Xu Ruofei was at a loss at this moment.

Immediately happy!

It's actually Tafmen! !!

In this holographic game of Super Heroes Island, there are some things that appear randomly, such as the boss of space time. Every day at a certain time, it will appear, there is a certain chance that the equipment will be good.

It may be three holes or it may be a high additional property.

Equipment manufacturing can only make up to 2 holes. The second gear cannot make three holes. But after the third gear, everyone is pursuing three holes, high additional attributes of equipment, and the best motherboard.

So many people look for doors every day online.

But there are so many doors, very rare.

Xu Ruofei directly contacted the Brotherhood: I found Taff Space Time Gate! Coordinate Brotherhood can be seen. No one is here yet. Come on!

Soon Xu Ruofei issued a team invitation.

Bingling Xueer replied: You go. I was here in Taff and saw a cute bunny pet.

Oh everyone said.

Mysterious girl.

However, Xu Ruofei knows that it is mainly because the team can only have five people, and it is not a team fight.

Xu Ruofei thinks that he is considering a mercenary regiment, but I don't know what they think?

Xu Ruofei formed Qi Sala, Xiaoyu Skeleton, and for whom love never fails.

Together, there are five of them.

Everyone sprinted quickly with the combination of swordsman and fighting spirit. Fire medicated fire woman accelerated.

Five people, four fighters, and one gunpowder.

At this point another team was approaching.

Xu Ruofei made an immediate decision and immediately clicked to enter. Since all five were together, they entered immediately.

"Hahaha, we grabbed it." The fish skeleton saw a team approaching.

This team is Xiaohe's team.

Xiaohe was depressed for a while: "It's hard to find out. It's gone. Which team was just here? I didn't see clearly."

"It seems to be a player with more than ten levels. I don't think I can win, and then I directly choose to give up the door."

Xiaohe's face turned black: "Oh, a door wasted! How good it is for us not to win. What a hilarity for more than a dozen!

"Yeah, what a pity. We almost came in."

at the same time.

Xu Ruofei and others have entered this space-time door.

A huge boss!

The body is two people tall, like a robot.

Screw the arm.

Mechanical body.

One side of the finger is a high-speed drill, and the other side is a round and thorny black hammer.

It's like holding an electric drill in one hand and a hedgehog in one hand.

There is a cabin on the head where a hamster sits.

The hamster controls the entire robot Taff.

"This is BOSS." Xiaoyu hit BOSS for the first time.

For whom love is also the first time.

Ye never looked at the boss.

Kisala groaned for a while: "It's hard to fight ..."

Who is looking for love and wondering at Tafu: "What's going on with this boss?"

Xu Ruofei paused and said, "High additional equipment. Second-level equipment can only add 6 or less."

For whom I do n’t understand, "What does it mean."

Kisala explained: "It's just that the equipment you make can only be 6 or less. It's like identification, physical attack +5, physical attack +6. The maximum is not more than 6."

"But BOSS is likely to identify a physical attack +8. If it is a basic attribute, it will be developed."

"Additional attributes are divided into physical attack, magic attack, gunpowder attack, physical defense, magic defense, gunpowder defense, and basic defense. There are also specific values ​​and percentages, but the second gear is basically a fixed value. Because the attributes are increased. Like physical attack +6 and physical attack plus 1.5%, the second gear basically uses +6 or more. "

After listening to Qisala ’s explanation, I was stunned for whom to find love: "Bull ... I have been watching the Raiders recently, and I haven't seen this one yet. What's the basis you just said?"

Ye never defeated and was defeated by Xiaobai, who shook his head. He shook his head and said, "Basic defense + 6 is equal to magic defense, gunpowder defense, and physical defense +6 at the same time."


The foundation is so bullish!

The same is +6, which is actually equivalent to +6 for each, which is equivalent to adding 18! !!

Triple the gap!

"That foundation must be expensive. It's hard to break." For who to find love, conclude.

The crowd nodded.

The problem now before everyone is to kill the boss first.

Take a look at the blood.

Lying down! !!

250000! !! !! !!

250 thousand blood! !!

Oh! !! !!

"Infinite death in the gate of time and space, once the equipment durability is dead. Unless the player feels too difficult, take the initiative to go out, and then leave."

"We can kill it!"

Several people just rushed out!

boom! !!

A loud noise! !!

Two elites armed with muskets appeared, stating Scavenger! !! !!

"Fuck! Summon!"

Everyone was shocked!

What's more, there are 150,000 blood!

For whom to find love, the two shots were spiked by the elite. Not even Taft physically touched.

Everyone: "..."

For whom to find love: "..."

"Let's go together?" The little fish skeleton asked.

The crowd nodded: "Let's do it together. They have high attack and heavy blood."

Qi Sara couldn't bear to break through the facts: "Oh, cue, in fact, our equipment is not formed. The defense is too low and the output is not good."

Little Fish Skeleton: "..."

Grandpa never said: "..."

Seraphim: "..."

Bingling Xueer was still watching other people ’s rabbit pets in the Taff Mine, and sent a message: "How's it going?

Seraphim: "... into ... but torture the boss ... it's like asking for abuse ..."

Bingling Xueer: "... you guys, come on. This rabbit is so cute ~ www.readwn.com ~ I want to buy a haha ​​too. Come on, hee hee."

Five people fight against the elite.

There is always someone in front of the team, go up one.

Die one.

Go up one.

Die one.

"Well? Six wings, how can you resist the elite attacks several times?"

Everyone suddenly discovered that although the elite attacked Xu Ruofei's blood, it also deducted a lot. But he was able to resist several attacks.

Everyone opened Xu Ruofei's properties panel to view the information.

"Crouch! Six wings, when did you get a perfect motherboard?"


"Six wings! You want to get level 25 ????"

Xu Ruofei said: "No. How could I give up the whole world for a map? Upgrade is the king!"

"These perfect equipment are not full of attributes, and when I found the door, I hit the stranger just by level 16. The equipment I wear now. Some of the second gear are not enough. So some are first gear and some are second gear.

Everyone looked at the equipment carefully, and it was true.

Everyone back out of the cordon, the boss will not go out of scope, neither will the elite.

"We change knights and swordmasters!" Kisala proposed.

"Knight? I went to learn at level 16."

Knights have the same skills as priests. With one skill, the target individual adds a large amount of blood, while causing a small amount of physical damage to the surroundings. Two skills, to create a physical absorption shield for ten seconds.

The third skill is heavy pressure, which reduces the movement speed of enemy units in the surrounding area. A large amount of player mana is deducted every second. As long as there is blue, open infinitely. Similar to weak spirituality.

Big move, all friends enjoy the power of nature for a certain period of time. Restores life every second during this period, while reducing damage by a certain percentage.

Everyone looked at Xu Ruofei, his eyes brightened!

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