Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 333: I am speechless

Tom read a message.

"Reminder: Your order has been accepted. The receiver is the ninth inning of SHIELD, the ability, Charlotte. If you have any questions, please open the order interface."

Tom couldn't help but feel sorry for his money: "I've lost money again. The name of Charlotte has never been heard. It is estimated that it is a new rookie again. It is really crazy to get 20,000."

At this time, Tom could not help but sigh: "I should not listen to Raphael's words, SHIELD has 20,000 to answer, it must be a rookie. Counting on rookie to protect me, I might as well count on myself to protect myself with scissors."

But after all, Tom is still very clear about SHIELD. It is really difficult to enter SHIELD without any level. Maybe this rookie will surprise himself.

Tom opens his proprietary software and website to check the information.

"Charlotte, a person with the ability in the ninth inning of the SHIELD. A person with a firearm type. During the internship period, he has solved three cases in the 19th inning of the China United Bureau and has received unanimous praise in the inning. Among the assessments of the training camp, People annihilated the red scorpion, demonstrating its strength. The rest of the accompaniment was killed. Specific details are being investigated. "

Tom looked at the message and stunned: "Before Miffy's? Red Scorpion? It looks very bad, I don't know if this guy can make a difference. After all, it's a newcomer."

Tom didn't have much impression of the Red Scorpion, but the rest of the powers were killed. This incident shows that it is a fierce fight, one person destroys the Red Scorpion? What is happening again? This narrative usually means that he played a huge role in defeating the Red Scorpion.

"Hope, I won't spend nothing on it." Tom sighed.


"Is it August 8? Boss, the last time you said you had approved some weapons for me, but I didn't think it was enough. I also need a fine pistol, which has been a precision short gun, plus a reinforced Green, one Snip high, and some grenades, "said Charlotte.

Max was stunned: "Whether you treat me as the boss or a waiter? And your appetite is too big. It will be so much in the first place."

Charlotte said, "This is SHIELD? It won't be so stingy. If the training camp doesn't make sense, SHIELD doesn't? It's an exaggeration."

Max took a deep breath: "Yes, there are. I'll give you some approval and issue them soon. But there is a research room here, you can enjoy some new products. You can exchange them for points, or you can approve them."

"The exchange of points is at any time. The process of approval is relatively long. The last time Tony's laser sword was approved. There are certain restrictions on approval. I will select and approve according to the group. If you earn points, you can get them by completing tasks.

"General weapons approval is enough for a few days. It's fast, but there is a total limit for a month, usually it can't be used up. Don't worry about this." Max took the book and recorded everything Charlotte wanted.

Charlotte's eyes brightened: "What's the total limit? I can use it up for you!"

"..." Max twitched.

Why do you always think this Charlotte has a particularly strong demand for firearms.

"Can't tell you. Unless your agent level is promoted to level 4." Max said.

Charlotte: "... What is the level of my agent authority? Now?

Max said: "Level 3. SHIELD's initial agent authority is all three, but at present you should be two. But it should be a period of three as the initial authority. Like Commander Miffy is four. Level. So our initial permissions are actually very high. "

"Oh ..." Charlotte didn't say a word.

"Things should be able to arrive before you start the mission, so you don't have to worry about this. Your power introduction is a gun type. What is it?" Max said.

"Guns and cannons will become very strong for me," Charlotte said.

"Fortifier gun type?"

"Well. Not all."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to keep some of my own mystery."

"... still playing mystery with me. But this doesn't matter. Don't call me boss anymore, we are all members of SHIELD. Just call me Max, and old folks too. This will have better affinity Point. "Max.

"Old turkey?" Charlotte was surprised.

"Old man." Max.

"..." Charlotte.

"I'll let Tony take you to the museum to familiarize yourself with the environment. By the way, see the owner of the order." Max said to Tony when he was finished.

Tony is chatting with other powers.

This is a very comfortable soothing content among their intense tasks.

Compared with the deadly investigation data, the monotonous completion of work, waiting for work as if waiting for death, and expecting to go to work earlier, the work of SHIELD is much more comfortable.

Tony doesn't want such a mechanism to be destroyed by those rice bugs.

This is the pride of everyone from SHIELD.

"Yes. I'll take Charlotte to that museum later. I know the location. I've been to the museum before. It's all unknowable. It's boring." Tony locked his computer, put on his clothes, and pulled it out of the drawer. Took out a bunch of keys.

"Old man. I'll borrow your car. The mechanical skateboard is under maintenance." Tony said.

Max nodded: "It's okay, you take it. The amount of your tasks should be enough for you to buy a good car. Why not buy a few things without seeing you buy a car."

Tony said: "Some tasks are too difficult, and I can't do them. Some are difficult ~ www.readwn.com ~ and there is not much pay. And I still have family, and I have to remit them to them. Let them get more Nourish, don't you? "

Max said: "It's still hello. Both are married. Charlotte and I are still bachelors. I don't know if I can find the other half at SHIELD. A lover will eventually become a dependent."

"Go and go. Max's spring is here, and everyone hastened away."

In a joke, Tony left SHIELD with Charlotte.

Max's car is a silver sports car with a relatively short chassis that can run at high speeds without drifting. It's quick to start and has a grip function.

"Get in the car." Tony twisted the key and the engine rang. Sit in the co-pilot position and ask Charlotte to drive, and he'll be on his way.

Charlotte opened the door and sat on the left.

"Do you have a driver's license?" Tony said.

"Do you need a driver's license?" Charlotte laughed.

"..." Tony had an unknown hunch.


The car soared instantly!

Tony felt more dizzy than going by boat.

"Fuck! Man, hurry down, it's too dangerous for you to drive without a driver's license! Why am I dizzy!"

Charlotte laughed. "Don't worry. I think about how to park. I've seen black widows drive before."

"..." Tony.

The sports car finally stopped.

Tony barely stood up, just trying to speak.

Vomiting ~~~

Vomiting ~~~

"Who do you learn about this car technology?" Tony looked pale.

"Teach the seven groups," Charlotte laughed.

Tony said, "It looks like you need to hire a coach to take your driver's license."

"The first person to learn to drive did not have a coach." Charlotte smiled.

Tony burst into tears: "What you said makes sense, I was speechless ...

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