For the overall game structure, Bing Han also has some understanding. Judging in its current form, this trial is likely to be unable to stay in this city of the sky. Because the influence of the eight major trade unions is very large.

Since you can't choose to team up safely in the city of the sky, go down the dangerous light ruins and form your own army.

However, the degree of danger of doing so has been greatly explained.

Because in the cold cognition, the city of the sky is the base camp built by the players, so the players survive here. Fees are paid every so often.

This membership fee is equivalent to the cost of living. Although most of it goes into personal pockets, a part is still used to maintain the peace of the entire city of the sky.

Each time the city wall is attacked by a giant zombie, the court is responsible for the funds. Players need to upgrade and take risks, then the court will send a group of strong to protect them.

These strong men will also get paid, which is a win-win situation.

So every once in a while, the city of sky will form a powerful team to enter the development of bright ruins, which is relatively safe.

Players who choose not to develop in the Sky City will face a dangerous problem, that is, being killed by various strange zombies. These zombies are no longer like the previous map, either active or passive.

It is a group of zombies that are almost the same as the player's wisdom.

These zombies are in groups, they have kings, they have emperors!

When killing single zombies, players need to watch out for the kings and emperors in these zombies.

And mutant species in zombies.

With player skills, the damage is doubled.

Unlucky, you can even be critically hit with double damage, and the same level may be directly killed.

"Han brother." Jian Xia looked at Binghan.

Rose bit her lip lightly and did not speak.

Binghan naturally knows what they think, flips it over, and says, "Give you a choice."

"First, you stay in the city of the sky with other players waiting for time to enter the ruins of light. I'll go alone."

"Second, the three of us went directly into the ruins of light."

The swordsman and Rose looked at each other without hesitation: "The second one."

Rather than leave the ice cold and stay in the city of the sky, it is better to take a risk with an ice cold with great potential.

This is more exciting.

Although the first is very stable, it is likely to miss a chance to make a good relationship with Binghan.

"Let's go. Before going to trial, go to the trading market to prepare medicines and other things." Binghan is not sure if he can control the zombies of the light relics.

Judging from what is currently known, when you kill the local master, you can get the zombies control and summoning right in this area. And the maximum number of summons can only reach the upper limit of this area.

Smart zombies need to kill themselves to get the right to summon. And the summoned amount is linked to your level.

If you judge a zombie in the light ruins as an intelligent zombie in this way, you need to be killed to upgrade.

There is also the biggest question: After the regional zombies have taken out of the area, can they choose to die to gain experience? This has not been verified.

If, as before, the zombie explodes and gains experience, then you are definitely in seconds to the highest limit.

If it is not the same, and you are not afraid, relying on this equipment and technology, the peer is definitely a crushing existence.

"Okay." Swordman and Rose nodded.

With a bright smile on the corner of Rose's mouth, she was a little excited, the more exciting the better. Even the public enemy is even more exciting!

The swordsman just wanted to cling to the legs of the future god, and let himself try to stand in the pyramid, and it was crooked.

Although they had different goals, they both stood on the side of Binghan.



Tiansha thirty-six seats.

There are high-weight players in each seat, these are all representative figures of the city of sky.

The eight major guilds occupy as many as half of the seats, and the remaining seats are some professional-level legendary players. Behind them all have the strong support of top BOSS consortia.

From equipment synthesis to search, a full range of services.

These are almost the peak representatives of the entire city of the sky.

The Vice President of the Undefeated Guild paused and said, "Icy is already in the city of the sky. What do you plan to do with this matter?"

The vice president of the Cross Association smiled: "Last time he had killed all the low-level players under my control in the A128 area. This time he came to the city of the sky, we must‘ enter hospitality ’.”

The word "entertainment" aggravates the tone, and everyone's mind is naturally self-evident.

None of the chairpersons spoke. Instead, they listened to the vice chairpersons first to express their opinions. Through brainstorming, a final unanimous trial.

A female vice-chairperson smiled charmingly: "I think this ice cold is very interesting. As far as I know, Cang Long just took someone to the learning area and let Azuo and Binghan learn from each other."

"Maybe some people here are unclear, but I can say this. Ah Zuo's strength is definitely the one who can reach the top of the leaderboard of the same level of players ~ ~ When the voice falls, the people around him face to face peep.

The female vice president said: "As a result, Azuo is not an opponent of Frozen at all, and he can't even touch Frozen. It is not a standard at all. It is unwise to be against such a person."

The eyes of a vice chairman were hot: "It must be the effect of the glowing divine costume on him. That divine costume made my heart tickle."

He was very eager for that set of equipment, which was able to control the zombie equipment, which was really cool.

The female vice president shook her head: "Oh. Stupid. Binghan and Azuo chose to fight without equipment. You know the terrain in the study area, and it is very inconvenient for the mage to show his fist. But this is the case , Bing Han completely crushed him. "

The hot-eyed man's face froze, "This is impossible!"

"Fact," the woman said lightly.

This sentence directly stirred up thousands of waves, and the court directly discussed.

Many people's faces are slightly changed.

The ice cold at this time had not yet awakened, it was already so terrible. In case it really wakes him up, this court is afraid it will change a lot!

As these people discussed, a chairman finally said: "The death and ruins now, even those of us know that if there is another ice cold, all this is unknown."

"And I'm not sure if Binghan is standing in the zombie camp or the player camp."

"If you let him develop and take 10,000 steps back, he is on our side, then there will be a powerful fighting force. But ..."

"If he is standing in the zombie camp, then shooting from the sky city, I am afraid our previous efforts will be ruined!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's face was also a color.

Colorful and cloudy, thoughtful ...

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