Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 275: Do things

There were twelve of them all in white clothes, with Hailan written behind them.

"Is everyone clear about the mission this time?" Said one of the teenagers, about 1.8 meters tall.

If light is seen from the face, it is difficult to tell their approximate age. But I can see that they are all young. This is the same as watching a child. You can tell that he is a child, but it is difficult to tell the age.

You can only give a rough estimate.

"We need to sharpen their contradictions. This is our task. When the people of Hailan Academy appear, we will kill Jinling College as much as possible in their name. If Jinling College learns that they are ready to participate in the temple After April, all the appraisers will be killed, and there will definitely be chickens and dogs jumping by then. Coupled with the deaths of some other students, we can help the flames, "said the teenager.

Li Hao didn't hear it clearly in the distance, but his heart was like a stormy sea.

Ye Guoguo was also dignified and did not speak. At this time, as long as everything was moving, it was easy to feel.

The strength of the fighting spirit summoner is judged by the spirit of fighting spirit, but this kind of thing does not have a very accurate judgment method. It can only be estimated by the strength they show.

For example, summoning a tenth-order creature, and then the other party claims that he is a tenth-order creature, and some people will believe it. Because that's what the eyes see.

And experienced people can judge by age and previous deeds.

After waiting for them to leave, Li Hao and Ye Guoguo were relieved. The two did not show up immediately.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, several people returned here and glanced around, and then they left safely.

After about an hour, the two talents appeared completely.

"This matter must be reported." Ye Guoguo knew the seriousness of this matter.

But it is probably too late.

There are twelve classes in Jinling Freshman, three in each class, and a total of 36 people.

In addition to the Jinling accident, there are other colleges. This number is very large.

"Will you sew clothes?" Li Hao suddenly felt a little foolish.

"Yes." Ye Guoguo nodded.

"Then you go to make two Hailan's uniforms, and I'm responsible for sabotaging them ... do something." Li Hao said.

Ye Guoguo choked: "Ah."

Immediately said, "What do you want to do? Their strength is unknown, and it is dangerous."

"Rest assured, I know." Li Hao said.

Ye Guoguo thought about it. Indeed, Li Hao is still very reliable in this respect, and will not joke about his own life: "Then I will do it, but there is no material here, you need to go to the protection camp to get these materials."

"Come on. You make it early, I follow them. Then you use that compass to find me. From what I know of you, you should carry your compass with you." Li Hao remembered that she used it last time But the level needs to be improved.

Ye Guoguo flushed, and she said, "Don't think you know me very well. If you laugh at me next time, don't blame me."

Li Hao burst into tears.

Where did I tease you?

Did I say something wrong again?

Alas, it seems that Ye Guoguo's thinking is not simple ...

Ye Guoguo left an alchemy rune on Li Hao before leaving.

It was an hour before they left. However, if relying on discerning trajectories, Li Hao can still guess the approximate route. Can only be found in the general direction.

But try to hide as much as possible. Because their goal is to kill members of Jinling.

As a result, Li Hao found nothing to follow.

"This group of guys are quite vigilant." Li Hao was helpless, "only searching in a broad direction."

Hiding while searching.

Finally, two hours later, I saw them.

Ye Guoguo is also coming quickly, and it is expected to be ten minutes away.

Li Hao is still in the dark, observing in the dark.

"Boss, I found a group of people in Jinling, a blonde tutor, and a girl. That girl is OK."

"My sixth son, let me tell you, don't delay the business because you are lascivious. Otherwise, you should know what will happen when you go back."

A tall boy said to the medium-sized, slightly fat boy.

The other ten people also stood side by side with a mild complexion, seeming to be used to blame.

"In my knowledge of Jinling, the strength of this mentor should be around level 30." The tall boy groaned slightly.

We must know that this continent is divided into five stages, of which Jinling City belongs to the first stage, which means that most of the people here are below the twenty stage. Of course this is to exclude Douling Academy. After all, at the peak of Dou Ling Junior Three, you can reach the 20th level. The senior can be as powerful as the 30th grade.

At this time, they can choose to stay in school or participate in the hall assessment.

According to Li Hao's thinking, equivalent to graduating from a senior year, you can choose to be a teacher at school, of course, starting from the bottom-level tutoring and step by step improvement. Participation in the temple can be compared to the college entrance examination, or to continue to graduate students.

It's a watershed.

"Then we are sure to kill this mentor?" The rest rarely saw the boss's shot, so he was not sure of his true strength.

I saw the tall boy, his eyes revealing the coldness: "I don't know her specific strength for the time being. But one to one, I should be able to kill her."

"Be safe, the youngest will be with me later, and you have to wait for a third party to shoot. In this way, you can let others see that Hailan is killing Jinling ~ www.readwn.com ~ The teenager is thinking about how to complete it Assigned tasks.

This task is very important for the entire layout and can even become a fuse.

"Good!" The third nodded.

Then the others lurked, and the two approached the blond tutor and the other student.

Li Hao felt like an ant on a hot pan at this moment, a little uneasy. You can hear from their words that there is already a goal. The blonde tutor is another female student. Follow this clue to speculate ... Mu Weiwei is very likely.

"Hello!" Gently patted it and whispered.

Almost didn't scare Li Hao, but turned around to see Ye Guoguo.

Too much concentration, but ignored the rear.

Li Hao could not help feeling that he was a little oversight, but it was Ye Guoguo. If you change to someone else, it will be a lot of trouble. Be vigilant next time.

"Okay. Replace it." Ye Guoguo has replaced it.

If you change clothes in front of Li Hao, it seems inappropriate. So when you're done, put it on.

If Li Hao knew what Ye Guoguo was thinking now, he wouldn't help but blush.

"You're quick," Li Haowei smiled.

Ye Guoguo gave him a bad look at him, and the summoner's efficiency was already high. If it weren't for some parts that were difficult to do, it would have come earlier.

"You turn around. I change clothes." Li Hao said.

"Ah?" Ye Guoguo did not respond for a moment.

"Can it be that you want to see me change clothes?" Li Hao said.

"..." Ye Guoguo quickly turned his head and spoke.

After changing his clothes, Li Hao glanced at this Hailan hospital suit, which was very fit. So he laughed: "Okay, in this case, we will follow the words of Director Lu Shu ... do something! Do something! Do something!"

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