Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 304: Tactic 4

Since Miffy submitted the information in advance, it took three working days when the official document came down. This fully shows that two working days are deceiving children. The process is far more complicated than Miffy said. Fortunately, in these three days, Charlotte gradually got to know the guys in the 19th inning.

Nineteen innings belong to one of the Federal Central Offices and have their own jurisdiction. At the same time, there were few acquired players in the 19th inning.

Nineteen bureaus were divided into nine teams, of which five were mainly to investigate and hide hidden crises, which included a series of operations such as relocation, mine detection, bomb removal and wiring.

One group is an action team, mainly agents.

The second group is special forces and armed personnel.

The three groups are responsible for a series of copywriting tasks such as searching for clues, analyzing data, reports, and so on.

The four groups are hackers and programmers, who are both frontal invaders and defensive counterattacks.

There are six people in each group. That is to say, in the case of no debris personnel, the theory of the entire nineteen innings is fifty-five. Fifty-four people plus a commander. This refers to the theory.

At the same time, in the past three days, Charlotte also flipped through some other gun theories.

Also mastered some other basic skills.

"You are very welcome to join. Charlotte." Miffy embraced both hands, looking at Charlotte's whole body.

That feeling made Charlotte hairy.

Miffy secretly thought, and found the treasure.

Under normal circumstances, there are not many acquired players in the 19th game. This is still very inconvenient for action.

"Today you are carrying out tasks with the seven groups, and there is a case of missing persons in the 421 slum of East Street." Miffy quickly arranged a task for Charlotte.

Charlotte flipped through the information Miffy handed over.

The number, approximate location and time of the disappearance are recorded.

A list of several suspicious elements was also given.

Because there is no conclusive evidence, the arrest cannot be made directly. I brought it back to the bureau last time to ask, but several people vowed to make sure they had nothing to do with themselves. Clenching your teeth is not easy, and the nineteen innings did not have a lot of action without evidence.

Because the outside world was not familiar with Charlotte, the bureau also provided several plans to investigate the clues.

Finally, Tactic 4 was finalized as an action plan, and the remaining plans were considered as backup considerations.


"Introduce you, this is the seventh group." Miffy led Charlotte to the seventh group.

"Hi ~" Several groups of seven people greeted Charlotte enthusiastically and showed a kind smile. Miffy saw that all the members of the seven groups looked like this, and did not introduce them.

The seven groups are a special group. Under normal circumstances, they are traveling in plain clothes. It is worth mentioning that the seven groups are all girls. Proficient in Yirong surgery and makeup.

Maybe you just found out that it's a beauty. You just turned around and there was only one uncle.

Their level is absolutely at the top level, otherwise they would not work in the 19th inning.

The salary pattern of the nineteen innings is a fixed salary plus performance bonus. The fixed salary is to give the staff a relatively stable income environment, while performance is to increase the public's enthusiasm for work.

"I am their captain. You can call me code black widow."

The orange curls and blown skin are indeed more attractive under her big eyes. Black widows can do their job at all costs. It is said to have something to do with SHIELD.

Of course, Charlotte didn't know if the code could be repeated, or if there was also a woman named Black Widow.

At least for now, the captain of the seven groups is the black widow.

"Well. The captain is very obsessed with those guys of SHIELD, so her code name is also Black Widow. Do you know Natasha? She is the captain's idol." A member said with a smile.

Charlotte was thoughtful, and suddenly realized.

The seven groups were originally six, plus Charlotte for a total of seven. That is six women and one man.

Although it is a welfare bureau, Charlotte's thoughts are more on shooting.

It's good news that shooting can increase experience.

If you can pick up an assault rifle, the experience should not be too cool. Of course, logically, the possibility does not exist.


After disguising themselves, the seven groups of people turned into beautiful women, and Charlotte was stunned.

Sure enough, the scariest thing in this world is still women.

Makeup removal and makeup are not alone.

The seven people first took a car to the east street intersection, then got off and walked to their destination.

The camouflage of this operation is very simple, that is, Charlotte plays the wealthy merchants from the eastern region, because it can't create people. So I hope to be able to buy it.

The six were disguised as his wife Charlotte. Not every place is monogamous, and some local rules are adjusted according to local conditions. It can be said that it is a paradise for men and a **** for women.

In order to be more realistic, the seven members of the team also intentionally talked in front of Charlotte. Make Charlotte feel like 100,000 gliders fly by.

"How about the size?"

"I think it's fine."

"I feel I can work harder."

"I still want it. But why are there no children?"


Charlotte is helpless, but this is a task, there is no way.

Soon Charlotte came to the first destination. The owner was a young man named John Duming.

"Hello ~ www.readwn.com ~ Charlotte knocked on the door.


The door opens.

A young man with a scumbag on his face looked at Charlotte with a decadent look: "Who are you looking for?"

At the same time, he also looked at Charlotte. Judging from the clothes, Charlotte was not cheap to wear (rental, cost.) And then from the woman next to him, there was a feeling of wanton life, and the breath was a little weak.

But young men are a bit envious, and it feels good to be rich.

"That's it. I heard that children can be bought on East Street. In the early years, I was under too much pressure to run a business, and now the situation is getting better. But ..." Charlotte pretended to look awkward. "I want to buy a child. I want a man."

The seven groups of staff silently praised, this guy still has a little camouflage style.

John Duming paused for a second and then said, "I don't know what you're talking about? It's strange recently. Someone always asks me this."

Seeing his response, the black widow quickly said, "Rest assured, my husband is absolutely fine. Just can't give birth, so he wants a child to inherit his future property."

John Duming's face flashed a little anger, and his mouth was scolded to shut the door.

"..." Charlotte shook his head helplessly.

This is a gray business, so the seven groups are already pretty disguised. Normally, they will refuse in person and accept it secretly. However, the seventh group was a little disappointed. After waiting for a while, John Duming did not open the door at all, and he did not want to trade at all.

Suddenly, the seven groups were a little confused.

Isn't he a suspect?

Charlotte felt that the case was far more complicated than she thought, and it seemed that it was not easy to detect it.

Where did things go wrong?

Charlotte began to think about these doubts.

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