Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 388: Hot results (on)

Director Zhong made up his mind and wanted to talk to Xu Ruofei.

Pick up the internal phone on the desktop and dial in.

"Xiaojuan, let Xu Ruofei come to my office and I'll look for him." Director Zhong said before hanging up.

On the other side of the phone, sister Juan froze, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "If you don't go to the Three Treasure Hall, you must find Xu Ruofei to have something to talk about. If I guess correctly, it should be related to yesterday's live broadcast."

Sister Juan walked beside Xu Ruofei: "Director Zhong is looking for you."

Immediately envious eyes flowed around.

In public institutions, either they are not looking for you or something is wrong. And things are usually divided into good and bad. Like I have just said that a quadrupling spirit show has definitely not happened.

Xu Ruofei walked all the way to Director Zhong's office. In the upper left corner of the office door, wrote.


"Xiao Xu. Young and promising. Please sit down." Director Zhong was very sophisticated and instantly got close to the relationship between the two.

Xu Ruofei sat down.

"The tomb notes you talked about are wonderful. Do you know the author?" Director Zhong opened his eyes.

According to the original world, this tomb note should be the work of San Shu. But now these things are gone in this world. In other words, these people are likely not to exist.

Because I checked before, there is no information at all. The tech tree is crooked. Then temporarily requisitioned.

Xu Ruofei said: "I am the author."

For a moment, Director Zhong was surprised and said, "Are you ... the author?"

Xu Ruofei said, "Well."

Later, Director Zhong groaned: "It's like this, I feel that this content is okay."

Xu Ruofei frowned slightly, and made up what it meant.

Director Zhong commented on the situation and said, "What I said is okay, that is, you are not very experienced. But I think it can give you opportunities to develop. If you are willing to sell the manuscript of this story to the radio. I will consider making you a Real radio host. "

In fact, Director Zhong thought the story was good. If you tell this story to other better moderators, maybe you can hope for a quality column. Xu Ruofei can quadruple a newcomer, and as a veteran, Director Zhong really thinks it can be done.

And Xu Ruofei is a newcomer, eager to get ahead. It seems quite cost-effective to buy this content at a low price.

After hearing this, Xu Ruofei was silent for a while: "Meaning that the other host will take my copy to do the show?"

Director Zhong nodded, and then stretched out five fingers: "If you want, I buy this out of your story."

"5 million?" Xu Ruofei said.

Director Zhong shook his head.

"50 million?" Xu Ruofei asked again.

Director Zhong shook his head and slowly said, "Five thousand."

"..." Xu Ruofei froze.


This thing is only fifty thousand?

This is similar to robbery.

Xu Ruofei knew that this tomb robbing note was sought after by millions of readers in the previous world. Extremely popular in the market. The Southern School's three uncles have also made a name for themselves, and they have become one of the domestic best-selling authors.

And from last night ’s ratings, the world likes this material as well.

These 50,000 are not only low, but very low.

"How about. It's more than 50,000. Many people work for 20,000 yuan a year." Director Zhong said.

Xu Ruofei said, "Sorry, don't sell."

Director Zhong frowned: "Xiaofei. You are still young. With your academic qualifications, it is very good to be able to enter the bureau to help the host to modify the manuscript. You have to be satisfied. Usually your education, which is the factory Be a technician. You should be proud to be able to enter the Broadcasting Bureau. Take your chance. I will give you a few days to think about it and talk to me when you think about it. "

"Your story is just so ordinary, it can sell 50,000, which is enough to see how much I value you. I want to give you this opportunity, you think about it." Director Zhong is very sophisticated in negotiation.

Xu Ruofei stood up: "No need. 50 thousand, don't sell. Find whoever you like to find the host. I still have work to do. I should write a resignation letter in these days. I'll go to work first. "

After speaking, leaving Zhong Zhong's stunned expression, he left.

Xu Ruofei figured out that the radio station was because his voice was not special enough and his education was not high. I didn't think about giving myself too many opportunities. Even if you come up with a wonderful story, you don't plan to try it yourself.

I thought I wanted to get myself from logistics to formal host.

It's really naive.

It seems that I can only find a job in advance, with hands and feet, hungry. Anyway, don't tell your parents before stabilizing your new job.

Xu Ruofei's back is somewhat depressed, some lonely, and some helpless.

People can work hard and insist on living, but the moment they violate their dignity, they must defend their rights.

Xu Ruofei felt that this radio station had no chance of development.

Director Zhong took a deep breath: "It didn't work after graduating from a third-rate school. I really don't know what to do. I'll talk to the personnel department."

After speaking, Director Zhong took out a cigarette and smog in the office.


Xu Ruofei returned to his working position.

A few colleagues around asked: "What's wrong? Is Old Bell planning to transfer you to a formal host?"

Xu Ruofei shook his head: "Nothing."

Sister Juan doesn't feel right. If it is normal, then Xu Ruofei should be very happy at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"What's wrong?" Sister Juan asked.

Xu Ruofei said: "Director Zhong intends to buy all my manuscripts for 50,000 yuan. Then I will make a column for other hosts."

"Only fifty thousand ..." Even the sister Juan felt that the price was low.

Although the specific commercial value is not clear, the figure last night alone has quadrupled. Enough to see the potential value.

"So did you agree?" Although sister Juan knew it well, she still asked.

Xu Ruofei was silent for a while and said, "No. Thank you for taking care of these years. Maybe I am not suitable for this industry. I will give you a letter of resignation."

Sister Juan hesitated, but didn't say: "It's hard to find a job, I have difficulties, find me."

"Um. Okay, thank you." Xu Ruofei only had six simple words.

Du Mingyu secretly said: It seems that the show is not simple, otherwise it would not be so. However, Xu Ruofei is indeed difficult to develop in the bureau. Must watch this show at night.

"Letter from fans!" The staff yelled.

"Song Yunhai 132, Du Mingyu 176 ... Xu Ruofei 355." Every time the staff will sort the envelopes of everyone, and then count the number, so that the host can prepare the bad things to pick up the envelope go.

Usually, more than a hundred letters are enough to represent their popularity. Envelopes were still used in this era, completely for reasons of liking.

"355 ..." Du Mingyu froze, accidentally knocked the glass on the table with his hand, and the water stayed on the ground.

Song Yunhai was also stunned, so much?

The effect of a show?

The rest of the staff were choked.

Xu Ruofei also choked.

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