and the empty is kind. What is Buddha and what is it with you!"

"If you come to Laoer, if you did not pay attention to the old grandson, how could you press me for hundreds of years! You do n’t care about the sufferings in the world, and the old grandson kills, you have to control it!"

"Today, look at 俺 Old Sun Qiang, or is your old thing strong!"

Qi Rulai shook her head: "Presumptuous!"

I saw a palm pressed severely against Sun Wukong: "It's not a matter of overnight that you want to pull back a gap of 600 years. Now you and me are not on a level."

"My Buddha is compassionate. You have to let it go today, you have to let it go!"

Wu Rulai pressed Sun Wukong hardly. Tang Seng had a deep sense of powerlessness. He didn't have enough strength to help Sun Wukong. And he himself understood that some people should not be killed, but some people must not let go!

"There is something in the poor monk who shouldn't know what to say! I bought a watch last year!" Tang Seng said.

As soon as I heard the words, the people in the live broadcast were directly shocked, and then a joy!

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