Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 3: Colonel Smoog

Instantly, the number of people in this live broadcast room skyrocketed. The number of online audiences has skyrocketed to 50,000!

"Is this anchor a funny pen from a monkey?"

"The navy's IQ has simply exploded."

不 "No no no, I think the navy is normal behavior. Because you don't understand the world of One Piece."

"Really? I question the words upstairs."

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

"Too realistic this live room. I like the serious nonsense of the anchor!"





Comments are either good or bad.

"Such a powerful live broadcast must be the official operation. Otherwise, the costumes and the actor in this background alone will cost a lot of money."

而且 "And do you see the five packs of hot sticks suddenly changed in the hands of the anchor? It is simply magic. This professional method cannot be done by a professional magician who has been in my business for at least five years."

"Yeah, yeah, this anchor is going to be hot!"

Then a wave of gifts brushed up.

提示 [Tip] Netizen ID: 壕 Humanistic reward anchor (value 500 yuan) rocket * 1

提示 [Tip] Netizen ID: 壕 Humanistic reward anchor (value 500 yuan) rocket * 1

"The local tycoon is rewarding again!"

提示 [Tip] Netizen ID: 壕 Humanistic reward anchor (value 500 yuan) rocket * 1

提示 [Reminder] Netizen ID: Random Flowers Gradually Reward Anchor (Valued at RMB 100) Aircraft * 1

提示 [Tip] Netizen ID: favorite game reward anchor (value 500 yuan) rocket * 1

A series of gifts were brushed up. On this day, the anchor Cheng Tian's fan list added a lot of IDs.

These netizens can't see the dialogue between Cheng Tiantian and the system, nor can they see the system interface. But you can see anything that Cheng Tiantian takes out of it.

It looks like a magical feeling.

Uh ...

After avoiding the navy every day, Cheng Cheng breathed a sigh of relief: "System, have you not told me any details? Don't pit me, I am also the host!"


The "find it yourself" system is very compelling.


"You! @ # ¥" Cheng Tiantian said.

"Why? My task hasn't been completed yet?" Cheng Tiantian found that his previous task still showed unfinished status, which made him a little confused.

不是 Aren't you avoiding the hunting navy?

Uh ...

"Colonel Smog, we have found the shadow of a revolutionary."

Bismog had short silver hair, a large coat with the words "justice" written on the back, windshields hung on his neck, and ten weapons for the sea floor.

He is a Navy colonel stationed in Rogge, specializing in arresting pirates.

最大 One of his biggest characteristics is that he has smoke in his mouth for almost 24 hours, and he only wears a coat and no clothing inside. He can almost see the strong muscles of the entire upper body.

He is a smoke fruit capable person in the natural system. He can turn any part of the body into smoke. Even if the body is defeated by physical attacks, he can reorganize, which is very powerful.

Bismog said with a cigarette in his mouth, "Keep talking."

Then the navy informed him about the discovery of Cheng Tiantian.

"A silver robe? Unknown ability? Mysterious hot strip?" Smog said a little thoughtfully, "Go to the nearby patrol unit and go all out!"

Bismog mounted his tricycle and began searching for Cheng Tiantian's figure.

Uh ...

Cheng Cheng is a little confused every day, but seeing the fan comments on his barrage and the number of people online are a little excited.

"By the way, I want to ask, when does my live broadcast usually end?" Cheng Tiantian asked.

I want to know that although Cheng Tiantian is a full-time anchor, it is actually an ordinary contract. At 9 o'clock in the evening to 8 o'clock in the morning.


"Nine o'clock live broadcast at night, you will go through. When the world is also night, then you will choose whether to leave the live broadcast."

"Parallel travel through world time and real world time are not necessarily synchronized."

Cheng Chengtian said, "Is this world dark, so I can choose to end?"



Cheng Cheng waved his staff every day and saw some information.

Host: Cheng Tiantian

Level: Silver

Permission: Level 2

"What is the secondary permission?" He was a little curious, but when he saw the column of the mall, he opened it and saw it differently than before.

When I was at the previous level of authority, I could see a bottle of little red medicine. Now the second level authority can see something in red.

"Mysterious Raffle Ticket"? Limit one purchase. "When Cheng Tiantian was about to click, it was shown that it would cost 10,000 yuan in rewards!

"Blind! Are you a black dealer in the system! Such a roll will sell for ten thousand. Ten thousand is enough for my live broadcast salary for several months."

Cheng Cheng decisively chose to give up. The Huaxia God-level spicy bar just now has pitted himself. If you buy it again, in case of a DYM, it will be a dog.

Looked up, the barrage kept:

"Anchor, why are you standing there? Hurry up!"

"That's it, that's it. I don't have to walk around in Rogge, how can I be worthy of us netizens."

"I came here to watch your live broadcast. I heard that there was a large COS One Piece. I directly refused to go out just to watch your live broadcast."

"Upstairs, I support you! Me too."

"Maybe luck, and you'll meet Yalita."

"Is that slick fruity person? It's a reversal, seductive!"



Uh ...

Cheng Cheng looked at these barrage every day and stunned. That's the point behind this! But that's okay, now that I'm in Rogge, look around. UU reading books www. uukanshu.com This is, after all, the place where One Piece Roger died. So he is also very interested.

"Let's just go and see Roger's death stand." In Cheng Tiantian's impression, the execution stand was in the most densely populated square in Rogge, in front of a large building similar to the town hall.

I walked for about five minutes and saw another group of navies. And this group of navies just saw him!

"Over there!"

This patrol navy has about dozens of people. And one of the navies picked up something like a snail and said, "Mossy, Moss. Is it Colonel Smog, we found the revolutionary army."

"Yes, that's right. This position is on patrol point 1."

Cheng Cheng watched this group of navies chasing themselves again every day: "MMP, there is no end! Believe me or not I can kill you with my power!"

But this time these people are no longer afraid of him, because their colonel will soon be here. Smog is definitely a nightmare for those who are capable of fruit. His body is smoke, and you can't hit him, even if you punch him through a hole, he will recover quickly.

Seeing that pretending to be useless every day, Cheng directly started running, otherwise it was easy to fall into a scene where pretending could not be countered. This is a major taboo for pretending to be a force!

This time Cheng Tiantian was running with his life, and he said, "Will it be easy for me to be a live broadcast, and I have to be chased by the navy, who can I provoke! Fake oil!"

"Remembering that running in the sunset was my youth, and I never expected to chase a group of navy behind me."

The roar of the motorcycle gradually appeared near his ear, getting closer.


Cheng Chengtian's pupils shrank, "Can't this be a live broadcast!"

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