Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 240: The transcendent


The man's face gradually turned pale, the corners of his mouth began to change color, and his pupils were earning a lot.

Chen Ruofan gave him a hard hand and threw it to the shore.

Binghan's eyes froze, and he looked at the people around him: "If anyone doesn't commit me, I don't commit anyone, if anyone commits me ... he will fight!"

At the same time, Binghan's body began to emit a faint light.

There was already a frenzy all around, and the whole scene had already begun in the blood pool.


A light radiated from one's body, and behind him a black piranha and cricket teeth.

"Hahahaha. My power is on!" The man suddenly found that his already eroded body was very open and had recovered. Those damaged skin groups-weave, repair quickly.

The whole person has a feeling of reborn.

He gently moved one person away, and when he saw the other, he was pushed away by several meters.

"This is power?" He stumbled to find that this power was very strong.

Many people have all kinds of things behind them at the same time, including fire horses, pythons, scorpions and so on.


There was a loud noise, followed by a crisp tweet.

Everyone will never forget this scene ...

I saw a lifelike ice phoenix behind Binghan, and the whole body was made of ice condensate. The other illusions appeared in terror when it appeared.

As if all soldiers worship the gods.

The tail of this ice phoenix is ​​extremely beautiful and suffocating.

It agitated the wings slightly in the air, making the rest of the envy even more enviable.

"It's an ice phoenix !!"

Just when everyone thought that the ice phoenix was the awakening energy of the ice cold, a black jasmine flower appeared on the whole ice phoenix and continued to languish. Finally turned into a black egg.

There was a sudden shock and the black egg cracked.

A phoenix like a fallen angel reappeared in the sight of everyone.

This half of the phoenix is ​​weird and dark, and the other half is blue and icy.

Like art carvings.

Frozen in the dark, it seemed extremely domineering.

At the same time, everyone's panel has begun to show its own age.

They continue to increase the number of days from the blood pool, from one year to one month a year, and they continue to increase.

The same is true of the age of the panel, and the rate of increase is extremely amazing.

By the time the rest arrived a year and a month, Binghan had begun to approach two years.

"The blood pool is shrinking!" Someone was surprised to find that the red liquid in the blood pool had begun to fade, and it became more and more obvious.

Everyone can see that most of them are condensed for the ice cold.

"kill him!"

Shouted a bald head.

At this time, everyone was almost robbing their own lives. One point was one point. At this time, a person who sucked years of life appeared as uncomfortable as digging his ancestor's grave.

The rest have only one idea, and that is not to let one person stand out.

This is what the saying goes, prefer to be a chicken head, not a Phoenix tail.

Because the gun hits the head!

But Binghan's perception is the opposite. Fengwei is a phoenix anyway!

If it ’s a chicken, it ’s only a chicken!

As soon as they touched each other, they rushed directly towards the other.

"Dead!" Binghan's tiptoe, the whole person rushed out of the water by force, while the left hand turned into a huge ice hand and rushed out.

The man was even killed by Binghan before he could even dodge.

"This is the fourth dimension, and you are asking for your death."

Binghan's eyes were cold: "Good people live, but evil people die. Whoever wants to dominate my destiny ... then I will kill him!"

The rest looked stiff.

As soon as Binghan's voice fell, several men who rushed towards Binghan were also knocked down instantly. They didn't even have the slightest resistance.

"Hoo ~" Binghan took a breath, and it turned out that this was what they said about life-time power.

Role: Han Feihan

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Energy body: S-level energy body

Energy years: 2 years, 4 months, 12 days

Awakening Type: Nether God Phoenix (Ice, Dark)

"More than 2 years of life, it seems that the longer the life, the stronger the strength." Bing Han shook his head slightly.

At the same time, Chen Ruofan appeared in front of everyone. He stood slightly to the left of Binghan and pushed his glasses slightly. Behind him is a giant idol. A dog-headed ginseng holds a three-pronged stone statue.

Seems extremely sacred.

There is a sense of sight of the Egyptian patron saint.

A man even took out a bayonet and rushed to Chen Ruofan, just like the fangs in the dark broke out directly.

At the same time a bear appeared behind the man.

There is a sense of earth-shattering general outburst. You can even see his fists full of blue tendons. That kind of power can even give people an illusion. One punch can kill a cow.

"Petrochemical!" Chen Ruofan pushed his glasses.

I saw a stone like a dog's head behind him, and the man's body condensed into a stone statue.

And Chen Ruofan's complexion was very calm, as if nothing had happened.

But Binghan saw slight changes in his body, and it was clear that this ability was also a burden on him. But he pretended to be calm.

"Not easy ..." Binghan's eyes were tiny.

The main thing is that Binghan seems to remember this creature in the encyclopedia, that is, the Egyptian patron saint Anubis, who masters the power of the undead and has the power of Medusa.

At this time, the color of the blood pool continued to become lighter and gradually dissipated.

"It's over ... maybe changes will happen soon."

The dry old man looked at the crowd and said slowly.

As soon as the words fell, the whole person quickly shrank and became a pile of ashes.

The wind blew gently and dispersed with the wind.

Everyone's eyes are very excited.

But this time, not everyone has awakened the mysterious power of sleeping in the body. Some people just reborn and have stronger physical fitness without any awakening power. But many people are excited.

Because from this day, they formally changed their destiny.

They embarked on the road of the strong.

Bing Han glanced through the crowd with only regrets.

The subconscious told him that there must be potential people here.

It's just that he has no clue.

This is definitely not a person, but a team with a certain power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Maybe you can gradually discover the truth behind this game.

Light curtains enveloped everyone, and they were teleported away from here.


"They're out!" A trainer's eyes glowed fieryly.

The voice fell.

Many people appeared at the summit of this snow mountain. This peak is the only warm special place in the whole snow mountain. The rest was extremely cold.

"All the people who awaken their power will be concentrated in Modu University Square. Those who have no power to awaken, we can recommend you to join the official team and show your ability."

"If they are extraordinary, don't be discouraged, you can become sharp soldiers, as strong as armed with modern technology." The instructor Zhenzhen has a word.

But the people below have counted in their hearts. Under normal circumstances, they can never compare with those who have awakened their strength.

They are lonely, unwilling, gassy, ​​envious, excited ...

"Maybe someone can think that they are invincible and wantonly abuse them for the transcendent. So sorry, your price is to pay a painful price. Here is a reminder to you that your age will continue to decrease. When it decreases to 0, you Day of death. "

"But don't worry too much, we will provide you with the initial energy to maintain your daily consumption. It can be said that with the official, you can almost live forever!"

The instructor's words set off a thousand waves.

"Fuck! I heard you right! I can live forever!"

"Meaning that it is not subject to official control, and it is likely to have more than a year of life?"

Binghan's eyes mimic: "It seems that the official preparation is very well ..."

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