Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 243: protected area

In October of the same year, it was slightly cold.

The whole world has begun to change dramatically, and everyone is officially protected.

They established the T camp, which is the base of human survival. There are many black patrols in this circle, and some strong people outside the circle are responsible for defending those who try to invade the circle.

The order of people's lives is still, but everyone understands that this era has changed.

They began to seek self-protection, and many weapons could be released with official permission, giving them a certain combat effectiveness. At the same time, many heavy mechas were developed in cooperation with experts studying this force.

These mechas can increase combat effectiveness on a large scale.

Prevent erosion by zombies ...

One of the most shocking things is that the original doomsday crisis development office building disappeared overnight, leaving some of the original clues broken again.

Zombies are contagious. Under normal circumstances, they will lose consciousness and become living dead if they are not handled well for half an hour.

No consciousness, no pain.

They are particularly sensitive to sound, and even a recorder can gather them in one place.

Of course, these are the zombies that appear in the inner circle, and the T League will quickly clean them up.

The zombies on the periphery do not seem to be simple, even with a purpose. But everyone can feel that those zombies on the periphery are in an initial stage of wisdom, and wisdom is progressing faster and faster.

The first day I knew that mines were buried ahead and most of the losses were lost. The second offensive, bypassing the minefield.

The response was slightly unexpected.

It is those who have awakened their power that really play the battle.

Including the official, they are paying close attention to the training place.


Another four months passed.

In February of this year, Binghan and others ended their last training.

"I am very pleased with your performance. Nowadays things have changed very much. I did not tell you. I hope you will not be distracted.

"You all live to survive ..."

"Everything is just to live ..."

The instructor spoke solemnly and calmly on the stage.

"This time you are all excellent. It's time to verify your strength!" The instructor clapped his hands.

"This is Star Stone! It weighs up to 10,000 kilograms!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's faces showed a surging expression.

"I'm coming!" A dark-skinned man yelled out of the crowd.

He took a deep breath: "Drink!"

next moment.

This star stone was actually pushed by him!

"Good, good!" The instructor nodded.

During these seven months, everyone made rapid progress.

The most frightening thing is that those monsters ...

Besides training or training ...

When the rest were tired, they clenched their teeth and held on.

When the rest have completed the task, they have begun to customize the task for themselves, aggravating the task.

"Cold! Come!" The instructor laughed.

From this title, it is enough to know that the instructor has placed him in an equivalent position.

As soon as the words fell, a man stepped out of the crowd.

The man is not short or tall and is of medium size. But his eyes revealed an unusual sharpness and coldness.

Bing Han's mouth was calm and his fingers moved slightly.


I saw the entire star stone surrounded by a layer of ice for a moment, and instantly became a statue like ice cold.

"66666, really my brother Han!"

"Fantastic show! This strength is really tough, the level of control has reached the point where the fire is pure."

"I'm curious, would anyone of equal age be his opponent?"

Bing Han moved a little and passed away.

"Very good. It is indeed the first king." The instructor nodded in satisfaction.

"Chen Ruofan! Get out!" The instructor yelled.

At this moment a man came out slowly, his face looked like a plan.

He had just taken a few steps, a ray of light in his eyes, and the others instantly became stone statues where he was looking. With the exception of a few people, almost all turned into stone statues.

The instructor's face changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Just a joke." Chen Ruofan moved slightly, and everyone recovered as before.

But he took a deep look at Binghan. This ability seems to be icy cold, of course, it is instantly transformed into ice sculpture.

They can be considered the best here.

In addition, eight other people are also listed. Show their strength.

"Next, you have to thoroughly find the root of this zombie. After solving it, I think the world will become an interesting thing."

"At least in the future, your junior high school and high school may not be learning pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, but introduction and practice of extraordinary abilities."

"Maybe someday in the future you can even go down in history and become the first people in the new world!"

The instructor looked at the sky and didn't know what he was thinking.

"You can then go back to Area T. This is our protected area. It is safe there. There are also small protected areas in the rest, but most of them have fallen. We need to retake our camp."

"It seems that some of our protected areas are already difficult to keep guarding, maybe only for a while. It's time to show your strength!"

Binghan and the other nine people had an additional medal, and the point was written on the top of the medal!

The first batch of Kings and Sergeants totaled ten!

They set off for the T camp in Jinling, and it seems that the camp is currently experiencing trouble ...

Army green trucks are moving in this direction.


"Oops! We have run out of medical supplies! If there are still infected people, we can't control them! We can only wait for reinforcements to come." A man in a coat said sadly.

There were many wounds on his body, and blood was bandaged.

There are many ordinary people beside him. They only have some simple weapons on them ~ www.readwn.com ~ They have just eliminated a group of mutant cockroaches.

In the face of this mutated cockroach, they even felt far more terrible than the python.

That tentacle can directly pierce a person's body.

"Damn thing! We can't sustain it!"

A man with a thin body and a horse face kept muttering.

The food here has been exhausted. If it is not possible to support the arrival of reinforcements, it is likely that everyone loves to die here.

"I can't stand it! My Armani and Chanel were gone in a panic just now! Then there is a string of my necklaces!" A woman in a wealthy dress complained.

The person holding the weapon looked at the woman with a cold eye: "Close your stinking mouth! Is life important now or your broken things important!"

The woman said coldly, "Those are smelly things? I tell you! The diamond ring in my bag can't be bought for a lifetime!"

Just as they spoke, one of them had a slight discoloration and spread rapidly.

The man bit him hard at the woman's neck.

"Grass! He must have bitten just now, for fear that we didn't take the medicine, kill him, and choose to hide. This **** guy, even if we die, will pull us back!"

"Take care of them, we don't have enough drugs."

"They have become zombies, and if we do not solve them, we will die."

boom! boom!

Two consecutive robs solved them completely.

An older man took a deep breath and looked at the two men who fell to the ground and said, "Sorry ... I know you are afraid of death ... but we are also afraid of death ... ... "

He had just finished speaking and looked up to see his pupils dilate quickly!

"Run!" He said subconsciously.

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