Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 202: Reinforcements

From the name of the **** ’s guild, "Qi Sara", can be translated as riding Sara. Although it can be translated like this, in fact, Kisala is an expert in mathematics. With each battle, he can react N times in his brain, so that even taking a few steps can kill the opponent. He can calculate exactly how many chances can cause a critical strike.

The brain is particularly sensitive in this area. Even many guilds invited him many times to manage the entire team's economy and other things. But he refused.

The moment he saw the news in the world, he made a judgment based on the information he had learned before, and that is, if such a person is standing in his own camp and becoming an ally, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

At the same time, more and more players gathered in the West A128 area.

The entire A128 West End has reached an unprecedented height, and the number of players has gathered to a horrible value. The majority of all members of the national service below level 35 rushed towards the direction of the ice cold.

Their purpose is not simply to want to explode, but to achieve their own goals when all players gather together.

There are people who specialize in the cold, some people who specialize in that zombie, and some people who want to fish in the muddy water.

Another place.

"Brother Han, why is the speed of the Shadow Zombie so fast!" Swordsman has called Bing Han as Han Brother, furthering the relationship.

Binghan didn't pay particular attention to this title, but frowned and looked at the shadow zombie.

If everyone's speed is now a motorcycle, then the speed of this shadow zombie is rocket launcher.

Thieves slip!

But the more this happened, the more Binghan wanted to get this Shadow Zombie.

After killing, you can get the ability to summon this type of zombies, which can save a lot of trouble.

The shadow zombies looked at Binghan with both eyes, grabbed the wall of a building directly with their hands, and kept climbing upwards, a kind of immediate sight of Spider-Man.

By this time, the surrounding zombies had been surrounded by a large number of zombies. The Shadow Zombie had no choice but to climb upwards, but this Shadow Zombie knew that he had fallen into a dangerous place.

"You can't run away." Binghan's mouth sneered.

However, just as Binghan was preparing for further action, a large number of players appeared.

"Shoot!" A group of gunsmiths directly picked up the gun in their hands to open the skills.


Bullets from all around directly penetrated those zombies, and zombies kept falling. The set of zombie fires soon fell piece by piece. In addition, a large number of puppet controllers summon puppets to attack.

The artillery division set up the artillery directly and bombed it on a large scale.



Binghan's eyes mimic: "Since you want to start a full-scale war, I will have fun with you!"

For his own strength, Bing Han is very clear. In addition to his own operational advantages, he also has the ability to summon zombies. But this summoning of zombies is not a summoning of seconds, but the relative cooldown is not particularly long. So for a long time, they are the players who directly summoned zombies to siege the entire area. Summoned occasionally.

And there is a certain upper limit for zombies in the entire area. It is like a house of 100 square meters. It is impossible to summon as many as 200 square meters.



So there is a certain upper limit.

At the moment when the fire was set, Binghan waved his hand: "tremble! Players!"

As soon as the words fell, a large number of zombies began to run away instantly.


"Cao! So many zombies! Meat-based occupations hurried forward to block, we provide fire support!" Players began to command some.

At this moment, all players stand in the same camp.

As for the ice league?

Binghan doesn't think they will stand on their side unless they give enough benefits. But going on like this is not appropriate. There is no need to cultivate these tow bottles.

What I need is a team that can stand on their side, even against other players.

In this regard, Bing Han has a very clear understanding.

Rose love seeks stimulation, thinking that ice cold can bring her a stimulating life and refreshing feeling. Obviously, playing against all players now is in line with her mind.

The purpose of Swordsman is different. Swordsman wants to stand at the top level of the game, but it is clear that he does not have so many opportunities. The appearance of ice cold is a good time to hold your thighs.

The great **** is developing. At this time, holding the leg of the great **** that has not yet fully developed, you may be counter-attacking your life!

So they stood firmly beside Bing Han.

Binghan doesn't want to take the initiative, which is not to say that he is kind and soft, but because of the setting of the evil value of this game. Strong P, whoever starts first and kills the opponent will get a certain evil value.

When the sin value reaches a certain level, the color of the name changes.

If this is the case, it is easy to drop the equipment on your body. There is no binding or binding in this game. Except for quest props, most of them are not.

Because this game is not like dropped cities and warriors, there is a risk of hacking, and it is not like "big left" online games. No hacking. One game cabin corresponds to one account.

So there is no such binding ~ www.readwn.com ~ Binghan does not allow himself to die in this game, even once!

"Aurora Icicle!" When the player attacked Frozen, Frozen countered directly. And in his backpack, there are a hundred sets of red medicine and blue medicine. No worries about blood volume.

Although this red medicine is not an instant purple potion.

Red potion restores a certain amount of blood every second for a certain period of time. Interrupted by a zombie attack or player attack.

The same goes for blue potions.

The purple potion and the holy fruit belong to the high-end potion consumables, which are added to the blood in seconds.

If a 36-level player vs. a 34-level player, one has many groups of holy fruit, and one does not. Then it is definitely the death of the player without the Holy Fruit.

No matter what game, just operate.

Basically follow a sentence: no money, play your paralysis.

This sentence may not sound good, but it covers the nature of the game.

And Binghan is to control the economy of the entire game, and thus control the economy of the real world.

Bing Han directs the zombies to launch an attack, and he also fights back at any time. Just then a team of 100 people appeared.

To the surprise of the surrounding players, this team directly turned on the strong P. Apart from that, they went up and attacked the surrounding players directly.

Binghan also received a private chat at the same time: "Our President, 'Kisala', let us help you!"

These players attack like a riot.

The rest of the players froze, and then responded: "Crouch! Nima! You fired the wrong way! Attack Frozen and Zombie!"

The players smiled: "I'm sorry. That's right! Brothers, come on!"

A battle of bees between players.

Binghan said with a raised mouth: "This guild ... is a bit interesting ..."

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