Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 156: Devouring Python

The ox devil was pale, and said with some effort: "These **** beasts ... come to the turf's site again."

"It shouldn't be. According to the strength of the red baby, it will be sprayed with three flavors of real fire. What kind of swallowing python should not be the opponent of the red baby." Tang Seng's impression of the journey to the west remembers that the red baby is very powerful, especially that Sanwei true fire is at least a terrible existence in the original work.

A tauren frowned: "You are so rare. Although the Holy King is strong, he is a child after all. In addition, this is also related to the swallowing pythons."

Tang Seng was puzzled and somewhat puzzled.

What does this mean?

The tauren saw this and looked at the king and the Tang monk on the ground and explained: "This family of swallowing pythons should not be underestimated. It is said that Vulcan Zhu Rong once fought with Gong Gong, and one of the troops led by Zhu Rong Swallowing Sky Fire Python. Today, this python is a descendant of Swallow Sky Fire Python, and has a lot of influence in the demon world. "

"But the poor monk still doesn't understand, why did this swallowing python catch the red baby?"

I saw the tauren shook his head and sighed, "Should the tribe survive and the tribe develop, they need to expand the land and resources. They had seen our territory long ago, but fortunately the king was strong. Opportunity. I didn't expect that the appearance of the infant child, Wang Hong, gave them the opportunity to catch it. "

Ichiba Jie asked, "What do you mean by letting you give up the land? How much?"

The tauren paused, squeezed their fists and said, "50% ..."

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie was also stunned: "I'm going ... this appetite is too big. I'm not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue."

People around me didn't pay attention to the words of Zhu Bajie.

Tang Seng shook his head: "The root of war is often the expulsion of interests ..."

It's really a big appetite. At first it is half. Seeing this trend is to completely annex, the ambition is not small.

These tauren have also followed the Demon King for a long time and are very familiar with each other. Therefore, I have heard about the invasion of other foreign forces.

So these tauren are also very loyal to the demon king.

They are not only tribe but relatives, but this is only the vast majority. The ox demon never told the tribe about the surrender to heaven, but many people among the tauren knew it and kept silent.

Tang Seng thought for a moment, and said, "Since so, the poor monk will go with you!"

Sun Wukong held the gold hoop, and now the gold hoop in his hand was clenched tightly, and looked at the Devil King: "This time, I will return you!"

"A somersault cloud!"

He flickered, grabbed a tauren, and leapt to the somersault cloud.

Tang Seng said with a small eye in his eyes: "That's the case. The poor monk can't ask you anything for nothing, this time the red baby's problem is to be solved by the poor monk."

"Xiaobai!" Tang Seng drank at the white dragon and horse, and she turned into a white dragon. Tang Seng also leapt forward, stepping on the dragon's back, holding a tin rod and one hand behind him: "Bajie, you and the sand monk are here to prevent the other side from hitting the west."

Pig Bajie and the sand monk nodded.

According to Tang Seng's speculation, the opponent will definitely not attack the Bull Demon Cave Base Camp easily, but will start to impact from the periphery. The most important factor is that the strength of the ox demon king has a certain suppressive force on swallowing the python, otherwise it will not invade the ox demon king many times.

The reason why Bajie and Sand Monk are here is to keep an extra hand, even if the opponent is not so clever, this piece of chess must be laid. Only then can we prevent it before it happens.

Tang monk stood on the white dragon, and the wind blew the cymbals like an extravagant person, with one hand behind him, holding a tin rod: "A group of people went to save the holy infant king with the poor monks, and another group held the territory. In case of a sneak attack! "

Tang Seng also grabbed a tauren and said, "Lead the way!"

Following the direction of this tauren, Tang Seng stood on the white dragon and flew towards the destination.

The tauren around were stunned, but they could not help but appreciate the actions of Tang Seng and others.

"Let's keep up! Bring the guys!" The tauren are even more drinkable and their morale is soaring!

The old tauren looked towards the sky, his eyes were slightly raised, he didn't speak, and he followed the tauren's team.

Tang Seng followed with thousands of tauren, and came forward!

"That's ... that!" The tauren's eyes were a little horrified, and he shivered between the rocks.

The rock was split in half like a mountain, and the edge of the blade was like two sharp serpent fangs.

next moment.

A group of snakes soared out from under the huge rock!

Sisi ~

The snake kept sticking out its tongue, his face was hazy, his face was haggard, and the venomous fangs stared fiercely at everyone.

These snakes are only one person in size.

However, just after the snake appeared, several ten-meter-high giant snakes were suddenly drilled in the ground. There were ten snakes in the whole. The snake's body is a mix of blue, black and white. The snake scales seem to be withered, as if they are about to die ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eyes are like the same shade of red, which is extremely embarrassing.

Each snake has a golden bell on it, and every time the snake moves, a crisp sound will sound.

But this crisp voice is not a joyful note, but a judgment of death!

One of the snakes swallowed the python with two heads: "Is this the rescuer your king brought in? Where is your king ...?"

Sun Wukong was one step earlier than Tang Seng and others, but did not take any action, holding the gold hoop, standing still, watching the double-headed swallowing python closely.

Shortly after Sun Wukong appeared, Tang Seng led many tauren here.

"Huanghuang, surrender the red baby! Rao you today!" Tang Seng stood on Bailong, holding a tin rod, and he was extremely domineering.

The wind moved, and the bell on the snake jingled.

Jingle Bell ~ Jingle Bell ~

"Don't your king dare to come? It's ridiculous. I thought he was too brave. He had beaten me so many times and would be scared."

When a tauren heard this, he was anxious: "You fart! Can you compare us to the king? Which one did not frustrate you!"

The two-headed swallowing emperor sneered: "I fled? Although your king can beat me, but he can't break open my skin, this can be regarded as deserted and fled? Since your king does not come, then I'm also welcome! "

When the emperor waved his tail, the overwhelming snakes swarmed out. These sharp little snakes are like a storm coming in the air, and the dark mass is a hidden killer, and the breath of horror is circling in it.

The remaining nine swallowing pythons are also under the action of the emperor, and they are also the first to move and leap out.


Tang Seng's face changed, and his pupils shrank. This snake is too dense, and he must flash away to fight back!

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