Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 382: A crooked tech tree (new story!)

Xu Ruofei's life was perfect. Countless banknotes rolled down from the 100-meter bed in the mansion every day. There is also a swimming pool at home, as well as different beauties from around the world.

It is the winner of life in reality and the winner of life in the game. It can be said that his life is perfect.

If you have to talk about shortcomings, it is ... love to daydream. The above is Xu Ruofei's daydream.

[The world is being initialized, the technology tree is loading ...]

Upon waking up, Xu Ruofei turned on his mobile phone and found that the world had changed!

All online games here are holographic. Players can enter the game world through the game cabin, game ring, and virtual glasses.

One of the most popular holographic games!

"Super Hero Island"!

This game is different from previous games. It has three major systems and hundreds of occupations.

At this time, some people will say that there are only many occupations.

It's actually wrong. What makes it different is that you can switch careers casually.

Each class has only four skills, and can learn up to 15 heroic heritages at the same time. Equipped with two hero skills at the same time, a total of eight!

To put it simply, as long as you have enough equipment, you can be a soldier a minute ago and a mage a minute later.

This is something most games dare not set this way. Of course, most people prefer to fix a system, and players can choose freely.

Xu Ruofei looked at his hands and actually had a holographic game ring for this game, so excited!

"I want to experience the holographic game too!" Xu Ruofei twisted the gem on the ring.

Soon a blue light surrounded Xu Ruofei.

Xu Ruofei felt spinning.

Came to a special world!

Xu Ruofei was in the blue sky, and a petite elf said to him, "Hello, welcome to Superhero Island. Please name your character."

After a little thought, he said, "Seraph."

This name is nothing else, I just think it's handsome.

Player name: Seraph

"Please select your initial classification."

Warrior: Emphasizes defense and blood thickness, and initially gains the inheritance of the sword saint hero.

Magician: Emphasis on attack, considerable damage, initially acquired the Black Dragon Heroic Inheritance.

Gunpowder: Emphasizes critical strikes, causing considerable damage, and initially receives Shura's heroic heritage.

Xu Ruofei did not hesitate to choose a warrior. The reason is simple. Although magic and gunpowder are high in damage, it is likely to be crispy.

Although the soldiers have shortcomings, it is really good to be able to carry and fight.

"Warrior!" Xu Ruofei said.

The elf continued, "Please choose your side."

Federation: The main city is the city of the sky, the player is the federal force, and the empire is the hostile force.

Empire: The main city is the city of steel, the player is the empire, and the hostility is the enemy.

"Federation. It sounds tall." Xu Ruofei smiled.

"Do you choose the pinch function?" The elf asked.

The face pinch function is one of the more distinctive features in holographic games. Twenty percent can be adjusted according to the original appearance.

Generally girls like to adjust this, boys don't matter.

Xu Ruofei probably adjusted a bit, this is not important anyway.

The adjusted Xu Ruofei is not much different from himself, but if you look closely, you can't see the same person.

Player: Xu Ruofei

ID: Seraph

Faction: Federation

Level: 0

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Physical Attack: 1

Magic Attack: 1

Gunpowder Attack: 1

Physical Critical Strike: 1

Magic Crit: 1

Gunpowder Critical Strike: 1

Physical Defense: 0

Gunpowder Defense: 0

Magic Defense: 0

Counterattack Strength: 0

Damage Reduction: 0

Movement speed: 100%

"Because you are entering the game for the first time, it is about to start in novice mode," said the wizard.

Xu Ruofei has no opinion, most games have such a process.

Turning around!

Xu Ruofei appeared in front of a large hall.

There are three ice sculptures in front of the hall, and there are three people in the ice exuding a strong breath. They slept inside the ice sculpture.

The first one is the Promise Swordmaster in all directions, holding a long sword!

Xu Ruofei put his hand directly on the ice sculpture!

"You get the Heroic Prodigy Swordmaster legacy!"

Gain four Lv1 swordmaster skills. One skill is the whole person spinning, blade storm. Each upgrade skill increases health. The second skill is redness throughout the body, increasing physical crit. The three skills are summoning totems, and allies within the totem's range can continue to add blood for a certain period of time. The four skills are big tricks and require the consumption of skill elements.

Octagon Kill!

Although this game can be combined with any profession, in fact, except for the local tyrants, most of them are fixed as a profession. Not just equipment reasons, but also skill reasons.

Heroes of the physics series inherit one skill each time to increase the character's life cap, two skills to increase the energy cap, three skills are magic heroes to increase magic defense, and physical heroes to increase physical defense. The big move is the same, but the attack power of the department is increased.

Xu Ruofei started to follow the wizard's instructions for novice operations. In fact, this is an entry, so it is not difficult. For example, characters move forward, back, attack, use medicine to return blood, and how to use skills.

"Simple." Xu Ruofei smiled.

The novice tutorial rewards a newbie gift package and a basic pet capsule without a card. A hammer was also delivered.

The height of the hammer is about the same as that of a person ~ www.readwn.com ~ It looks very mighty. Add a little attack power.

"This is the end of your novice tutorial. Now start teleporting the Federal Village of Magellan." The elf disappeared completely in the air after saying this.

From this time!

Xu Ruofei's game life really started! !!


"Transferring ..."

"please wait with patience......"

"Transfer is complete."

By the time Xu Ruofei reacted, he had already reached Magellan Village. Magellan Village can be said to be a novice village. Lots of players have already started the adventure world experience here.

Because this holographic game is very popular, the entire Novice Village is a player.

"Yay, who stepped on my foot!"

"Dead! You are blocking me from taking on the task."

"Go, I can't squeeze in, you squeeze a wool!"

A bunch of players you squeeze me, I squeeze you.

Xu Ruofei looked helpless at the situation in front of him. With so many people, it is difficult to get close to the NPC.

"I should be above level 11 as soon as possible." Xu Ruofei remembers something about this game. It seems that the official website says that after 11th level, two heroes can be equipped at the same time.

Everyone is now a hero, and physics is the Promise Swordmaster. Magic is the black dragon mage, gunpowder is Shura!

Normally, the novice task should be the fastest, but looking at the crowds of players, it is obvious that the novice task is too slow. You can upgrade and wait for a little less crowd before continuing.

Xu Ruofei experienced holographic games for the first time. The previous games were all keyboard, computer, mobile phone, and controller experience. For Xu Ruofei, this time is simply a new world!

Just when Xu Ruofei was about to upgrade!

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