Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 158: I thought I could guard this world

At the time of the roar of the two-headed snake king, his body was even more swollen, and his body was more than twice as big as it was.

"My emperor is breaking your net with you today!"

As soon as the voice fell, the huge snake tail of the double-headed snake emperor hovered in a hurry, paused in the air, stagnated for a few seconds, and suddenly swooped down, bringing a lingering breath to the face, like a Foshan blow. The weaker Tauren was out of breath with this Ling Yan breath.

The Ox Demon King has gone through hundreds of battles, so he is naturally familiar with the two-headed snake king. Although his face is pale, he suddenly feels shocked: "Giant body!"

Suddenly, the body of the ox demon swelled up like a balloon. With this expanded body, the higher the path, the stronger the mana, and the larger the natural body. The so-called magic height is one foot, the road is one foot tall. This Taoism is not only representing Taoism, but also the strength and weakness of Daoxing!

The stronger your strength, the bigger your body, and the stronger your explosive power.

Although many monsters have also learned this body style, they cannot be compared with the Demon King.

"The old cow fights with you!" The Bull Devil held his iron rod and his eyes turned red.


The fangs of the two-headed serpent emperor, staring at the ox devil with cold eyes: "You have such a turbulent atmosphere ... I'm afraid you have used the secret method!"

"I want to see how long you can support!"

As the Snake Emperor fluttered, Sun Wukong sneered, "Your grandson is here again, and today your life will stay here!"

Tang Seng stepped on a white dragon, suddenly throwing a tin rod, like a perfect parabola in the air, rushed directly to the snake king. This tin rod did not attack other parts, but between the eyes of the snake emperor.

The Snake Emperor's pupil shrank, and he suddenly fluttered the tail of the snake, trying to stop it.

But ride this moment!

Sun Wukong and the cow demon shot at the same time. The two took a deep breath and perfused under this blow, as if thousands of mountains fell down instantly!

The eyes of the snake emperor froze, and he cried, "No!"

A venom squirted at Tang Monk!

As soon as Tang Seng was stagnant, it was too late to dodge, but unexpectedly a figure appeared suddenly in the air, holding a nine-tooth nail rake, standing upright.

The venom touched the weapons of the pig Bajie, and it even emitted a lot of smoke. Fortunately, this is Baoqin gold palladium on the fairy ware. At this moment, I am afraid that it will be corroded.

"The Eight Commandments!"

Tang Seng stunned, shouldn't Ba Jie prevent invasion around the cave at this time?

How come here?

Pig Bajie did not explain. Although the venom was blocked just now, it was not completely blocked. There was a splatter, contaminating Bajie's body, and the clothes eroded a large hole. The eight precepts panicked, and they quickly resisted the interpretation to resist the poison's continued erosion.

Pig Bajie looked at the big hole in the clothes with deep sorrow, took a deep breath, and yelled: "Puppy old pig, do your uncle! This dress is made by Cuilan for Puppet, so it is a waste!"

And at this time.

The weapons of Sun Wukong and the Demon King arrive as scheduled!

Suddenly slammed down and hit the Snake Emperor. The Snake Emperor looked at Tang Seng unwillingly. If it were not for Tang Seng's hasty shot, it would be a delay even if it was not low.


A loud noise is deafening!

The double-headed giant snake king fell to the ground at this moment, and the original hard snake-like snake was even blasted. There was a gravel dust in the air.

Nevertheless, the snake's body was still moving, and the vitality of the snake emperor was extremely tenacious, but the attack was too powerful, and the snake emperor was bruised all over.

Tang Seng looked at Zhu Bajie: "How did you come here?"

Bajie looked distressed at his holed clothes. Although his position was eroded a little by the venom just now, and he was clicked by the minotaur before, there was no such distress at the moment as Ba Bajie said:俺 Clothes, 俺 flew your snake skin today and drew your bones. "

Zhu Bajie took a deep breath and replied to Tang Seng: "Brother Sha said that the five giant snakes were invading the cave. Brother Sha resisted, and let the old pig go to meet you, and need reinforcements. If it is a single fight, the five Sky python is definitely not an opponent of Lao Zhu and Lao Sha. "

But the key is that the five pythons are powerful. There are still some remaining tauren around, not many. Most are older. Xun and Laosha deal with them while preventing attacks. "

Tang Seng nodded: "It seems necessary to rush over, and the rest of the python swallowed up."

The Snake Emperor was trembling ... trembling, trembling.

But next moment.

The Snake Emperor no longer trembled, and suddenly burst into laughter, but smiled a little desolately: "Do you know that the Emperor was the offspring of Zhu Rong swallowing the Skyfire Python?"

Tang Seng did not speak.

Sun Wukong was silent.

The ox devil was pale and stared closely at the two-headed snake king.

"Do you think that nobody knows the transaction between you and Heaven?" Snake King sneered.

The Ox Demon didn't justify and looked around at the tauren.

These tauren did not speak. Although they had known for a long time, they still stood by the Taurus King.

The Cow Devil took a deep breath: "In fact, Lao Niu has known for a long time that they know the trade between Tianting and me. They do n’t say, I do n’t click. Since you clicked this thing today, Lao Niu is not afraid to tell you. The old cow was persuaded, and I admit it! "

He looked deeply at the tauren in the ethnic group and exhaled: "Because ... they are all ... loved ones ..."

The voice fell.

The Tauren were silent, and Yaque was silent.

Looking at the oxen king who was pale and still standing.

The Bull Devil turned to look at the clan: "Will you blame the old cow ~ www.readwn.com ~ greedy for fear of death. Don't dare to challenge the heavens, dare not challenge the king. If you do not want to continue to be the king. .....

As the words fell, many tauren knelt on one knee.


This sound is extremely loud, deafening, and leisurely!

"What a great king, why not call me a great king!" The Devil King smiled and smiled, his eyes were pulsating, and the trembling buried in his heart made the Devil King's hands tremble a little.

The Snake Emperor's eyes were cold and a little embarrassed: "Do you think that occupying your territory is only the will of the Emperor? It is ridiculous, the Emperor knows more things, but you will never know!"

"Oh!" The Emperor Snake smiled coldly.

"It's really naive!" The snake's fleshy body tried to try to stand up: "If the words of the emperor just now are not obvious, then the emperor tells you that apart from your deal with the heavenly court, there is more amazing in your clan. Transactions and secrets. You wo n’t know for a lifetime! And the emperor ... is pointed by heaven! "

Upon hearing the Bull Demon King, it seemed as if he was getting older in a moment, as if there were many doubts in his heart, and they became clear one by one.

The ox devil stood silent and looked at the sky.

The ox devil's face became paler, and he squeezed the stick.

[I used this world to protect me]

[I used to think that if I let down my dignity, I could survive]

[I used to think that tolerance would calm down. 】

[It turns out all this is delusional. 】

[It turned out that all this was deliberately arranged]

[It turns out all this is just me stupid]

The Bull Lord roared and looked at Skyrim: "What the **** do you want to do !!"

The angry ox demon king lifted the sky stick and rushed towards the two-headed snake king again!

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