Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 133: A pig demon also wants to take my daughter

Zhu Gangyi looked at Tang Seng and Sun Wukong, and continued, "One time ... the old pig followed behind Gao Cuilan, but unexpectedly met the others. The three daughters were so beautiful that they wanted to put her right on the spot. . "

"This old pig can't stand it, I missed a Chang'e. Now seeing Gao Cuilan, it will be bad. The old pig picked up the nine-tooth nail rake and rushed straight up."

"Those sloppy slap old pigs and let them run away three or two times. At that time slap old pigs might be mighty!"

After talking about the pig, it was kind of chesty: "At that time, the old pig was transformed into a human form. Gao Cuilan said that she had noticed that someone was often following her. At first she was afraid. Later, she gradually relaxed. Because Perceived no malice. "

"Gao Cuilan and the old pig became more and more connected. She asked where he worked."

"Well, there is no job for the old pig, so she asked her to work in Gaojiazhuang in exchange for compensation."

"I naturally agreed. In Gao Laozhuang, Lao Pig was hardworking, and I don't believe you. Gaojiazhuang just ask someone to ask. As long as I remember Lao Pig, I will definitely have an impression. Familiar with Gao Cuilan. "

Pig Gangye said this, paused, her eyes softened and said, "In the days of Gaojiazhuang, Gao Cuilan and the old pig gradually became emotional, and the old pig was unwilling to spoil the girl. He just took everything I told her. But I didn't expect that she didn't want to abandon what a pig looks like today. "

"The old pig made an oath at that time, whoever dared to bully her, in the future the old pig will go down the sword mountain, and the oil pan will have to destroy the bully her!"

"She smiled. At that moment, her smile melted in her heart. She was lying in her arms and smiled happily ..."

After saying this, Pig Gangyi's tone began to be sad: "I thought she didn't think she was punished by being thrown into a pig's fetus, but she didn't expect Laozhangren, but pointed at her nose and said that a pig demon also wanted me daughter?"

"What kind of monsters are there? If you don't roll, let the priests accept this monster ..."

"Gao Cuilan said she would run away with her, but she said she wanted to give her a complete home ..."

Sun Wukong embraced the door with both hands, glanced at him, and said lightly, "Non ..."

Tang Seng nodded and said: "This also caused a dispute between you and the later Taoist priests, and then accidentally hurt Gao Cuilan?"

"No, the old pigs didn't fight back at the beginning, but they hurt Cui Lan and got angry ..." said this, he looked at Sun Wukong: "If you are willing to save your wife, this last dignity , The old pig is on his knees! "

The pig just broke free from the Tang monk and turned pale, ready to kneel.

Just when the distance was less than an inch from the ground, Sun Wukong did not know when he was holding a gold hoop and blocked the pig ’s knee, and did not let her kneel down: "Now, grandson, is not an unreasonable person. Today Since you are not a heavenly dog, it's natural that the grandson will not embarrass you. "

However, when saying this, Sun Wukong did not look at the pig-gange, but looked at Tang Seng.

Tang Monk was happy. Said to the pig Gang He: "Thank you quickly!"

The pig's gangster was stunned, and then immediately rejoiced, excitedly said: "Thank you ... Thank you!"

Tang Monk glanced at the indifferent Sun Wukong, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The old pig has a doubt, you said to the owner, is there a chance for him to return to the Buddha and God?" Pig Gangyi looked at Tang Seng in doubt.

Tang Seng looked around, listened to the movement, and confirmed that no one wanted to speak. But looking at Sun Wukong's golden hoop, Tang Seng paused and paused.

He remembered that Rulai had shot twice to prevent Wukong from killing people, which means that this golden hoop is likely to have a surveillance function. If he said that, many things would be known by Rulai.

Pig Gangi asked in doubt: "What's wrong?"

Tang Seng replied, "Wait."

Sun Wukong and Zhu Gangyi watched Tang Seng silently.

Tang Seng opened the system and asked about the monitoring function of the golden hoop.


Need to consume 50,000 rewards to analyze the function of the golden hoop.

Tang Seng's mouth twitched, this system was a bit black, but for the sake of security, knowing yourself and knowing one another can only lead to victory.




[Golden Hoop: The original Tianhe iron bottom iron that was left by Dayu when he drew water was made by Taishang Laojun and placed in the East China Sea. The two ends of the gold hoop are two gold hoops, with a section of black iron in the middle. The line next to the hoop has the words: "Ruyi gold hoop, weighing 135,000 kilograms." The usual image of various gold hoop sticks is a stick with a yellow end on each end and a red stick in the middle. 】

[Effects: 1. It can pinch the position of wearing, and the pain is extremely great. Let it lose its due combat power. 2. When Goku kills the clan, the golden hoop will be given to those who have the secret method, known. With alarm system. Usually does not have a monitoring function. 3. Unknown. 】

"..." Seeing this, Tang Seng was relieved.


This is the killing alert function, so Sun Wukong's schedule and killing are under the control of Rulai.

As long as there is a warning of killing, you will know if you come.

But why are there unknown features?

He shook his head without thinking.

After Tang Seng carefully confirmed that there was no problem, facing the pig Gangye: "You will be the second master in the future. In addition, you need to pick a new name, the pig eight commandments. The law is called Wu Neng. It is also a brand new beginning. He is your master brother, Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong. And the white horse, turned into a dragon, is a junior. "

"How come a little four, and what about little three?" Pig Bajie said.

Tang Seng looked embarrassed: "Primary three ... this is not good, it's called the third master ... but, it hasn't come yet. I will join the ranks of poor monks soon."

"I just asked the old pig what you asked, and you haven't answered it yet. Are you really a Buddha?" Said Pig Bajie.

Tang Seng said in a guilty conscience: "The poor monk just talks about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ The old man seems to attach great importance to fame. If you become a Buddha or a god, he will certainly be lottery. But if you are a pig demon, I am afraid to rush you Go out. "

Pig Bajie looked at Tang Seng a little bit embarrassed.

Tang Seng said, "Go with the poor monks to learn from Xitian. If there is already a way to solve this problem, then it is good. If there is no way, the poor monks will come to think of a solution at that time."

Pig Bajie looked at this unreliable and somewhat wise master, silent.

Tang Seng continued, "Now I will become a Buddha and a **** for you, are you willing?"

When Zhu Bajie heard this, his tone was a bit lonely: "This heaven is what it is today, and it is unlikely that the old pig will go back. It is still free in this world, but unfortunately the foundation of the spell is not well laid."

"It's up to you to save Gao Cuilan." Zhu Bajie said to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Seng.

Tang Seng nodded: "Go."

Sun Wukong shook his head and sighed: "It's not a case to go down, my grandson went to Taishang Laojun once again and used it to save life."

As soon as the words came down, Sun Wukong opened the door of the room, and a somersault cloud jumped up to the heaven.

At this time, the audience in the live room was hot:

[Anchor, can you broadcast Sun Wukong to heaven, we haven't seen the real version of heaven. 】

[And is Sun Wukong going to Taishang Laojun? 】

[I also want to see it. 】

[If you broadcast Sun Wukong to Tai Shang Laojun, I will give you a reward! 】

[Wow, it's so upstairs. I reward 100 coins for support, not much, don't mind. 】

[I also come to reward. 】

Tang Seng glanced at the barrage and asked the system, then nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then Sun Wukong took the elixir once ..."

"Cut the camera!" Tang Seng waved his hand!

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