Tang Seng naturally knew the answer behind this sentence, and knew in his mind. During the Tang Dynasty, it was also known as the Tang Dynasty's prosperous period, and there were significant developments in all aspects.

However, after all, Tang Seng is not a person of this age. Tang Seng still knows something that is unclear to others.

The answer to this sentence is "God is rich". Because the immortals represent God, and the peony represents the rich flowers. It ’s just that Tang Seng is a little puzzled, why did Chi You leave such a formation?

What's hidden behind this?

This thing is not difficult for yourself, but not necessarily for others.

"Maybe something else." Tang Seng shook his head.

Hu Aqi was pleased to hear the words of Tang Seng, and laughed, "Little Master is really good."

Tang Seng didn't speak, and Hu Aqi was pregnant with ghosts, and he could still see it. A person like this still needs to take extra precautions. Presumably, the Great Saint should have explored the situation around him.

The white dragon horse was left under the mountain and did not come up. After all, this is the Longshan Mountain. It was a lot of inconvenience to go up and down the mountain. So the Tang monk, the sand monk, the pig Bajie, all three went forward.

After getting along with these times, Pig Bajie knows some Tang monks, so there is not much to say.

Anyway, this master is very clever.

"That's the front." Hu Aqi pointed to the stone platform in front of him. There are two unicorn stone statues on both sides of the platform.

Tang Seng picked up the pen on the stone platform and wrote the answer above.


Those two unicorn stones trembled a little.

next moment.


With the sound, the two stone statues actually moved in the eyes of everyone. And the body of the stone statue began to change.

In a short moment, two unicorns that lived and appeared in front of everyone.


The eyes of this unicorn exude purple light, like an abyss in the dark.

The stone statue Kirin watched Tang Seng tightly: "I'm waiting, finally here ..."

The voice fell.

The speed of the stone statue unicorn suddenly increased, and it flew towards Tang Seng fiercely.

Tang Monk's eyelids fluttered and his figure receded. At the same time, Hu Aqi didn't step in, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. There is a meaning to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and I don't intend to participate in it at all.

Seeing this, the Eight Rings of the Pig took the nine-tooth rake and moved forward one block!


Two forces erupted directly, forming a heat wave.

The other unicorn also flew in.

Tang Seng was ready this time, and suddenly gave out a palm, and at this time the sand monk also came to resist the stone unicorn attack.

"Want to sit in the mountains and watch the tigers fight?"

It's not so good to want to take advantage of yourself.

The Tang monk motioned for the monk to let go, and the monk nodded stupidly.

next moment!

Tang Seng slammed his palms and rushed towards Hu Aqi with the help of reactionary forces.

Hu Aqi's pupils suddenly shrank.

With the help of the gap in the middle, the unicorn stone statue rushed directly to Hu Aqi. Hu Aqi picked up Fang Tianji on his body to resist!

At this time, the Tang monk dragged away, and the stone unicorn struck the Tang monk again. At this time, Tang Seng already knew that Kirin would only chase himself and intentionally did not fight back.

A voice passed into Tang Seng's ear, and then a smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and ran towards Fox A Qi again.

The statue of Kirin, a stone statue, is so powerful that other fox demons dare not move forward in the slightest. If it weren't for the seven big foxes, they would still be standing.

As the Tang monk kept dodging Fox Aqi, a small dragonfly entered into it, and entered the depths of the source.

Tang Seng now has only one purpose, which is to use the stone unicorn to keep delaying them. When Sun Wukong successfully gets the four sources of the Black Dragon, he can retire.

Hu Aqi looked at Tang Seng coldly and growled, "What are you doing? Have to run behind the king to dodge!"

Monk Tang pretended to be innocent: "I'm sorry. The poor monk is a war scum. You are strong, you are up!"

Fox A Qi had an urge to spit blood instantly.

As soon as the words came down, the stone statue of Kirin once again came to the surface. After the sand monk patted it, Zhu Bajie suddenly realized that he no longer resisted Kirin's prolonged trajectory, and instead let that Kirin chase Tang Monk.

Tang Seng naturally felt happy, and as soon as the stone statue fluttered, he evaded behind Hu Aqi, and behind him was blocked by Tang Seng, he could only flicker left and right.

But in the face of the two stone unicorns, Hu Aqi's face was also pale. Although expensive as the king of fox demon, but the strength can only be considered in the middle and lower reaches. If you get the source of this black dragon, your strength is bound to skyrocket.

Suffering from the array left by Chi You, it can't be broken.

Not to mention that after breaking this first mystery, the stone statue actually lived, and its strength was very strong.

Hu Aqi even waved his hand, urging the others to fight back.

Those fox demon shed their hands and went to support.

There is also a fox demon who is more clever and does not assist Hu Aqi, but instead attacks the source of Tang Monk. Because it was the Tang monk who deliberately dodged in Hu Aqi, if the Tang monk was resolved, the stone unicorn would not continue to pounce on the king.

The idea is good ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it underestimates the reality.

At this time, the strength of Tang Seng was not something that ordinary ordinary demon could defeat.

"Look for death!" Tang Seng suddenly saw this fox demon attacking himself, and shot a slap!


This fox demon was bombed directly by Tang Seng's palm.

Tang Seng's mouth sneered without being affected in the slightest. Instead, he continued to dodge behind Hu Aqi.

Hu Aqi screamed despicably and thundered wildly.

"Has already arrived." Sun Wukong's familiar voice came from Tang Seng's ear.

A smile on the corner of Tang Seng's mouth, he signaled to leave with Bajie and Sand Monk.

"Aoyama does not change the green water!"

After saying this, Tang Seng, with the pig Bajie and the sand monk, hurried towards the foot of the mountain.

The Kirin stone statue still moved violently. When Tang Seng left a certain distance, the targets attacked by Kirin gathered in the hands of Hu Aqi.

When Hu Aqi heard Tang Seng's words, he was dumbfounded and angry.

"Stop him!"

Hu Aqi was entangled in the unicorn stone statue and could not get away quickly.

When Pig Bajie noticed that there were many fox demon approaching him, his face looked tightly at Tang Seng: "Master, why did the stone statues only attack you?"

Tang Seng's eyes twitched slightly: "If the poor monk guessed right, those stone figures must be chasing and attacking the fancier. But once they leave the range of the source, they will not attack. The reason why the poor monk can quickly leave that range is Because Hu Aqi resisted the unicorn stone statue. "

"But he is not so lucky. His men are not strong, and at least it will take a lot of effort to get out. Unless there is a stronger person who resists giving him the time to leave, it is not so easy to get out."

With Tang Seng's words, the rest of the fox demon suddenly came towards Tang Seng!

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