Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 260: I want to be called like first love

"Tigers don't show their might, you treat me as a sick cat." Li Hao's pupils narrowed slightly.

At the same time, the momentum of the whole person changed dramatically.

"Fourth-order guard!" Li Hao regressed and quickly printed on the ground.

next moment.

A strong light appeared.

A fourth-order guard appears with a left-handed shield and a right-handed sword. Without a head, a headless guard in armor appeared.

"Headless guard?" Da Liang frowned slightly, and he also tried to learn the call at the beginning. But he found it very difficult to master this technique. Although the spirit of Dou Ling is rising, there are some things he cannot summon.

Cheetah initially relied on the bright spirit of the fighting spirit to stabilize the headless knight. Even the skeleton soldiers did the same.

But I know that headless guards are not easy.


In the next second. The headless guard's hand turned 180 ° and stabbed suddenly.

Penetrated into the cheetah's body.

"Same fourth-order. Maybe he! In this case, let him see his strength." Da Liang secretly said.

"Seventh-order cheetah!" Da Liang quickly drew a symbol on the ground.

A bigger cheetah appeared beside him.

However, he was preparing to attack and found that a wind had appeared under Li Hao's feet. The wind was wrapped in shoes.

"I'm sorry ... my six gods are all out of shoes ... I don't fight with you. I never look at your costumes. The strength is better than me for the time being, we will meet again next time, no Push your crystal and hang you. I am not Li ... "Li Hao laughed and evacuated quickly.

Da Liang was confused.

What the **** are you talking about!

But why does it feel ... cheap ...

And it's very cheap.

"Brother Liang. Don't let him run away! He was humiliating us at the beginning." The boy said.

Da Liang's eyes flickered and he took a deep breath: "Forget it. It's been a year. And I have a hunch that if we continue to fight with him, it is likely that there will be big trouble in the future."

"Brother Liang, are you stunned? Are you afraid?" Said the teenager, shaking his head.

Da Liang quickly patted his chest when he heard: "How can it be! A whole year! His strength has gone backwards so much. I'm moving forward, how can I be afraid of him? If I meet him again, pack him up."

"By the way, ask which dormitory Li Hao lives in. How on earth did he come back?" Da Liang looked towards the sky, his eyes slightly.

"Good, brother. Liang. I'll go ask someone. See if I can know something."


Li Hao returned to the dormitory.

"Yaya, I almost revealed the filling." Li Hao patted his sleeves, his expression helpless.

You've done a good job.

But let me bear your enemies.

You must improve your strength as soon as possible to be able to protect yourself.

If you really fight, you still suffer.

Only strength is what really makes sense.

Li Hao knows his strength very well.

The two cooperate with each other, Li Hao can fight it, but if the strength is too large, it is not good. And now is the peak age of summoning, it is too luxurious to use the summoning ability in fights.

If you can use the summons to build your own business empire.

That's great.

At least Li Hao thinks so.

No one knows the future.

But as long as it's cool.

Li Hao sat on the bed and closed his eyes. A faint breath of the body drifted around. As if the air had changed. While constantly circulating this power, Li Hao was tight in his heart, shrinking fiercely.

"Huh ~ what the **** is going on?" Li Hao found that he could see the meridians inside the body.

The most important thing is that a black river is seen in the meridian in the Dantian area.

Above the black dantian is a black little tripod. This black little tripod is very special. Ding has engraved on his body.

At the same time, there are two unicorns next to Yu.

Li Hao patted his head, and it seems that the path of initiation has been blocked by some memories.

What exactly happened there?

"His ~ Head hurts. I can't remember." Li Hao shook his head.

You have to figure out what happened.

The so-called empowerment road.

It is a path of inheritance opened by those who have awakened the spirit of fighting spirits. At the end of this empowerment road, everyone can get some chance.

There are small and big.

At the same time, strength will rise significantly.

Li Hao is also the most outstanding person in the group known as the Monster Age, but it was such a person who was finally impressed by something special. And a very special thing happened before that, what a special thing. Only the core people know.

None of the others knew.

Seeing that it was almost the same time, Li Hao went to class.


"I am your mount teacher. They both like to call me Chen Huai, and they also like to call me Master Chen, Professor Chen." Said a man with heavy glasses.

The others looked at the teacher with strange eyes.

It's okay not to look at the lower body, which is normal.

Looking at the lower body, I was dumbfounded.

Left foot slippers, right foot sneakers.


Oh my mother.

Where did this teacher go?

"I am very forgetful. Only the memory of calling the mount and experimenting is very deep." Chen Huai pushed his glasses.

Speaking of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ This Chen Huai is definitely a talent, but you need to add a title in front of this talent-Qi Qi.

For example, what's your name, he can ask you a thousand times.

And the most important thing is ... I can't remember a thousand times! !! !!

There are woods to crash! !! !!

There is wood!

Every time the teaching summoned, everyone sat in front. However, when teaching experiments, everyone ran to the end of the classroom. For fear of forgetting what was added, it exploded directly.

I have to be summoned like my first love, summoned me a thousand times.

The process is very proficient, and there is a lot to say.

But when you put the potion alone, it is easy to forget what was added in front.

Had it not been for his mount's pride, he would have been kicked out. This fully illustrates the truth ... excellent technology is the capital.

MMP ...

Chen Huai took two steps: "I tell you, in this era, ordinary people still use those old machines. Go out and drive a car. However, for the Spirit Summoner, driving efficiency is too low. In terms of sustainable development, it is not as good as the mount we call. "

"Even if you are calling for a basic mount, it is quite easy to hire Chi to surpass motorcycles. Think back then ..." Chen Huai said all these things.

He walked and stopped abruptly: "In this lesson, I teach you the basic experiments and the power of summoning mounts."

"Will I teach you experiments first?" Professor Chen asked.

Everyone hit a shock directly, his face was a bit unnatural.

"Teacher, don't ... you still teach the mounts." Many people looked at Chen Huai deeply.

Who said that forgetfulness is not terrible?

Tell you, forgetfulness is really terrible!

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