The six went to the novice merchant, who was an NPC fat man in gorgeous business clothes.

Some NPCs in the holographic game are relatively intelligent, and the newcomers and merchants in front of them count one. What's more, he has a avatar, and at least seven of the ten maps can see him.

"Young adventurer, I have a lot of primary and intermediate items. Only you have enough crystal coins, you can trade with me." The novice businessman touched his belly and smiled.

Then a purchase interface appeared in front of everyone. An assortment of goods appeared in sight.

Xu Ruofei purchased four tools. They are hammers for smashing crystals, hoees for digging metal, axes for logging, and sickle daggers for hunting. I also bought ten of the four detectors.

I bought some red medicines, blue medicines, and skill elements. Each time you use a big move, you will consume a different number of skill elements depending on the skill level.

In other words, you can't use a big trick without a skill element.

"No more crystal coins." Xu Ruofei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Kisala said, "Me too."



Everyone expressed the same situation.

No way, the crystal coins picked up by playing monsters are not enough. Crystal coins are needed to upgrade skills, crystal coins are needed for potions, and even crystal coins can be used to buy skills.

Unless you reach level 16.

Enter the first card level 25 map, Taf. There are sands and silvers, which can be exchanged for crystal coins and experience. That map can only be accessed by players from level 16 to 30. From this map, you can see the Empire players.

But now everyone is at level 11 and can only equip with dual hero skills. Rice has to be taken bite by bit, and the road has to be taken step by step.

Enjoying the upgrade is king.

"How do I do this?" For whom he was puzzled, he was too indifferent. Many things are unclear.

Xu Ruofei explained: "First equip the tool. Then click the green button above the detector."

In fact, Xu Ruofei still knows a lot about this game. Sitting on the bus on the way to work, I was idle anyway. Look at the game information, look at the novel is also very good.

"Ding! Seraph turns on detecting metal."

"Ding! Detection, please wait ..."

"Ding! Detection is complete. Coordinates (71.21), reward detection proficiency 10."

Xu Ruofei looked at the crowd and said, "Then I will mine first, and I have found the place. The brotherhood can show the members' coordinates. You can reach level 16 earlier. I will go first."

Everyone nodded.

In front of Xu Ruofei's eyes, a guidance arrow that only he could see.

At the same time, the heroes of the equipment were changed. No longer a Valkyrie fanatic combination. It's Swordmaster and War Soul. Because Juggernaut is the only one who has increased crit in physics. At the same time, the blade storm has a small speed bonus.

War spirit is also a very special hero, none of the four skills are output skills. The first skill is summoning the War Soul Guard, the second skill increases the specified target life limit, and if the target is a pet, it will restore the health. Three skills are to increase your own large movement speed.

Also called Langli Little White Dragon. Very wave speed bonus, also comes with afterimage special effects.

The big move is to transform your skills into a war spirit. Transfiguration consumes a certain amount of energy every 3 seconds, and Lan En can transform all the time. Increase attack power and life limit during the period.

What Xu Ruofei fancy is the movement speed bonus. Improve mining efficiency.

Use the three skills directly and run away with the afterglow. Movement speed is up to 120%.

Running out of a feeling of world champion, thief cool!

"Here." Xu Ruofei stopped.

Xu Ruofei clicked the green button of the detector. A progress bar appears.

Progress 0%

10% progress

30% progress


100% progress, the actual progress is not fast. Because the detection level is level 0. The higher the level, the faster the speed.


Suddenly, half-a-person metal ore appeared.

Xu Ruofei picked up his **** and aimed directly at the metal ore.

"Ding-Ding-Dang! Congratulations on your successful mining. You have obtained 2 grades of eternal metal * 1 and 1000 experience rewards. (For the first 15 times a day, for the first time, you can enjoy experience rewards for mining, and the remaining 14 times.)

"Ding-Ding-Dang! Congratulations on your successful mining, you have obtained 2 Eternal Metals * 1."

Xu Ruofei stunned, he also had experience in mining. It seems that not all the information on the official website has been released, and players can discover many things that have not been released.

Then Xu Ruofei performed the crystal, hunting and logging again.

Among them hunting is more special. After clicking the Explore button to reach the designated destination, a group of monsters will be summoned. After killing these monsters, you can get hunting bones from them.

Xu Ruofei looked at the experience reward, and this experience is quite a lot for the early period. Simply go directly to 15 explorations.

Ten minutes later, Xu Ruofei went to hand in the task.

The village chief gave Xu Ruofei crystal coins and experience rewards.

The experience bar in Xu Ruofei's personal panel is full. Because the experience of this game can be used to upgrade levels and upgrade skills. Therefore, in the skill upgrade section, it is not that you will upgrade directly when you have experience. Instead, players need to manually click to upgrade. That's why there is a saying about card rank.

The experience bar is green at the beginning, and will change to other colors if it exceeds the experience required for the upgrade. When your experience is enough for several levels, the experience bar is even purple.

Xu Ruofei opens the chat channel of the Brotherhood.

Seraph: My mission is complete.

Little Fish Skeleton: I'm almost there ~ ~ Qi Sara: I'll be right away, I will complete the task by submitting it.

For whom: I should have another five minutes.

Ice Ling Xueer: Completed in a minute.

Xu Ruofei was curious, for whom the efficiency of finding love was so low, so he asked: "Finding love. What is your hero combination? It is better to use a battle spirit for exploration, and it has a speed bonus. It is much more efficient."

For whom to find love: Oh, that's it. I'm too innocent, sorry.

The Seraphim asked: If there is something unclear later, you can say it. We can all tell you. But now we can only count as an entry. Everyone is familiar with each other.

For whom to find love, holding an axe in the distance while chopping a tree, his eyes flashed, with an inexplicable emotion burning. Reply: Thank you ...

In fact, long ago, the character for whom to find love was not so introverted. It was just when I was in junior high school that people started to change. The origin of the thing is the thing that happened to the students.

Many times, teachers will talk to students about conflicts and problems, and no fights are allowed. If there is something to ask the teacher, the teacher will solve it. This sentence is fine from the teacher's point of view and starting point.

I do not understand the search for love remembered this sentence.

Taking peace as your most important thing, don't start with something first, find a teacher.

As a result, one of the more naughty students in the class once moved away from the table in search of love. After going to the bathroom to find love, I saw the people in the class smiling and looked carefully. My table is gone.

Immediately looking for someone for love is a little angry.

"Who moved my desk away?" For whoever finds love, the joke is a bit overdone.

A male student smirked and said, "I moved, how about it! Do you want to hit me?"

The whole class laughed.

For whom to find love suppresses anger ...

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