That is, the entire operation may have a brief exchange of fire, but the operation team greeted them three days later. Then it means that this task may be much more difficult than everyone thinks.

But think about it, I still feel that my lineup is easier to win. Twelve fighters and seven abilities. A total of nineteen people.

In addition, after a month of strengthening the powers, everyone has a better understanding of their own power, and will certainly not roll over.

Shouldn't there be any problems?

Everyone just thought so in their hearts.

When the helicopter arrived at its destination, it was surrounded by a desert with an oasis area in the center of the desert. Covered by a small area of ​​green vegetation, there is a certain water source. Apart from that, there is not much to be concerned about.

This oasis provides a certain hiding opportunity, at least at first sight.

The soldiers were very professional. They put on a green camouflage uniform, and even some helmets and leaves were added to the helmet.

"What are you doing?" A psionicist asked curiously.

The soldier replied, "Disguise, don't you know the disguise?"

The psionicist said: "I know. But I think this camouflage, I can recognize you as a person, can't you recognize it across the face? Do you think you are a tree?

The soldier shook his head and said with a smile: "The camouflage you said is not the same as the camouflage we said. Our camouflage uses the surrounding terrain and is close to the color of the surrounding environment, just like a chameleon. If you don't look closely at a distance If you do n’t, you ca n’t notice it. And whether you are distant or investigating from above, you can hardly notice it. ”

"So it is more taboo to wear clothing that has a very large difference from the surrounding environment." The soldier's explanation made them easier to understand.

The psionicist's clothing is casual.

It was Charlotte, with Green and a sniper on his back. There is an ammunition bag on the right waist and a pistol on the left waist. Like an ammunition expert. From the appearance alone, it is indeed handsome.

But this also means that Charlotte must sacrifice a certain speed as a price.

So Charlotte must seize every opportunity that the other side appears.

The wait for everyone was one day, and the temperature difference between the deserts during the day and night was very large. Despite this, they remained in place. Of course, there is a layer of cover on the body, after all, you have to prepare in advance, these things are to be brought.

Even the flames were not raw, and they ate all dry food.

Bread sandwiches and the like.

Who knows if the other party will be earlier or later than expected. Therefore, the flame must not appear.


At about three o'clock in the afternoon, a team was finally seen riding on a camel. The camel has two boxes on both sides. No one knows what this box is, just guessing that this may be a big gift for Hydra.

"Pay attention to the surroundings, don't smash them. This is what Ajie and they worked so hard for us to get." The red scorpion chief and collar, Bata wood looked coldly around.

There are thirty camels in this camel team, and there are two on each camel. That is to say, there are a total of sixty people across the street plus Batam.

Everyone had a gun in his hand and a 98K behind him.

"Leader, we are sure there will be no problems. We are fully armed. Even if the power blazes, we will let them go back. Dare to come and die!"

"That is, we are going to join the Hydra team. Whoever doesn't have long eyes is going to go with Hydra."

Batam's face was cold and cold: "Don't be too proud of yourself. The power possesses great strength. And because of Hydra, the SHIELD is likely to take action against us. Fight against Hydra's underground influence. "

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, don't overturn the gutter," Batam reminded cautiously.

But Red Scorpion's hole card is not just these armed ...

And behind this camel was an iron chain that tied four people.

Two men and two women.

The four did not wear shoes, their feet seemed to have been worn out long ago, and they were dragged unwillingly. Whether the red scorpions can move or not, it is their own business that the camel will drag them all the way until they die.

If they can survive, they may consider new tricks.

At the same time, Charlotte reminded Twelve points of spirit and paid great attention to the opposite.

"Who is the Red Scorpion's team power? Is it their leader?" Someone whispered.

The soldier shook his head: "Unclear. The information is not as comprehensive."

Charlotte didn't dare to shoot at will. If the shot hit the psionicist, and the psionicist failed to avoid it. Then it will be a credit. The whole difficulty will be reduced a lot.

But if the shot wasn't the power, that means that the nineteen of them would fight against the sixty-armed Red Scorpion members and would also confront the other power.

"Look over your head!" Charlotte reminded.

Everyone slightly looked up ~ ~ and found nothing.

"That should be a mini small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft." Charlotte's eyesight reached the gunner LV5 with himself, already a lot higher than everyone else.

Only soldiers noticed through their own gun sights.

"Good eyesight. Brother. But why does this thing appear here?" Everyone couldn't help but be vigilant.

Charlotte asked suddenly: "Have the red scorpion been linked to Hydra before?"

The captain of the soldier said in a low voice: "It was said that I wanted to join. But Hydra rejected them because they offered too low chips and rejected it once. So they went to East Africa, West Asia, the Middle East and other places again. Snake. I guess the chips are ready. "

Charlotte was thoughtful.

I saw the drone beeping in the air, and it seemed to be a sirens of excessive thermal energy.

After hearing the alarm, Batam quickly said: "The warning sounded! It must be that the surrounding heat exceeds our set range! That is to say, there are people around to ambush us! Everyone starts mecha!"

I saw the red scorpion team of Batam, and the people on the camel took out a capsule. Similar to the capsule that Charlotte saw at SHIELD, a blue light burst and a mech appeared beside them.

They jumped down quickly, wearing mechs, and the whole person was like a robot, like a bulletproof series of body defense. At the same time they held 98K and were ready to confront the opposite side.

"Not good. We were spotted by the target." Captain of the soldier realized something was wrong.

After years of development, Batam is so rich? Already able to buy these things?

It seems that the official actions against them in recent years will certainly not be too light, otherwise they will not be so anxious to join the Hydra for asylum.

Hydra is the source of this evil!

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