Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 419: 10 times the next day

at this moment.

Xu Ruofei heard this voice from the mercenary regiment.


Started a group again?

Lost, as if I've seen it myself.

It's Xiaohe's mercenary regiment, but what's going on?

Herd sneer: "You should be attacked by another mercenary group now?"

Suddenly, Xu Ruofei said, "Are you allies?"

The so-called alliance, as its name implies, is the alliance of different mercenary regiments. Once an alliance is attacked, other mercenary groups will take the initiative to stand up.

In the mercenary group interface, the group leader can choose to unite with two mercenaries.

Obviously, at one point, the new regiment dynasty was at a disadvantage.

Herd nodded, and at the same time, the federal Taff entrance began to flood a large number of 25 players.

The mercenary group displayed above the player's head is exactly the lost mercenary group!

The head of the group and cadres did not see it. Obviously went to hit the Taff Boss. But despite this, there were also influxes of fifty or sixty players.

The rising dynasty, which originally had an advantage, was momentarily inferior.

After all, a few players can play ten. Most players are one-on-one. Either you win or you lose.

When the number of players is crushed, it is no longer one to one. Instead, two or even three come to play one.

The scene was chaotic, and Xu Ruofei's mercenary regiment was losing ground. Team battle scores were suppressed.

Team battles can be declared mercenary regiments. At the same time, for a period of time after the declaration of war, the number of members killed each other to determine winning or losing.

In other words, the more players you kill during the team fight time, the more chance you have to win.

Xu Ruofei knew that the new group could not compare with the old group. The difference is in the time. But Xu Ruofei had to take the members to fight, even if he knew this was a battle that he would definitely lose.

Because someone was beaten and didn't know how to fight back, such a group was not willing to join. Mercenaries are more than just a guild-like place for players. It's more like having a family and a friend.

The face of a friend being chased and killed, but indifferent, will only make people chill.

So obviously he can't win, but fights against the water.

Watching the mercenary regiment members were killed one by one and besieged one by one. Xu Ruofei gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Xu Ruofei, who had already changed the combination of Valkyrie and fanatics, even killed his eyes.

The rising dynasty desperately resisted.

Qi Sarah carried Xu Ruofei's injuries several times, striving for more output space.

Ye never said that the equipment on his body was because he was swarmed many times, and the durability was red. Still stubborn.

For whom to find love is shuttled through the crowd, slashing wildly.

No one thinks this is a game. This is not just a game, it is the second world, and it belongs to everyone.

Xu Ruofei didn't know how many times he died, but only rushed out when he was resurrected.

Although this defeat is still glorious! !! !!

What I owe today, I will return ten times in the future! !! !! !!

You remember it to me. He will wait for me to make a comeback, and he will kill you!



After the team fight.

No sadness can be seen on the faces, and naturally no smile can be seen. Who can laugh at this time is really heartless.

Everyone actually feels a little upset, but it's not boring.

It's not good or bad.

"They are the old regiment, we are the new regiment, and the two regiments beat us. Although defeated, they are glorious." Some people comforted.

"The monthly mercenary regiment is too overbearing. Why should the new mercenary regiment give the old mercenary regiment and give gold coins regularly to enter the Taft map?"

"Yeah. I don't agree!"

Xu Ruofei watched the discussion and took a deep breath and said, "If there is no revenge, it is not a gentleman!"

Xu Ruofei then said: "As the cadres pull people into the regiment, they upgrade their capabilities."

"We lost in the bottom line, we lost in the number and personal quality. Pulling people and improving our strength is the solution."

"At the same time, the number of motherboard equipment awards has been changed from three to the top ten for monthly group contributions."

"The rest of the rules don't move."

After saying these words, Xu Ruofei groaned: "We will fight again in seven days. The cadres and I will go to brush mystery and treasure. The rest of the regiment will be temporarily handed over to the ice spirit. If the mage's cheats are broken, it will be given to ice spirit Xueer."

Bingling Xueer was flattered: "Mage Cheats for me?"

"Well, you saw it, Qisala and me, the Skeleton of Fish, and whoever is looking for love are warriors. God never said defeat is gunpowder. Four gunners are one gunpowder, and the master's cheats are not used."

Xu Ruofei plans to brush mystery and treasure. Mystery and treasure hunting are a special thing. And there are no level restrictions. As small as zero and as big as full.

Can explode many rare things, since it is rare, then the probability ... haha ​​...

Rare Materials, Rare Hero Cheats, Rare Pets and more.

Know that Hero Tutors can get and learn some of them for free. Some ca n’t learn directly and need to consume corresponding cheats.

And these mysteries only have a low probability of mystery and treasure hunting, so heroic cheats are very sought after. The stronger the hero, the harder it is to explode, and the harder it is to buy.

The most important point is that mystery and treasure hunting need to purchase corresponding tickets to enter ~ www.readwn.com ~ One time to enter the mystery requires a mysterious admission ticket.

To enter a treasure hunt, you need to consume a ticket to the treasure hunt.

These tickets need to be paid for real money and can be purchased in advance. It's equivalent to tens of yuan each.

Sometimes you brush thousands of dollars, and you may not get the money back.

With good luck, I made a profit in a moment. It's hard to say, all depends on luck.

Xu Ruofei plans to spend half of his time on my treasure and half of my time.

This time Xu Ruofei has lost his blood, hoping that something good will come out.

Mystery is to single out the little boss directly, with little blood, not difficult. After easily killing, you can see what broke.

Taking the treasure is all the way to the finish line. Choose one of ten treasure chests on the finish line to open it. What is open is what.

Similar to the dnf flop, it's just a treasure chest.

After arranging the size of the mercenary group, Xu Ruofei assembled four people.

Members envy for a while!

"Oh, cadres still have this kind of welfare ~ The head of the regimen is indeed a tyrant!"

"The leader just said that the team fight will take place in seven days !?"

"Are you going to do the Yueli Independent Mercenary Regiment and the Lost Mercenary Regiment? We should not win the old regiment."

"It looks like we're going to pull people into the regiment to meet the team fight seven days later!"

"Look at the world trumpet, Yuedu is clamoring, saying that we are hot chicken. Hey his uncle!"

Xu Ruofei snorted: "We will not lose again next time!"

"Go. Brush mystery and treasure hunt." Xu Ruofei bought the ticket and took the team to start brushing!

Entered mysterious for the first time and broke up garbage.

The second time, mysteriously, the junk items were exploded.

The third mystery is still garbage.

Brushing again and again, until the 52nd time, finally broke out! !! !!

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