Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 300: European emperor possession?

The junior group has no pressure on Li Hao, and even makes Li Hao laugh easily.

Li Hao originally thought that the junior group could put a little pressure on himself, but found that the junior group couldn't meet his needs at all. I just want to practice, but there is no opponent.

Of course, Li Hao was not arrogant enough to directly confront the official members of the temple. Even if his short seven-minute super strength is maintained, it is enough to put himself in crisis.

If you don't resolve each other in seven minutes, you will be in a dangerous period of weakness.

Therefore, Li Hao still wants to strengthen this maintenance time by fighting.

Li Hao's amazing strength aroused the vigilance of the senior group.

"Is that guy the former Li Hao? How could he be so strong?"

"It should be him right. I don't know what his true strength will be."

"I have a hunch that the junior group can't hold him back."

Then, seniors were right.

Li Hao crushed the junior and did not support a move under his hands. Because it is a competition, the use of foreign objects is not allowed, so even air printing is not allowed. The summoner burst into tears!


Let me summon a creature.

How can you start with a magic spike.

Next, you can basically hear the announcement of the knight responsible for the level below.

"Forty-six teams! Jinling, Li Haosheng!"

"Group of 113! Jinling, Li Haosheng"

"Group 227, Jinling, Li Haosheng!"

Li Hao walked out helplessly: "It looks like a junior is weaker for me."

As soon as this word came out, the junior members around them almost wanted to spit blood.

Can't wait to get up and do this arrogant guy.

In fact, Li Hao is really ... just arrogant.

That's why I'm so flat and dissatisfied ... bite me.

At this time, everyone remembered rumors four years ago. Li Hao hanged hundreds of people in the same session during that trial. From this you can find his arrogant temperament.

It's just that Li Hao has been in a state of silence for many years.

However, everyone didn't know that Li Hao inadvertently showed a smirk. Everything he does is naturally those "old friends" in the palace.

In the end, the junior group had no suspense, and Li Hao came first.

However, Li Hao was not satisfied with his junior year.

In the senior group, because he applied for a place, there were also times when he participated in the war.

Relatively speaking, the battle between the senior groups is a bit tricky. So the fighting time is relatively long.

The senior has made great progress in all aspects of strength, from summoning methods, positioning, anticipation, flexible use of skills, although not everything, but very skilled.

Among them, Robney, as well as Okay and Xia Yan.

"Jinling Li Hao, freshman, against Iridium!" The knights of the senior group looked at this sign with a strange expression, and frowned.

Freshman challenges senior?

Are you so strong?

Do you have something in mind?

Today's young people really don't know the heights.

He has held this position for so many years and has rarely seen a freshman challenge a senior. If so, it can be traced back thousands of years.

And that's just a rumor between the Knight Hall, who knows if there is such a real person.

He shook his head.

Later, Li Hao leaped up, as did Iridium.

Li Hao shook hands with Iridium and then distanced themselves.

"It's fast." Iridium's pupils tightened, and then they retreated.

Knowing that Li Hao will start to release magic, so the first step is not to summon immediately, but to open a safe distance. Summon quickly.

The reason why Li Hao's third group is so smooth is to fully seize this feature of the summoner to attack, making the summoner even use the opportunity of summoning.

The strength of the junior group is usually between the fifteenth to the twentyth level, and the strength is above the twentyth level.

However, relying on the strength of the twentieth-order peak, Li Hao defeated the opponent by the first move without using that power.

The senior group is different. Strength is in the twentieth to twenty-fifth tiers, and the peak person is in the thirty or so tiers.

More than thirty levels can almost stay in school as an assistant teacher, step by step.

Thirty-fifth grade can be qualified as an ordinary teacher.

And the guy in the Knights Palace, the strength is also starting at level 35.

Here is the start!

That said, it's much more than that.

Li Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth when he saw the quick response from the opponent: "It's not bad. I avoided the first blow."

"Huh. Don't try to disturb my rhythm with words." Iridium was not dissatisfied.

The 21st-level Dark Knight appears directly.

Li Hao called backhand, and the twentieth dark knight appeared.

"It's the elite!" Li Hao was pleased.

Originally intended to use other summons, it is now found that one elite is enough to fill the gap.

"Damn! Is this guy a possession of the Emperor?" Iridium could not help but step back.

"Power is the source of protection!" The elite dark knight lifted the golden long sword into the air, and an iris appeared around it, like a wave of water!

"Skill Aura of Provocation!"

The two knights slashed at each other, releasing light at the same time. The only difference is that the elite-level summoning creatures are more sensitive. Although the two creatures differ by one order, the elites are elites after all.

There is a feeling of suppressing each other.

Iridium feels awful ~ www.readwn.com ~ ready to call the crushing again.

However, Li Hao had expected that the left-hand wind blade suddenly flew out!

"Oops!" Iridium knew that it was too late to dodge, and shouted, "Concede defeat!"

Both admitting and surrendering will be considered failures by the Alchemy Rune, so Iridium is directly transmitted to the stage, leaving a life.

Li Hao also felt a touch of excitement, and that's what he wanted. Sure enough, his strength is enough to fight the senior. But unfortunately, the opponent still can't force himself to use that power.

Iridium felt very uncomfortable and could only stand there stunned, without saying a word.

In fact, the ranking of Iridium belongs to the middle stage of the senior year. It is not bad or bad.

But after all, it is a senior!

In this way, Li Hao resolved it neatly. Although much better than the junior's one-shot spike, Iridium's psychology is strange.

Li Hao noticed that Iridium spoke a sentence of Emperor's possession.

This emperor originally meant an explosion of luck, but in the profession of summoner.

Ou Huang is real.

In the high-level summoner, even the factor of crispy skin has improved a lot.

Because, with the possession of Ou Huang.

Emperor Ou was somewhat burly, wearing a crown, a sword in his hand, and a palace suit, just like a king.

After being possessed, the summoner is strong in strength, speed, and defense stages.

Li Hao was looking forward to that state a bit, but he knew that there were very few summoners who could possess the Emperor's possession, and they were much rarer than those who crossed the rebirth stream. (It feels a bit rough recently, I have to adjust my status.)

The other members of the senior group battled next.

Li Hao looked directly.

"Next! Freshman Jinling, Li Hao."

After hearing this voice, Li Hao flexed his muscles: "Hey, it's me again."

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