Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 143: You sink in this quicksand river

The sand monk's eyes flickered, and he looked directly at Tang monk and said, "Luo Laosha said, if you want to follow you to learn from the scriptures, let's win!"

"In this case, Goku fights you. If you can win him by the shore, you win." Tang Seng said.

The sand monk looked at Sun Wukong and shook his head: "At the time of the trouble at the Heavenly Palace, Lao Sha was very clear. It was impossible for Sun Wukong to beat Sun Wukong on the shore. If he fights, he will only be in Tongtian Hanoi ... . "

As soon as the words fell, the Tang monk looked a little embarrassed.

Sun Wukong has very high force and poor water solubility.

The Eight Commandments have medium force and medium water.

The sand monk's force is medium and low, and the water is superior.

Bailongma is of medium force and excellent water, but he is unwilling to take the initiative.

Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Tang Seng shook his head and sighed. It was not easy for the monk to overcome.

"Since none of you dare to fight with me in the Liusha River, Laosha will go down!" Sha Seng looked at them coldly, "Just like you, still want to slaughter Buddha? Funny!"

Just after saying this, the sand monk laughed back to Liushahe with a smile.

Sun Wukong held the gold hoop and sneered, "If a stray dog ​​in the heavens once dared to be so pretentious in front of grandson!"

Pick up the Ruyi golden hoop stick, want a stick to make this quicksand river landslide.

"Stop!" Tang Seng stopped Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Seng coldly, "What do you do! Old Sun can't stand such provocations."

Tang Seng took a deep breath and shook his head: "Let the poor monk come up with a solution. This is not the nature of the sand monk, but he takes the matter of heaven too seriously. I think he should have encountered the matter Understand something. "

Pig Bajie looked at Tang Seng and said, "Master, what is your way to let him come together? And why must Xitian learn from all the talents to be considered a real start?"

Tang Monk glanced at Pig Bajie and said, "Poor monks will naturally think of a way. As for the poor monks who learn from the West, they must gather together before they start. How could a poor monk know?"

"At least for now, the poor monk is unclear." Tang Seng said.

Now this turbulent flowing sand river has made Tang monks helpless. I thought it was a simple matter to let sand monks join the team and finish it. With the horses and horses together, you can find some clues on the way to Leiyin Temple.

It turned out to be difficult on this hurdle of the Liusha River.

Tang Seng began to associate the sand monks in his mind, thinking about the breakthrough.

"Master, don't you think about it!" Bajie shouted.

Tang Seng glanced at him and said, "Don't be stingy. Disturb the poor monk to think ..."


Tang Seng's eyes brightened, as if to find a breakthrough: "The sand monk ... because of Liu Lizhan."

This is a breakthrough.

After thinking about it, Tang Seng walked to the side of the Liusha River, sitting cross-legged, and smiled indifferently: "Why do the poor monks still have a great role?"

"It's just the same." Tang Seng took a sip into Liushahe.

Pig Bajie did not understand Tang Monk's intentions, but Sun Wukong thoughtfully, put away the wishful golden hoop, and stood silently beside him.

The rapid and turbulent river was beating against the shore.

The surging river is surging.

Tang Seng said sharply, and continued: "I didn't expect that the sand monk in the mind of the poor monk turned out to be a wreck. After so many years of being born and dying in the heavenly courts, he made so many contributions. But only because of a magic weapon was degraded to the world. In your eyes, you are not worth even a magic weapon! "

"If you are very important in their eyes, let alone a magic weapon, even if you put the Jade Emperor on the table!"

Tang Seng shook his head and stood up again, facing the madly flowing river.


This **** goes through the clouds!

This **** broke the quicksand!

The **** made the whole river angry.

The turbulent quicksand river was rolled up at a high speed like a millennial wave, and rushed to Tang Monk like a bamboo.

"Dangerous, Master!" Zhu Bajie rushed forward.

Sun Wukong stepped forward.

Tang Seng shook his head slightly, motioned them not to come, and continued to say to the river, "Is the poor monk wrong?"

"If you have ever regarded the official position in heaven as such a great honor, but the poor monk feels that you are just an obedient ..."

"Dog!" Said Tang Seng.


A river of water exploded!

The sand monk stood on the sandy river and stared at each other with cold eyes, his hands trembling and holding the demon battle: "You're enough!"

"You are looking for Ruri, but you just want to stand up, to return to heaven, and to atone for sin!"

"But there is a glazed glass, why is it guilty? If you just want to turn over, it is no different from a dog."

Tang Seng wasn't afraid, and he stared directly: "Is the poor monk right? You don't think about it yourself?"

As soon as the words came down, the Tang monk was not afraid, and turned to look at Sun Wukong and others: "Tonight the poor monk will cook delicious food for you."

Tang Seng didn't look back, didn't look at the monk, and said, "Think about it yourself. If you want to understand, start with the poor monk. If you don't understand, you are sinking in this quicksand!

The sand monk clenched the battle of demons, his eyes flushed and his breath was disordered. Holding on to the battle of demons tightly, he didn't even realize it was creaking.

The sand monk was silent.

Just staring at the turbulent quicksand river like this, silent.

The Tang monk said to Bajie: "Go and find the wood for the poor monk to come back. There is nothing to make fire in the poor monk's system ~ www.readwn.com ~ Pig Bajie looked at the silent sand monk for a while, and looked at Tang monk, but could not help but Tang Seng felt admiration in his heart.

Master really is outstanding.

"Well, I ’m going to look for wood." Pig Bajie nodded.

Tang Seng faced Sun Wukong with a smile on his face: "Da Sheng ... please trouble me ... help the poor monks to find long cowpea, minced meat, diced carrots, and olives."

Sun Wukong took his hands behind him: "No."

"Go," said Tang Seng.

Sun Wukong continued, "No."

Monk Tang gave an unhappy look, and Sun Wukong said, "Forget it ... the poor monk is going to find these materials by himself. See if he can make it back."

"Sometimes the poor monk will make you shout Master willingly." Tang monk shook his head.

Now there are Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Bailongma in the team panel of the system.

The sand monk still stood silent in the quicksand river.

After a few hours, the sky gradually darkened. Tang Seng came back with a bag of things, exactly what he needed.

After Tang Seng returned, he saw that the sand monk was no longer on the quicksand river, maybe he went back.

Maybe tired.

Tang Seng held the ingredients and said to Liushahe: "The poor monk is going to make a good meal. If you want to understand, it is a family."

"This dish is!"

"Hometown grandma."

[Night is already deep]

[Lonely person walking on Chang'an Street]

[Lan Chu after the bustling bustling]

[My steps]

[I do n’t know how far these years have taken me]

[Gradually tired of being busy]

[When the wind blows]

[Endless wilderness]

[A taste of hometown]


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