Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 121: This 1 stick, tell you to fly away!

The black bear nodded his head, and his eyes were cold: "That's right. The monkeys you are talking about now! All the monkeys like to call themselves Monkey King. You know, Monkey King has been overwhelmed by Rulai! There is a fart of Monkey King!"

Nine-tailed fox demon, with nine tails moving slightly behind, full of charm: "Today, the little girl and the king are the masters of this flower and fruit mountain. How many monkeys who claim to be Sun Wukong have ever seen it. Want to get back this flower and fruit Mountain. You know what happened to the monkey ...? "

"The little girl gave him a break with a beat, and he broke his monkey leg ... Hee hee ... Nothing to hide, even if the real saint is here, he can't bear us!" Nine-tailed fox The enchanting smiled.

Hei Xiong Jing grabbed a nine-tailed fox demon and grabbed a hand and said to Sun Wukong: "Huh. Even if it is a real Sun Wukong, I am not afraid! Come and kill one! What a shit!

Sun Wukong clenched his fists and stared at the black bear spirit.

The Tang monk stepped forward and pulled Sun Wukong a little.

Sun Wukong didn't speak. Looking at Tang Seng, the black bear was horribly accurate, but now he wants to see what medicine Tang Sang sells.

The monk Tang Tang glanced at Sun Wukong and said to Shi Xiongjing, "The poor monk wants to ask, where did this monkey in Huaguoshan go?"

Hei Xiongjing said, "Hahaha, you mean the useless monkeys? King Ben asked them to go to the other side of the mountain to collect food. What is enough to eat these fruits every day!"

The monk Tang said, "That means ... the monkeys are safe?"

"What is safe, not safe. The King only knows, if not satisfied! All will die!" Said the black bear with a smirk.

The nine-tailed fox demon lay his head on the shoulder of the black bear spirit, watching Sun Wukong and Tang Seng.

Tang Monk turned his head: "Da Sheng, do you want to eat braised black bear essence? Or iron plate black bear essence?"

"Which is better?" Sun Wukong said.

The monk Tang said, "The poor monk thinks the iron plate is delicious. Zlazi, hot steaming iron plate, this way of eating is already salivating."

Sun Wukong nodded and looked at the black bear.

The black bear spooked his eyes and stared angrily: "Today, King Fei has chopped your skins! I have drawn your muscles!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw many fox demon and black bears around!


The deafening sound cut through Huaguoshan!

Wu Sun Wukong said: "Catch me Monkey and Sun, dominate me Huaguoshan, live in my water curtain hole! Still want to pull out the old Sunskin? It depends on whether you have this ability!"

"Ruyi golden hoop stick!"

I saw Sun Wukong's big hand for a while, one stick!


The huge Huaguo Mountain was smashed into a pit!

Black bear fine eyes stagnation, and some 哆嗦: "If you are hit by this thing, I'm afraid of broken bones!"

The black bear pushed away the wild waist of the nine-tailed fox and rushed into the water curtain hole quickly.

The huge body turned into a residual image, galvanized and welded, and quickly disappeared into the field of vision!

Sun Wukong gave a stick to a black bear, and Tang Seng clawed a fox demon.

After a short while, many black bears and fox demons fell around.

The nine-tailed fox demon saw the black bear essence entering the water curtain hole, with a radian of the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were a mime: "Bad my fox family, die!"

Sun Wukong's figure leapt: "Just like this, do you want to fight with Sun Lao?"

Just as Sun Wukong leaped high, the black bear came out.

The black bear sperm carried an aged macaque. The monkey looked a little demented, and murmured in his mouth: "He is the Monkey King Monkey King of Qi Tian, ​​please ... you ... let go of Monkey Monkey."

猴子 The monkey's eyes were dull and he was slow to move. He was held in the air by a black bear.

Just say this in his mouth.

"I am the Monkey King of Qi Tian, ​​please ... please ... let go of Monkey Monkey."

His eyes were full of despair and slowness, endless sorrow, as if he had experienced something, he had lost his mind ...

The moment Sun Wukong saw this old macaque, he couldn't hold back the emotions of Huaguo Mountain.

指 Wuzhishan six hundred years.

Lihuahuaguoshan 600 years.

Red dust billows away.

Nothing is right now.

I'm such a great saint.

This great saint is really useless.

My great saint, even the last place was also overpowered.

If this is the fairness of heaven and earth to me.

到底 What am I doing wrong!

又 What did my monkey monkey grandson do wrong!

Sun Wukong's eyes were reddish, staring closely at the black bear essence.

The black bear smiled and said, "Let down the weapon in your hand, and the king can consider letting go of this monkey."

"You monkeys are really stupid. As long as the king catches an old monkey, those monkeys give up resistance. So companions are so important? Stupid ... stupid ... extremely stupid!" Said Black Bear .

Sun Wukong held the gold hoop stick, laughed and smiled, and his tone was slightly different: "A black bear like you, never knows that blood is thicker than water!"

"Every monkey grandson regards old monkeys as elders and the closest ones!"

"People like you! ...... It's time to live without being born!"


There were thousands of monkeys holding golden hoops around in an instant.

Black bear essence saw this scene, took a breath, grabbed the old monkey deadly, and roared almost roaring: "Hurry down the weapon in your hand! Otherwise this king will kill this old monkey!"

"Now, the old grandson returns, he is not allowed to bully his monkey monkeys!"

Sun Wukong became murderous, and saw his body dissipate quickly, and turned into a flying afterimage that went straight to the black bear spirit. The black bear kicked this old macaque fiercely, and his body collapsed!

"Want to escape?"

"Not so easy!"

next moment!

I saw Sun Wukong's 13,000-pound gold hoop slammed into the black bear essence ~ www.readwn.com ~ Boom!

The black bear essence was smashed into mud by this stick.

At this moment, the Tang monk leapt up and hugged the old macaque.

The eyes of the old macaque's dementia were a little hazy, and the breath was chaotic. The fur that had been covered with scars on his body was even more violent. Exposed in the air, he groaned with his last strength and said, "Big ... St ... .... when ... to return home ... "

The tired old macaque, who suffered the injury again, had red eyes ...

When he knew it, he lost his vitality.

[The peach has been cooked a few times, and the waves have hit several layers.]

记得 [Remember you are in the sky of Wudi, call me]

[I remember the water curtain splashing, the old tree ivy]

记得 [Remember that Xinghe is brilliant and feels free to wither]

【Da Sheng ... when ... come home. 】

[Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, the upstairs is upset, the blood is streaming into the river. 】

[Upstairs, you pierced my lungs, whine. 】

[Tears are already flowing to the ground ... ohhhhhh]

Sun Wukong stopped at this moment, holding a gold hoop in his hand, and remained silent.

Glorious light, like a bright sun, appeared on Sun Wukong with an endless lingering spirit. Sun Wukong looked at the old macaque that had died.

I want this iron rod drunk dancer, I have this change confused.

The smashing Ling Xiao arrogantly arrogant, the evil of the world is inevitable after all.

Sun Wukong leaped high, and the golden hoop rod instantly became bigger and brighter, yelling at the demon, "This stick!"

叫 "Let you fly away!"

next moment!

I saw a dark shadow coming, even ...

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