Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 283: You have no B

Li Hao must feel a little funny, this Mu is just a living treasure Mengwa.

"We summon first, then we go robbery. Interim battles and then summons are bad for the summoner," Li Hao said.

Mu slightly wondered: "But in this way we will consume more spirits of fighting spirits. Although the battle is very convenient, it is not worth it."

"Maybe they have blue medicine?" Li Hao laughed.

When Mu heard this, she smiled slightly and called quickly.

"Ten Tier Dark Knights! (Elite)"

"Elemental Fire Nine!"

"Nine-order water element."

"Eighth order ..."

Li Hao summoned fifteen creatures in one breath, and the speed and connection of summoning were very good.

Mu slightly summoned nine. Li Hao looked at it with some doubt: "Are you a monster? How can you summon so many?"

Li Hao shrugged. "I don't know. It just feels that the body can store the spirit of fighting spirit much stronger than you."

You should know that at this time Li Hao is already the Tenth Level Soul Summoner, and a star has condensed inside the body. This star is much stronger than the eighth and ninth orders. And fifteen seems not to be the limit of Li Hao, because of that strange tripod in the body, it seems that the summoning rate can be increased.

What is the specific reason is not clear to Li Hao.


A password.

Li Hao and Mu started slightly.

Those people were fighting, and suddenly found that another twenty-four creatures rushed towards themselves, and suddenly hesitated for a second.

"I rely on! Brawl! Gaddy Dragon! Help me stop!" The summoner quickly let the creatures resist.

I also want to speed up the call.

At the moment of seal, Li Hao's fireball technique was thrown over again.

"Shuang Xiu?" The man's eyelids jumped, and there were always some people in each school, although not many. But these are the best.

The moment his companion saw him being attacked, he quickly counterattacked.

"Dark Knight! Provocative halo!" Li Hao's self-learning level for textbooks has reached the junior year, and his knowledge of senior year is almost the same. Although juniors often practice outside, they also have courses.

Such as summoning creature characteristics.

Such as Goblin's throwing stones, the provocative aura of the Dark Knight, the stun of the Dark Flower. It's just that at the current strength of Li Hao, it is difficult to control these creatures to use skills together. One can still do it.

The man was aggressive.

"This is a freshman? It's just a living evil!" The other companions also found that Li Hao was unusual.

The freshman has mastered the knowledge of junior year. This kind of person has much more self-learning ability and hard work than ordinary people.

"Come on! Go to Lan Xue. We can't clean him up!" One of them shouted.

Mu Weiwei saw Li Hao's strength for the first time. No wonder my brother said that his talent was extremely terrifying.

You must know that when the colorful empowerment, the strength of everyone is almost the same level, who can stand out there. There is a little bit of pride in capital.

In addition, Li Hao was known as the person most likely to win that year, but in the end he failed to be crowned.

"Provocation!" Li Hao continued to use the spirit of fighting spirit to control the dark knight. The dark knight has a sword in his left hand and a shield in his right. Hold up the long sword, broadcast around the dark knight, those who call the creature unconsciously will be attracted automatically.

Earlier, Ye Guoguo said. The stronger the Summoner's spirit, the stronger the summoned creature.

Dark Knight has medium attack power, but blood and defense are advanced

Very resistant.

The others found the scene a little out of control and wanted to evacuate.

"Want to leave? Not so easy!" Li Hao shouted loudly.

At this time, an alchemist's hand pressed on the ground, his arm instantly turned into a blade, and rushed towards Li Hao.

Li Hao controls a large number of creatures at the same time, and uses provocation skills, it is difficult to have the opportunity to dodge.

"Not good." Li Hao realized that something was awful.

When she was about to get away without using the Dark Knight skills, Mu shot slightly.

"Guard Li Hao!" While Mu Wei commanded the biological defense, she continued to recede and stood behind Li Hao. He smiled proudly: "How about, Miss Ben can also be your backing."

Li Hao laughed and said nothing.

Surrounded by two teams, a total of ten people. It's all freshman.

"Where's the evildoer. It's too difficult." The rest realized that it was troublesome.

"What do you want to do?" One person asked.

"Destroy your heart on behalf of the moon." Mu said slightly.

"..." Li Hao.

"..." Everyone.

Li Hao said: "You have committed the second crime, you have to rule."

"..." Mu was speechless.

Li Hao looked at the crowd and said, "Give up your crystals and points. If you don't pay, I don't mind letting you ... eat dirt."

"You have no B." Mu said slightly.

Li Hao knocked her head: "You don't have B!"

Everyone: "..."

The Dark Knight's provocative aura is very good. All the creatures they summoned gather around the Dark Knight. But Li Hao knew that even if the Dark Knight had more blood, he could only hold it for a while.

So it was another wave of provocation, and Li Hao took the initiative.

"A world full of miscellaneous and broken thunder!"

The next moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Hao gathered a huge lightning ball in his hand, he paddled the ground and ran towards the crowd with the power of horrific thunder and lightning. Pentium, like a giant dragon in the world, is terrifying.

When everyone saw this situation, they were dumbfounded.

Not even a counterattack.

"Don't! I give it!"

"I give it too!"

"Brother, don't do this. We are still young. You will kill us like this."

In front of life and points, they choose life.

Afterwards, these people looked at Li Hao and Mu Wei and others resentfully and left unwillingly.

Mu slightly smiled: "What thunder magic did you just have? Teach me when you have time. And the name is very nice."

"I made it up. There is no use for eggs. It's a mix of thunderball and photosphere. It can only be seen, it has no attack power."

"..." Mu twitched slightly.


After the incident, Li Hao took a look. Now his points have reached 315, and the first place has reached 111.

"This first team is definitely open." Li Hao glanced at the first team name.

See a familiar name: Chen Tianxiu.

The other four did not know each other, they should be from other colleges.

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianxiu actually cooperated with other colleges. But yes, Jinling is dispensable for Chen Tianxiu. As long as you get a seed quota, you will be the same at any college.

"Let's go on looting?" Mu slightly became addicted.

"Wait. Find a safe place to refine these crystals, improve your strength, and then continue. At least you won't have any combat power in your sophomore year." Li Hao was still very aware.

Mu slightly thinks about it too, it does increase the strength, and it will be more interesting to continue the robbery: "OK ..."

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