Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 361: Rocket Man Duwick

When the infrared light was aimed at Charlotte, Charlotte instantly noticed a crisis and suddenly squatted.

next moment.

A bullet went straight through Charlotte's original location with the same burn.

If Charlotte didn't dodge just now, that shot would definitely hit.

"No. Their snipers are here too!" Max said.

Tony condensed blue light in his hands: "I'll find that guy, you guys stay here to prevent them from reaching the tower and attacking Charlotte."

Max nodded with the other three: "Go. Be safe."

In fact, most people think that Charlotte only has a gun attack, and he is a scum. But those who have been in contact with Charlotte know that Charlotte has other abilities.

Tony knew this very well, and that maneuvering foot, he couldn't do that.

But he was curious whether this round kick was Charlotte's power or fighting skills?

If it's an ability, there must be a cooldown, everyone is the same. If it's fighting skills, it's a bit scary. This magnitude is no longer mechanically explainable.

Who would have thought that a maneuver kick could be so powerful in pushing people into the air and launching a combo at any time.

Charlotte stood above the sentry tower and looked in the direction of the sniper just now, and saw a Hydra evacuated quickly, leaving a shadow.

"Dare to snip me?" Charlotte picked up the sniper and aimed at the sound and shadow.

Tony ran in that direction, blocking the road.

However, Tony was very uncomfortable and entangled the other Hydra people halfway.

Now the entire third headquarters has begun a preliminary battle, and the fierce gunfire and melee staged an exciting and **** scene. But the price of this scene is life.

At the same time, the third headquarters, the people in the inner area also began to appear towards the periphery.

The Hydra on the periphery suffered a big loss, but the people in the inner zone had already put on the mech, and a mech army quickly supported the outside.

The chief commander of this operation was a senior agent from the SHIELD General Administration. His clothes were different from the others and were blue.

The reason for him to command is not because he is the strongest, on the contrary, he may not be as good as the Hulk or Spider-Man. But he has spent more time in politics. At the same time, he has grasped some of the real powers of the three armies.

And there is his unique aspect in analytical ability.

He is called!


The agents who master the power of Thunder are unique.

At this point, the Hulk had gone crazy, grabbed a man with his left hand, knocked **** the ground, and grabbed a man with his right hand.

Like a giant orangutan, whoever caught it was smashed severely.

Spider-Man controls the spider's web, restraining each other on a large scale.

At this time when Charlotte was preparing to shoot, a figure blocked Charlotte's vision and appeared in the range of the bullet's orbit.

It was a fat man wearing SHIELD clothes. The most remarkable thing was that he was floating in the air under his feet. There seemed to be a rocket burning under his feet.

The fat body was unusually fast, and the figure quickly moved in the air, leaving a trace of aftermath from time to time.

"Is he?" Charlotte frowned.

Max looked up: "It should be Rockman Duwick. It seems that his power level has increased. Previously, they were all speed-up types. I did not expect to become a Rockman this time."

"... It was him." Charlotte had seen him bubbling many times in the SHIELD platform before.

So very clear about this vest.

But Charlotte's mouth was a little jerky.

Dewey laughed high above the sky: "Hahahaha. I'll just say that I'm a rocket man. You slags don't believe it yet. Show you the magic skills of this big brother."



A bullet passed through Duwick's arm.

"Wipe. Who shoots me?" Duwick turned black.

Just less than a minute, that soul shot me down!


Did you shoot it!

Duwick looked at the sniper and rushed to the front without saying a word: "Try Lao Tzu's rocket bombing!"

next moment.

Many rockets appeared in Duwick's hands.

These rockets were thrown by Duwick like a grenade.

boom! !!

The surrounding area was razed directly to the ground.

"I wipe, I didn't expect to have just upgraded, this power is so much stronger." Du Wick's eyelids jumped.

Seeing this, the people around the SHIELD and Hydra looked at Duwick strangely.

This guy is simply a wonderful one!

Charlotte shook his head, took another sniper and started targeting the man fighting Tony.

at this time!



The deafening sound sounded!

I saw the entire third headquarters. The ground seemed to be opened with a door, as if there was an elevator hidden under the ground.

One thing was sent up.

"The Guangling Pagoda in the A7 series!" Volt frowned slightly. "Put the tower away, don't get anywhere near 500 meters!"

Guangling Tower is a device that uses voltage to attack. The entire tower is equivalent to two floors, and a transformer and a condenser are set at the top. At the same time, many identification devices are set up. These Guangling towers can carry out a high-voltage attack on people. At the same time, in order to prevent the Guangling Tower from being destroyed by the opponent, the metals used are special materials.

Extremely close to body armor.

It is a very difficult place.

Even a grenade will not be able to blow up this thing for a while and a half ~ www.readwn.com ~ and there is more than one Guangling Tower, and at the same time there are many same Guangling Towers around the ground!

The number seems to be dozens!

"It seems that this third headquarters is quite willing to pay this money. This thing is not cheap." People with sharp eyes see that the Guangling Tower is expensive.

This is the A7 series, and there are 6, 5, 4, 3 and so on in the A7 series. A1 is the top of the A series.

However, the A7 also ranks very high among them. The A series is enough to rank seventh, and it can also see its power.

Volt frowned. "Why didn't you see the top talents at headquarters?"

It stands to reason that some strong men will be stationed in the headquarters. These strong men have higher power levels than others, but it is clear that there are no super-powers seen here.

Did these powers get the news and leave in advance?

Not in direct conflict with our SHIELD?

its not right.

It doesn't make sense, how could they know we have action?

We have a good security facility.

Could it be that the master of the third headquarters just went out to perform the task?

Some permanent staff left?

Tony was thinking, if that was the case, the situation would be very good for himself.

But this Guangling is indeed a troublesome thing.

Leng Hu, a newly added power from another SHIELD: "Isn't it just a high-voltage tower?"

I saw a huge hammer in his hand, extremely domineering.

He suddenly raised his hammer and smashed at Guangling Tower!

"You stupid!" A companion beside him shouted, and his pupils shrank.

The next moment, the high-voltage devices at the top of Guangling Tower began to condense a layer of horrible light, like a thunder suddenly gathered!

"Quick flash!" Someone yelled.

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