Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 349: Knowledge alters your fate?

After the interrogation, Tony and Charlotte went out of the police station.

"SHIEL has confessed to you? If he is willing to burst out of the headquarters and stronghold, let him be reborn, let him be free?" Tony wondered.

Charlotte said faintly: "I think you may have misunderstood it. I didn't say it. What I said was rebirth."

"What do you mean?"

Tony was aggressive.

The next second, Tony came to his senses: "Fuck! Cunning! Tough! ... Funny, uh, it seems like the wrong word."

"Intimidation like him is a crime in itself, and it's still a crime against SHIELD. It adds to the sin. And he sells hot weapons to participate in terrorist operations. These are all enough to kill him thousands of times .To live, that's all delusion. "

"When he first decided to do these things, his back road was already decided."

"Unless he prefers to hide in Tibet all his life like a mouse, this is his best destination."

With that said, Charlotte looked up at the sky.

Tony looked at Charlotte at this time and said gravely, "You grow up quickly ..."

"Right. Charlotte, to what extent is your power level? How can I have the illusion that you are above me?" Tony said.

Charlotte asked, "What level is your power?"

"Me? LV5's compression ability. Currently LV5 has reached half, it is estimated that it will take a long time to improve. The growth rate is a bit slow." Tony.

"Oh. Then I should surpass you." Charlotte said casually.

"..." Tony burst into tears. What happened to your careless look?

It seems that you have already been accurate. You will surpass me?

Over me? ?


"Let's go. Back to the game. SHIELD should act." Charlotte said.

Tony nodded, and the information was passed back to the bureau. It must have a great impact.

This is our old opponent Hydra.


Charlotte was sitting in the car.

Now I am a gunner of LV6, the bullet needs to be consumed to an amazing number of 32,000!

If this continues, LV7 will need 64,000!

Fortunately, LV6 not only upgraded all skills to LV6, but also unlocked several new skills.

One of them is [Explosive Potential], which is not a purely passive skill. Not directly. Instead, use [M-137 Green Machine Gun], [M-3 Flamethrower], [BBQ], [Focus Flamethrower], [Laser Cannon], [Sniper Gun], [Quantum Explosive Bomb], [Satellite Ray] The hit rate and attack power increased significantly.

And there is a certain cooling time.

A bit like active skills.

But it is passively on, which means. Your first attack power is the biggest increase. After the interval time has cooled down, the strongest attack can be made again.

In addition, he had another BBQ with a G-14 grenade and bumped into his knee.

BBQ is a skill and green combo.

While hitting the opponent, he forced the opponent into the air, and Green fired a shot. However, Charlotte guessed that, just like a knee bump, it should be the power level determination that could trigger success. Once the opponent is much stronger than himself, it is likely that he will have skills similar to domineering and be immune to this trick.

The G14 grenade can be said to be the finishing touch of this upgrade.

Put six grenades at will. The main thing is that this grenade doesn't bomb itself.

This means that I am a mobile mine.

If you want to blast, you will blast it, and you will not blast yourself.

This is really amazing.

It's just six, and it has a cooldown.

It is estimated that this cooling time is very long.

After all, it is a big killing artifact.

"Here it is." Tony's voice broke Charlotte's thinking.

Charlotte pondered the connection and relationship between skills.

Almost three months have elapsed since his ability was activated. I have grown a lot.

One month's internship in the joint board, one month's ability training, and nearly one month's participation in the action and investigation of SHIELD, so that currently only more than half of this month has passed.

The two got out of the car and walked towards the ninth inning of SHIELD.


Charlotte sat in her chair and waited for four in the afternoon.

Because of the upswing, Sonkney will have a message to everyone at four o'clock.


"Sorry. It's late. There was a meeting in the bureau just now," Sonkney said.

Everyone dared not question.

"First of all, I ’m here for the key name, the ninth game! Very good. I caught a character from Hydra. I was also a person who had a lot of status in it. Here I name and praise Charlotte and Tony .Excellent, you guys. "

Hearing the words on the screen, the ninth game was a joy.

"Amazing! Honor for our ninth game!"

"Charlotte! Tony! You guys really do such a good action and don't call me? I have to drag that tired body without money."

"Yeah. Named and praised by Sonkney! This is very rare!"

Charlotte and Tony look at each other: you already have clues. It's just that you didn't investigate. Rather, Charlotte was reluctant to give up an investigation lead, and then found the other side. The main thing is Charlotte's cunning, rebirth? ?

Sure enough, knowledge is power, and knowledge changes destiny.

"The platform will be closed tomorrow morning, and everyone will follow their captain and dispatch. The specific place where you dispatched will be subject to the captain's arrangements. This operation, everyone pays attention to safety. We are a team, and I hope that this operation will be complete and complete , Safe return! "

"You guys are so good!"

Tony finished this sentence ~ www.readwn.com ~ The whole screen turned into a snowflake.

Obviously Tony has other things to do. Being the boss is not like drinking tea and playing mahjong every day. There are also things about him. Only the rice worms that really make soy sauce are almost really the same as soy sauce.

Everyone at SHIELD is forbidden to leave SHIELD while blocking the communicator.

The reason is normal. Since this operation has begun, it must not be leaked. The idea of ​​most SHIELD people is to destroy Hydra. But it does not rule out traitors and spies.

So it will not be dispatched until tomorrow.

Prevent information leakage.

Attacking Hydra must be unpredictable and unprepared to be effective. Don't let the power person get into a dangerous situation. At the same time, each group is discussing its own tactical plan and some views.

Max is the head of the twelve group, and Charlotte is also in this group.

"These six options. What's your problem?" Max asked.

"Are we a bit risky to participate in the third headquarters?" Tai He said.

Taishan said, "Yeah. On the strength of the psionicist, we did take a little risk of attacking the third headquarters."

Max said: "It was decided above. Obviously, they think we are very promising. Participating in the third headquarters attack will give us a higher vision. It is very good for our future."

Yatani didn't speak, listening carefully.

Tony said, "Afraid of an egg. What about the Third Headquarters? Hydra is now in front of us. Give them a blow without pain, I'm really sorry for our SHIELD!"

Charlotte said: "If you can give Hydra a serious injury, let's not miss it! But of these six options, I don't think the fourth option ..."

"Where isn't it?" Tony asked.

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