Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 211: Evacuation

Many players began to envy this equipment gem in Binghan's hands at this moment. Although envy is envy, few people dared to grab it directly. After all, people around me also heard about the cold.

Binghan's real concern is that he has revealed in advance that he is not in their sniper range.

Immediately, Bing Han quickly rushed in the direction of swordsman and rose.

At the same time, waving his hands, a large number of zombies began to run from all directions. People around were beginning to be curious about why they didn't summon zombies at first. Call and summon only after killing the boss and obtaining items.

Players began to bring out this information and doubts.

Many people's understanding of ice cold seems to go further.

Is it necessary to kill a local boss-level zombie before he can gain the ability to summon a zombie in the area.

But what happened to the shadow zombies at the beginning?

Although they feel closer to the truth, there are still many problems.

at the same time.

Bing Han led a large number of zombies and rushed towards the position of swordsman.


The upper half of the Pentagon was blown up.

The person in charge relies on the scope of the sniper rifle to gain a wider field of vision.

"Evacuate as soon as possible! I find that the zombies in the distance seem to be gathering in one direction!" They are sensitive to things around them.

"Really sly guy." The person in charge bit his teeth and evacuated immediately.

All the rising dragons took out the vehicle directly, a black and cool Prince Edward motorcycle. This is the vehicle in the game. Different vehicles have different speeds and prices.

Motorcycles, rocket skateboards, and automobiles are the most common vehicles. Players can trade in the main city and other medium cities.

After the evacuation was announced, personnel in different directions were evacuated at the fastest speed.

"They're here!" A gunner stunned for a few seconds.

Sure enough, as rumored, this ice cold will summon and command the zombies. A large number of zombies rushed towards the nearby buildings at a rushing speed.


After being found, it must be death!

As for swordsman and rose, many people began to appear below when they saw the surrounding buildings, and their vehicles were ready to evacuate.

"Mad, kill us. It's not easy to evacuate like this!"

The swordsman rushed straight up!

Rose's breath was a little undulating, and there was a delicate sneer on the corner of her mouth: "This is the excitement."

Has been under sniper, Rose is unhappy. It seems it should be Operation Frozen.

Can't just let them leave, at least robbing some vehicles Pentium up.

Once the gunner loses his range advantage, the relative combat effectiveness drops significantly. With her excellent personal skills, Rose directly killed a member of Canglong and seized a vehicle. Riding over the Prince's motorcycle, one hand controls the direction, the other takes the gun to shoot remotely

Rose is ranged, swordsman is melee. She can rely on her skills to **** a car, and the natural swordman also snatches a prince motorcycle. The sword man leaped high and rudely cut it straight away! The momentum seemed to owe him 10 billion yuan, forcing a second directly!

Swordman also won a motorcycle.

But the swordsman doesn't just want to win the next one, but to kill one is one!

Pick up the sword and ride a motorcycle and ask if you are afraid!

"You're finished!" Swordman laughed when he saw them running away. Don't even think about it, it must be Bing Han who brought a large army.

Otherwise, why did these people hiding in the building suddenly take out their vehicles and escape?

The swordsman darted to attack these fleeing gunsmiths, and he could catch a few at this time.

Qiang Wei said to the swordsman in the guild, "You are waiting for the ice cold, I will chase them!"

The swordsman felt more and more exciting, and quickly replied, "Okay!"

Waiting for Frozen after Jianxia snatched a few motorcycles.

the other side.

The head of Canglong's rise also began to command everyone and fled the scene. Can't stay anymore. Leave one dead one! And it fell to the lowest level. Once at the lowest level, then it is complete to follow the orders of the ice cold.

"It's really angry, these testy ants." The person in charge rode on the Prince's motorcycle and accelerated.

In these areas, the ice cold is simply an invincible representative. But unless Binghan has been nesting here, he will know how small he is once he leaves this area and enters the city of the sky.

Players have long been against zombies to form an army-like existence.

Even the zombie-type zombie in the late stage may not have resisted the player, this is the real player paradise!



You cannot resist the union of our human camp at all!

A man like Binghan who can dominate the zombies against the army of human players?

Reality will tell you to what extent the strength of the Eighth Guild is terrible.


"I really thought I was very stable in the hegemonic position." Binghan's eyes were mimic.

As long as the soul wore this body, Binghan knew some of the status quo in the world. The ability to control zombies yourself is just a driving force. Relying on this ability can make you stronger continuously.

This world, I dominate!

"Here!" Swordman in the distance raised his sword and waved toward Binghan.

There are a lot of zombies behind Binghan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jian Xia smiled, and it was Binghan who summoned the zombies. According to his guess, Binghan should summon a large number of zombies after killing a BOSS. Of course, this is just speculation, and I will not go through the ice cold.

Since it's the boss, it's a bit of a hole card.

"Han Brother, this is the vehicle I grabbed. It looks pretty good." Jianxia laughed.

Bing Han nodded and leapt slightly, riding on this Prince Edward motorcycle, waving his hands at the zombies behind him: "Go!"


A very spectacular scene appeared throughout the Southern District.

Behind the two Prince Edward motorcycles, they followed the mass of zombies. The speed of zombies is roughly divided into two batches. The closest to the Prince's motorcycle is Shadow Zombie, while such as Butcher Zombie and Ordinary Zombie, Straw Zombie is relatively slow.

And will keep away from the ice cold.

It will take some time to fully merge.

Rose chases all the way, the gunner runs all the way!

"That crazy woman, dare to chase us? Shoot!"

Many gunners choose long-range skills to shoot.

Qiangqi grabbed the motorcycle's head firmly, and took it up in the air like a parabola.


"Six you paralyzed. She is the opponent, do you have a brain!"

To be honest, these people were shocked. For the first time, they saw that someone could do this with a vehicle. Such people are not without, but they are often used in reality, and they have super high-tech skills to achieve this level.

These gunners were in a terrible shock, and it seemed that the cold had recruited some extraordinary people.

Rose's mouth sneered softly, and she felt more and more exciting.

"Fast! We can evacuate this area as long as ten minutes!" The person in charge shouted at the crowd.


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