Charlotte took a deep breath, and the first sniper attacked Dick Thunder Rat!

And without hesitation, quickly pulled the firearm and opened the second shot again.

Quick aiming!

This is a second-shot skill.

The deviation will be relatively large.

The second shot fired!


Charlotte didn't hesitate, and didn't see Dick the Thunder Rat hit the target.

But at the first shot, Charlotte's mind buzzed.

[You used a bullet, experience +1]

[You have reached the LV5 experience cap, 16000/16000]

[You rose to LV6]

[You unlocked the G-14 grenade. LV6]

[You unlocked BBQ, LV6]

[G-14 Grenade: Throwing a G-14 Grenade at an enemy in front can cause a lot of damage to everyone within a certain range. Except yourself. However, the grenade needs to be filled before it can be thrown. Grenades are limited to 6 at the same time, and have a certain cool-down time after use. Need to bring your own materials, six pieces of any metal below 10CM. 】

[You gain passive skills and your potential explodes. Make [M-137 Green Machine Gun], [M-3 Flamethrower], [BBQ], [Focus Flamethrower], [Laser Cannon], [Sniper Rifle], [Quantum Explosive], [Satellite Ray] hit rate And attack power increased significantly. After each use of the skill, it automatically enters the cooling time. 】

"???? I upgraded?" Charlotte was slightly surprised when she shot the second shot.

But the focus is still on women.

So don't hesitate to shoot quickly.

The first shot was directed at Dick Thunder Rat. There was a faint blue light around the bullet. This is a remarkable ability of the ability.

boom! !!

A loud explosion sounded, breaking through the Dick Thunder Mouse device.

People's faces changed dramatically.

at the same time.

The second bullet was fired at the woman.

If anyone pays attention, they will find that the bullet is not just a faint blue light. It's a light blue like the sea of ​​stars.

The bullet pierced through the space.

As quickly as the same pop.

The woman froze for a second, then was shocked in her heart: "This is a skill only for masters of firearms!"

Her pupils shrank, and at the same time she knew very well that such a second shot of a bullet would not be able to accurately hit the opponent's designated target.

The master can only try to guarantee to hit the target.

As for where to hit, this is difficult to guarantee.

Like the sniper in CS, when you aim and shoot, you can directly give the opponent a headshot. But when others approach you, you can't aim again quickly. Because it takes time for you to aim, the kung fu is the knife, even if it is not an axe. The lottery must be yourself.

Then at this time, you don't need to aim at it, you can open it directly.

But hitting and not hitting depends on individual level.

So was Charlotte. The first shot was aimed at Dick Thunder Mouse. However, the second shot was too late to aim. Because the other party is a mechanical skateboard. I remember Tony telling himself that the mechanical skateboard drove the speed to the top and was no worse than a high-speed sports car.

And it's the express one.

Once enough time is given to the opponent, they will definitely escape from their sniping range.

Snipers, heads thousands of miles away, are non-existent.

This is either a plug-in or a BUG.

Unless ... I have to say that Lao Tzu is God, whoever I want to die will die.

Um ... Aoyama welcomes you.

The woman's pupil shrank, and quickly took a piece of compressed capsule from her body, like a star-shaped metallic shield. The area of ​​this shield should be half a human.

boom! !!

This shot from Charlotte went straight into the shield.

The shock caused the woman to feel numb in her hands, and even the entire shield fell off. Can only hold back the moment of falling, pick up again with shaking hands.

This shield is not an ordinary riot shield.

This metal is a synthetic material.

The density is very small, resulting in very low mass. At the same time, the hardness has reached a surprising degree. It is generally believed that the hardest materials in the world are carbyne sulfide, carbon nitride, and diamond.

However, this material is called the "Star", a shield made of this material. As long as you are not banging at you with high-end weapons and tanks, it is almost safe.


This is something that is unique in her many actions!

She was surprised! !!

In the middle of the shield, a bullet fired by Charlotte was inlaid, and the bullet submerged into it, and many cracks appeared around it. That is to say, from the center point, it is very terrifying power and penetration!

"This is Charlotte ?! No! It is necessary to report this. Charlotte is a threat to our Hydra to continue to grow. We can't let him continue." stand up.

She knew that with another shot, the shield could not protect her.

She had to retreat with all her strength, and she had never been so afraid of her growth.

Charlotte now gave her a sense of fear from the sniper god.

Charlotte was standing on the balcony at this moment, looking at the woman wearing golden glasses far away: "It's a pity. I almost solved her."

At this time, the whole house was fighting fiercely.

Police Cha continued to cooperate with Tony's attack.

Tony, who had been suppressed, also fought evenly.

This is not to say that Tony is weak, but rather that Tony is excellent. Tony joined SHIELD for half a year, but Covia was an old fritter of Hydra.

In addition, there is a certain gap between the two's own power levels, if it is not supported by someone nearby.

I'm afraid Tony will also lose to the other side ~ ~ Charlotte closed the sniper and changed a revolver: "Give up resistance!"

Kovia snorted: "You deserve me to give up resistance?"

next moment.

Charlotte was transformed into a light and shadow, and rushed towards Covia.

[Knee bump LV6]!

The knee slammed!

Skill determination!

Opponent level LV6 ability.

Levels are flat.

Skills enter one of the two options immediately.

Judging success!

Floating + Domineering! !!

At this moment, a layer of red light appeared on Charlotte's body, and the impact of the knee directly let Covia float in the air.

Kovia was startled, and a fire in her left attacked Charlotte.

"Left-handed," Charlotte said softly.

However, this flame hit Charlotte, and Charlotte did not feel the slightest feeling, only slightly warm.

When Covia floats, Tony leaps up and kicks down from the head! !!

[Compression and air legs! 】


Kovia was hit **** the ground.

Police Fang came up quickly, aiming all guns at Kovia.

Charlotte picked up the revolver with her eyes and fired several shots at Covia's non-lethal place.

The flames on Kovia's body gradually disappeared and returned to an ordinary person.

A blood sacrifice on his body.

The whole room was a mess.

There was a cry of children under the balcony, scared by the exploding rat.

Corvia raised her head hard, staring at Charlotte like a viper, growling: "Dog! In our eyes of Hydra, you are no different from trash! I won't die! But you're dead!"

"The Hydra is amazing? One day, I will personally give the Hydra a painful lesson!" Charlotte's eyes showed a gleam of cold light.

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