Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 291: Blow through their stiff faces

Li Hao started the colorful trial four years ago, and it was even more brilliant, but for some reason, his strength was sealed.



The strength of Li Hao only dropped, so that even the basic assessment of the college was a three-game losing streak, and he was eventually left by the college.

The decline does not mean stop, strength will still improve. This feeling can be compared to a well, which has been filled with water, but cannot see water from the outside. Because the water is in the well.

The one that exists still exists.

The original black river water became clear because of the old man encountered in the secret realm. And that weird tripod seemed to be suppressing something.

At this time, Li Hao said without exaggeration that the aura was very scary.

"what happened?"

"No, his fighting spirit is skyrocketing!"

Mu slightly noticed that Li Hao was wrong and walked to him: "What's wrong with you?"

"My strength is back temporarily." Li Hao said.

At this time, Li Hao's eyes were flushed, but his whole body exuded unparalleled strength.

The sophomore in the distance, because of the distance, does not have such a strong feeling, so the situation is not very clear.


The next moment, Li Hao really felt his strength.

"It should be at the peak of the senior year." Li Hao was somewhat surprised.

But the body seemed to be unable to withstand this skyrocketing power.

As Li Hao's strength skyrocketed, these initially possessed simple and savvy began to feel scared and retreated.

"Fight back!"

"Thirty Tier Goblin!"

Then a large Goblin appeared before the crowd.

There was an uproar.


"Hidden gangster."

"I kneel."


More people are aggressive and do not realize the calendar.

The next step is simply anti-kill.

Li Hao felt that his strength had reached the thirty-second level, and the river water in his body completely disappeared like evaporation, leaving a tripod suspended in the air.

After the tiger group ended, Li Hao looked in the other direction, with a hint of obscurity in the corners of his mouth: "Hunter or prey?"

Those sophomores were also taken aback by Li Hao.

This feeling is like that Fries encountered the Saiyan II. The skyrocketing strength is not at a level. It's also a bit like Muchen in The Great Master. The body is filled with nine sparrows. The strength temporarily fills the body, and the strength is strong.

At this time Li Hao felt this way.

"Don't run."

The type of Li Hao's summoning is in the junior level, so as long as the flying class has enough strength, it can be summoned.

Mu looked at Li Hao slightly, and murmured, "It turns out that the strength of the seal in your body is to this extent. You can participate in the trial of the palace ..."

Li Hao's strength is close to the thirteenth level, and this one has a gap of twenty levels, which is a terrible gap.

Fortunately, this strength is only temporary. If it is permanent, the people at the academy must be stunned.

The sophomore felt bad and turned to leave.

"Want to run? Is it so easy?" Li Haojian walked.

Not only that, Li Hao's magical ability also spans the twentieth order.

"Twenty Tier Fireball!"

A huge fireball flew out of Li Hao's hands, like a scorching sun.


The pupils suddenly shrank, and they were all suppressed on the ground.

You should know that the normal strength of a freshman is 0 to 10, and the strength of a sophomore is 10 to 15, some; great talents will go beyond this stage. Li Hao's strength has surpassed some ordinary teachers at this time, and everyone is not at the same level as him.

It is estimated that there are only those guys who can defeat his peers.

"Raid the score!" Li Hao ordered!

Those who were chased by sophomores were immediately delighted.

Have voluntarily looted.

Due to Li Hao's strong strength, all of them were hit and passed out on the ground. If it weren't for Li Hao's deliberate control of energy, these people would be buried here.

"Not good." Li Hao felt that this strength was shrinking rapidly, and a sense of weakness struck.

Water began to appear in the empty parts of the body, and it returned to river water after a while.

Li Hao's strength has changed back to the twelfth peak.

"That is to say, can I temporarily improve the 20th order?" Li Hao's body was slightly faint.

Obviously this is your own power, can you only use it temporarily?

But that's fine.

Being able to cross the twentieth level temporarily can surprise the other party.

Unexpectedly unprepared.

Li Hao was unstable, Mu found it slightly, and quickly stood aside. Li Hao took a little effort to stand still, and said quietly, "Thank you."

Mu murmured and said nothing.

Like a naughty little princess.

Afterwards, everyone left the team again. Since Li Hao occupies most of the credit, these freshmen were not embarrassed to get too many points. After all, Li Hao's strength lies there.

At this point Li Hao and Mu slightly squeezed into the top sixteen.

"Next, I think we can still rob the seniors." Li Hao smiled badly.

It's just that Li Hao is thinking about what triggers this power?

think carefully.

Just because there was a crisis, I wanted to find the weakest place to launch a breakout.

Then close your eyes.

Then the spirit of fighting spirit starts from the atrium, from the seven pulses to the twelve pulses, and then ...

Suddenly a stunner ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Hao seems to have discovered a big secret and laughed without saying a word.

"If I still follow the path of this breath next time, I should still be able to borrow this power temporarily. But this period of weakness is a bit dangerous." Li Hao recalled some details before.

Walking and walking, Li Hao and others met the group of freshmen who couldn't help but die. But Li Hao's team was proud of it.

"Why are they so happy? Is there any good thing?"

"Why don't you care about how they escaped? A group of tigers surrounded, and there were sophomores watching in the distance."

They looked puzzled at Li Hao's team.

Li Hao ignored them and moved on.

One of them followed, and asked, "Brother, how did you escape? And it looks like you've experienced something good."

The man replied with a smile: "Well. I didn't want to talk to you, but you asked. I'll just say a few words to you, we are all in the top 100.

Having said that, these people followed Li Hao and left.


The rest of the crickets met the freshman members who were dead.

"What does he mean?"

"Hurry up and check the leaderboards. Look at the people you know among those teams? Check their rankings."

"it is good."

After a while.

"Shen Fei ... Eighty-one. I remember he was only about 400 before obviously."

"Bottom? So much span? What the **** happened?"

"Did they rob the sophomores?"

As soon as the voice fell, the people around him looked rigid.

At this moment, a blast of wind blew past their stiff faces ...

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