Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 289: Something is wrong

Obviously, starting from one side, freshman alliance is a good solution. But Li Hao knew it was impossible. First of all, the freshman is in a new stage and has a certain sense of strangeness.

Compared with the sophomore year, the transition period from strange to familiar will be longer.

On the other hand, the sophomore is stronger than the freshman. If the freshman has such strength, he will already participate in the jump assessment. What are you doing in your freshman year? This is not a regular school for ordinary people, but a professional college specializing in summoning and magic.

It is not a school that is upgraded every year, but a level selected according to strength improvement.

There is no strength, no experience, no alliance, no alliance. This is the obvious gap between freshman and sophomore.

"Stop everyone!"

Li Hao sang loudly.

The others were still running, but at this time a special smile was on the corner of Li Hao's mouth, and a black cloud shot from Li Hao's hand.

Swelling from big and small messages, the power of terror has stopped this group of freshmen.

"Sink !?"

"What do you zoom in for!"

Many people froze and looked at Li Hao.

Li Hao is also uncomfortable after using this trick, but whoever runs away listens to you. You must show some tough means, and although this is the hole card, Li Hao has more than one hole card, so I know.

"Who do you think you can carry this blow from me?" Li Hao was quite confident, and there were absolutely very few freshmen who could carry it.

This is in absolute trust in yourself.

Many people look at that cloud and feel the power of terror.

Some keen people have found that there are four attributes in the clouds.

"You are a lunatic, do you know that mixing attributes at random may blow you up!" A teenager keenly felt the power of attributes.

This feeling is like adding flame to hydrogen, it will explode.

Li Hao naturally knew something and didn't explain too much.

"If you run away, where can you go? Let's pick some elites and fight back." Li Hao said.

The others looked to the rear, knowing that those people would be coming if they procrastinated like this.

"Those who believe in me can stay, those who don't believe can continue to flee. I'll see where you can flee."

Some words of Li Hao, some people hesitated and chose to run away.

After all, it is still very difficult for freshman to fight sophomore.

But some people stayed.

Li Hao initially ordered a total of nineteen people to stay, plus Mu Weiwei and himself. A total of twenty-one people.

"Who is a magician?" Li Hao asked.

Four teenagers raised their hands with a teenage girl.

"The magician followed me in front to prepare for a sneak attack, because they were crowded, and we left quickly after we missed."

"The rest are summoned in place, and with the creatures we can summon to the greatest extent, we have a wave of team battles."

"Because of strength, we can't defeat each other in the summoning. But it is enough to kill time."

"The rest of the wizards obey my arrangements!"

Li Hao arranged in an orderly manner, and those people doubtfully tried to follow Li Hao's actions.

After all, they have been running away, and it is likely that they will be eliminated.

It was originally a scramble between colleges and colleges, but somehow evolved into a scramble for freshman and sophomore.

This is very embarrassing.

Li Hao took Mu Weiwei and five mages to hide.

There were no big trees to cover this time, but some larger stones on the roadside.

Some people are hidden on the left and right.

Everyone has his strongest magic in his hands.

A black cloud appeared again in Li Hao's hands.

"How can you use this trick?" Mu Weiwei had previously felt that this trick required a lot of power and could not be used twice in a short time. And Li Hao just used it once in front of everyone.

How much time is it again?

Li Hao whispered, "That was for the freshman, there wasn't much power in it, it was just the appearance. If he was really hit, it would be paralyzed."

"... Did you think of these in advance?" Mu Wei admired Li Hao's thinking ability in a short time, and even took care of the later things.

However, she was even more surprised that Li Hao even had an unexpectedly clever degree of control over magic, and that she had quite adequate control over this element.

An evaluation of him in his heart: Monster!

Soon, a group of sophomores ran in the rear. But this time they are smart, not just chasing freshman. In order to prevent being attacked, the Shield Guard is also called!

A shield guard who teaches in the freshman year and can serve as a protective effect.

When five other magicians found it difficult to attack, Li Hao moved.

A black cloud flew out from the nearby stone, gradually expanding!

"Fuck! Sneak attack from above?" They found that shield guards were all around, and there were no trees in this area.

Suddenly, he quickly said, "Get out of this area!"

next moment!

The four beams of light suddenly landed.

The remaining five people also launched the prepared magic directly with both hands, and then evacuated regardless of whether they had hit or not.

This is what Li Hao arranged.

A few moments later, with the exception of a few sophomores who were injured, the others had little problem.

"Dare to play guerrillas with us! We must fight back!"

During the retreat ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Hao found a trace of strangeness, and seemed to smell a kind of Chinese herbal medicine in these sophomores. I don't know if it is my own illusion.

I always feel that something is wrong.

The first wave of sneak attacks went well.

The second wave is the delay between the call and the call.

The higher the summoning level, the larger the creature.

Later, two sets of summoned creatures could be seen against each other. The big Goblin picked up the mace and hit the smaller Goblin severely.

Summoning Goblin is basic teaching, but the sophomore began to be proficient in control, and the sophomore began to use skills. Skills including throwing, stun, and knockback will gradually become more and more proficient.

Soon the freshman summoned creature was defeated and completely suppressed.

It was just that under the arrangement of Li Hao, everyone escaped smoothly.

What Li Hao is going to play is a guerrilla war, hit you in a wave, and run again.

After the run, come again.


"Great! Master!" Many people said.

Li Hao did not speak, and this tactic was not particularly brilliant. It's just that there are some problems in the freshman and sophomore, and they just use them to fight back.

But Li Hao found a point of doubt.

"I asked them a strange Chinese herbal medicine." Li Hao said.

"I didn't smell it." Many people shook their heads.

Mu Weiwei said: "I also smelled it. It is indeed a Chinese herbal medicine, and I also know it."

Li Hao looked at Mu Weiwei: "That means my smell is fine."

You must know that Li Hao's vision is excellent, as is his sense of smell. He thought he had misjudged it just now, and now he has no problem.

After a moment of groaning, Mu said slightly: "I think it should be a louver ..."

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