Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 415: Infected crew

Xu Ruofei clicked a hero directly to learn in the magic hero interface.

When entering the Super God Hero Island, Xu Ruofei knew that the game could switch between physics, magic, and gunpowder. Players can learn at will. It just takes more time to improve hero skills.

Suppose you only play physics, it takes one month to upgrade the physics hero skills and buy physics equipment.

Then if you add another magic, that is double the time, and then add gunpowder, it will take three times as much energy.

There are also homes, so players can combine more freely.

Ordinary players can fix a series, and rich and energetic players can do all three series. The highest level of players is to learn 15 heroes. Can't bring so much to choose to forget.

Hero Forgotten will retain the player's previous level.

Of course, the game also has a gold setting. That's beyond 15 heroes. Players can expand a position for a thousand yuan. However, for the balance of game attributes, heroes outside the 15 main positions do not add any attributes to the player. It's just that it's convenient for players to change heroes at any time, and there is no need to run the hero skills instructor.

So the player can choose which 15 heroes with bonus attributes and which are not.

After Xu Ruofei learned this hero well, he went to meet them with Qi Sara.

"Come back?" Kisala said.

Xu Ruofei smiled, "Well. Let's go to the Rhine coast."

The Rhine coast is on the edge of the Coral Group, near the sea. That's why it's called the coast. There were some infected crew members there.

"Well. It's really the best place for us to upgrade."

Everyone went together.

Reefs and rocks are everywhere.

Next to it is the endless ocean, the azure ocean, and the bank rolls up layer by layer.

From time to time, the calm waters of the lake roll up, a peaceful scene.

A huge difference from the scenery is that there are many crew members with green spots on their skin. It looks like it was infected by a plague. The Rhine Coast is the best leveling place for levels 16 to 17.

Here the infected crew showed level 16 as well as level 17.

Xu Ruofei took the second-speed eye-catching key and went straight.

"Save ... I ..." The crew's eyes were flushed, his mouth murmured, and a fierce attack on Xu Ruofei.

Suddenly waved his fist and hit Xu Ruofei.

Xu Ruofei stepped back: "Hey! It's so realistic!"

Fight back at the same time.

You come and go on both sides.

You attack me.

I attack you.

The HP panel is beating.



-251 Critical strike!

Kisala rushed forward.

But Kisala's weapon was a broom, a two-handed weapon. The other hand is holding a shield. These are the two weapons of the soldier. One is the eye-catching key, and the other is the tree monster broom. Because of the type of weapons with both hands, the attributes are also different.

Treant broom, create attributes, physical attack +65 physical crit +23.

Eye-catching keys, attribute creation, physical attack +90 physical crit +137.

Looks like a Harry Potter's instant sight broom.

He never said defeat, picked up a musket and shot directly!




For whom to find love, there is already a little consciousness to move.

Bingling Cher is still touching the rabbit.

The player next to her was also a girl, and she looked impatient: "You're annoying. Keep watching my rabbit."

Bingling Xueer stared at her with big eyes: "Sister, it won't die if you look at it. I only watch it when it's cute. Does the sister sell?

Female player Lengheng: "Hum. You can't afford it. Ten thousand yuan, can you buy it?"

Bingling Xueer scratched her hair, poked with two fingers, poked with the index finger of his left hand: "Is it 10,000?"

Leng He playing machine: "Hum. Don't play games without money."

In fact, Bingling Xueer's family background is very big, it is not too much to say that the local tyrants. However, unlike her sister, Bingling Cher has no independent economy and is not allowed to waste money.

Unless she can make money herself.

Of course she also has pocket money, but the time for pocket money has not yet come.

"Okay, sister, you won." Bingling Xueer stood up before leaving.

Then fight with Xu Ruofei and others.

By the way, let's talk about it.

Bingling Xueer said dissatisfied, "Yes. This young lady is so stingy and speaks harshly."

Kisala asked if she was going to hand her Yun Yun worth ten thousand points.

"Ah?" Bingling Xueer froze. "What are you doing for me?" No need. The game. "

Kisala nodded. "So too. Don't care too much."

Bingling Xueer said, "I see that she seems to be from the fairy mercenary group."

Xu Ruofei watched the two talk, while fighting the infected crew: "Otherwise we should also create a mercenary regiment. I had this idea before, I don't know what you think?"

Qi Sala said: "It can be done. Join other mercenary regiments. Although others' mercenary regiments are strong, we can only be ordinary members, and the core is basically impossible. Mercenary regiments we create ourselves can develop ourselves. Just ... "

Ye never said defeat. In fact, he began to think about this idea and began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages: "Now the mercenary regiment resources are occupied by some old regiments, at least the materials for upgrading the regiment technology are controlled by them. Then the BOSS was basically The big group is almost divided. If we set up a mercenary group, it will be difficult to compete with them. "

"It's not just because we have fewer people than them, it's not enough."

"The advantage is that we have unlimited possibilities ~ www.readwn.com ~ They can recruit people, and we can also recruit soldiers. Because they are the mercenary regiments we have founded, we must have a higher status than joining other regiments. And because we have fewer people, Once BOSS is discovered, the profit for each person is also considerable. "

For whom love is not clear.

"Let ’s do it. Let ’s put together your ideas after we go back and make a decision at the end. I have a Q group, 64180889. You can join it. When the time comes, gather everyone ’s opinions." Xu Ruofei finished watching the time It's almost time to go offline.

Everyone nodded.

"Then I'll get off first, 88." Xu Ruofei said.

"Well. Goodbye." The little fish skeleton waved.

Ding! Seraph is offline.

Back to reality, Xu Ruofei turned on his computer to log in to the writer number. Found that the collection actually has 8216! Normally, the hot push is three or four thousand. Upset at one or two thousand. According to the ranking, there are no subsequent recommendations.

Xu Ruofei's unpopular classification is actually comparable to the performance of popular platinum authors.

Among writers, there are one to five writers, with the lowest one and the highest five. On this, there are also great **** authors and platinum authors.

The famous writer Tang Jia San Shao belongs to the top author and platinum author.

Becoming a platinum author is not to say that writing a popular bestseller is enough, at the very least becoming a great author. It is a book called God in people's mouth.

For example, "Eternal God" written by Feitianyu is a book-seal god. How about 800 years ago, how about 800 years later. Standing under the stone statue of Empress Chi Yao, she was in anger.

Platinum is more advanced than the Great God, and it needs several consecutive best-selling fire books in order to lay a godhead and have the chance to become a platinum author.

Xu Ruofei opened the webpage and moved the mouse to open the book review area ...

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